Endorush Orange Fix Energy Drink Review

Cost:$3.99(4 servings)
Cost Per Ounce:$0.28
Active Ingredients:Caffeine, Vinca Alkaloids, L-Tyrosine, Acetyl–Tyrosine, Glucuronolactone
Taste Rating:7.7
Kick Rating:10
Final Judgment Rating:9
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Endorush Orange Fix Energy Drink Review
Well first off this is the second review I have done on Endorush. The first review was done on the Fruit Punch flavor. Here is a little background on Endorush if you have not already read the first review (if you have skip to the good stuff below). This drink is marketed in the Hardcore Energy Drink segment as this aint your typical Monster Energy Drink. Endorush is made by BSN which also offers thermogenic fat burners, creatine and other performance based products. That being said, this beverage is not for the typical user, it is more for the Gym rat or performance athlete. Endorush goes for about $3.99 a bottle. Seems steep at first but you have to realize that it will give you up to 4 servings (16 ounces). Since this is more of a performance based drink I will drink half before my workout and half later on in the day. So let's start the review.
Endorush Orange Fix Energy Drink Review: Taste
Orange Fix basically has a pretty potent tasting orange flavor. There is a slight medicinal after taste to this flavor but they do pack in a lot of energy ingredients so I can see why. The orange flavor is not bad and is something you can get used to but I preferred there Fruit Punch Mix. But taste is subjective so you may like the orange flavor. Either the taste was decent. Taste Rating - 7.7
Endorush Orange Fix Energy Drink Review: Kick
Well having tried Endorush before I was fully aware of what to expect in the kick category. This beverage has 4 serving which contain 85 milligrams of caffeine each (340 milligrams of caffeine for the entire bottle) which is why I drank half before the workout and half later. Basically the kick is phenomenal. Having no sugar at all means that I experienced no crash after consuming. Another plus. The kick is phenomenal and this is definitely one of the strongest energy drinks on the market. Kick Rating - 10
Endorush Orange Fix Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
Pretty good tasting hardcore energy drink. No crash. Just remember there is a quite a bit of caffeine in here so if you are not used to that amount of caffeine take one serving at a time. Cost is not too bad either- $3.99 for 4 serving ($1.00 per serving). I still like the fruit punch flavor better but overall this is still a strong performer! Final Judgment - 9.0