Monster Assault Energy Drink Review

Cost Per Ounce:$0.13
Active Ingredients:Caffeine, Taurine,B-Vitamins, Guarana
Taste Rating:8.9
Kick Rating:8.8
Final Judgment Rating:8.9
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Monster Assault Energy Drink Review
Well today I thought I would complete the review of all the Monster Energy Drinks by finally trying the Monster Assault Energy Drink. Yeah, yeah, I know it has been out for a long time but I have been so busy with my other more obscure Energy Drink Reviews that I have neglected some of the big boys. Well slowly but surely I will chip away at them. Enough BS and onto the 16 ounce Monster Assault Energy Drink Review!
Or take a look at the other reviews from Monster
Monster Hitman - Energy Shooter
Monster Energy Drink - Original
Monster Assault Energy Drink Review: Taste
I am sure it is safe to say that the majority of you reading this post are pretty familiar with the Original Monster Energy Drink. If not the original has a distinct citrus taste to it. Well the Monster Assault Energy Drink is not too much different. The only real difference that I could for sure pin point is that the citrus taste was a little more tart than the original. Maybe a hint of berry flavor? Not exactly sure how to describe it. However, in my opinion the taste was substantially better than the original and that is all that really matters. So if you are looking to try a new flavor of Monster and you like the original, give Monster Assault a try. Taste Rating - 8.9
Monster Assault Energy Drink Review: Kick
Well as far as I can tell the energy ingredients are the same as all the other Monster Drinks. I have no idea how much caffeine is exactly in this drink but the original has 140 milligrams of caffeine (16 ounces) and I believe (don't quote me)that the Assault has the same amount. Besides the caffeine there is also 2000 milligrams of taurine (16 ounces) and a nice helping of B-Vitamins. So again the kick is pretty good, it kept me going for quite awhile, although there was a slight crash after about 3 hours. Nothing too bad, but I could notice it. Kick Rating - 8.8
Monster Assault Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
Well it taste better than the original monster, gives off the same kick and has a pretty decent price tag of $1.99. Monster also offers quite a variety as you can get it in an 8.3, 16 or 24 ounce can. The bases seem to be covered for a good energy drink so I will give it a Final Judgment of 8.9.
Labels: Monster Energy Drinks
fawkeee fawk fawk, this drink
is fawken the BOMB, i give this
a fawken 5 rating, its top of all
my other drinks i drink, such as
Rockstars, NOS, Redbull, Redjak,
Monsters Assualt, Full Throttle, Pimp Juice, DAMN!!! this drink is AMAZINNGGG
Monster Assault tastes like Li Hing Mui and Lime.....
That's my two cents!
Tastes like absolute shit! Like cough syrup. This guy is a moron. Do NOT buy.
The "mystery" taste in this drink is ginger. Drink regular Monster with a gingerbread cookie and you will notice it. :)
I don't know what the other people are saying when they say this drink isn't good but monster has the best energy drink on the market.
this is my fav monster, i think monster kicks a**!!!!! skin energy is my new thing but i don't care what anybody says monster rocks and is still one of my drinks
There really isn't a Monster that you can call "bad", per se. Perhaps maybe Khaos, but that's beside the point.
Assault is pretty damn good. I never knew that was ginger until Ryan pointed that out. Since he said that, I can definitely taste it.c
All the Monster Energy drinks are the best. I tried different energy drinks but nothings is similar to Monster. Definitely worth couple of bucks. Would be best if they would make Khaos and Assault in 24oz can like the original but with a cap. Easier to carry around.
Awful. It tasted like a mix of root beer, Jaeger Bomb, and rotten strawberries.
Stay away.
Ok this monster is the awesomest monster ever. It is a kick ass monster.
with monster assault, its either you love it or you hate it. In my opinion its the best flavor monster has to offer. But its definitely worth trying it, just to see if you like it or not.
I'm not sure what everyone else is tasting in Assault. It is not citrus, nor berry, nor ginger. It is slightly akin to a Jaggerbomb and has a syrupy dark cherry character. I have read elsewhere that it is meant to approximate Cherry Cola. I can see that. Anyway, I hate the strange undertaste of regular Monster, but with this one it works. Decent kick, but not the cocaine-like rampage that some have. Drink it ice cold for the best taste.
Assault is the best monster ive tasted and i lov all of da them but Khaos it just tastes like unripe orange juice
Id give it a 7 for one reason i dont like to drink 2 in a row idk why id like to alternate between or assault btw there are bigger monsters 32oz called a BFC yes it mean BIG F@©*$ING CAN lol they also have heavy metal bfc but it taste no so good k 80 and heavy metal my least fav monsters
You guys who gave a bad review your taste buds are gone this stuff is awesome it has a cherry taste to and its the best fricken drink on the planet
I love Monster Assault. The flavor to me is totally different then all of you mention. To me it taste like bubble gum with a cherry flavor. Not cough medicine cherry yuck. It taste like a cherry soda. I am addicted and will continue buying this kind
Monster Assault tastes like medicine with a hint of bubblegum. I don't like it.
I like the Khaos flavor a hell of a lot more.
Probably the best damn energy drink you will ever find. For those of you who commented on it's flavour where have you been for the past 100 years? It tastes like cola with a taurine twist. Red bull rockstar and monster all have this taurine flavour that's sour and sweet at the same time. It also has one cool assed can.
Monster Assault Rocks!
I had this once and I didn't feel anything. I'm usually naturally up beat and sometimes hyper. I did feel the crash though.
i like it tastes sorta like the black mamba venom both are great o only like the venom ones because the bottles kick donkey ainus
I like the taste of this drink plus with the kick just as the original monster, however nothing beats the original. GREAT DRINK. Pretty dame expensive 2.49+tax+crv at my 7-11.
whoever said this drink taste likee shyt is the moron its the best energy i ever tasted in my life and assault is thee best monster drink there is wayy better then the original
this kid who compared it to cough syrup obviously doesn't know what cough syrup tastes like cause its a complete 180 idiot
Made the mistake of buying a 4 pack the other day. Luckily they're almost gone. Tastes like carbonated robitussin, in short, fucking awful. I've tried quite a few brands of energy drink, and this has to be my least favorite flavor of all of them. Honestly, if the store had NOS (imo the best widely available energy drink) in stock I would have never had the misfortune of trying this terrible excuse for a drink.
Strong as hell
I Love Monster Assault its the only drink i will buy. I do find that some of the drinks taste different depending on how close they are to expiration date. So make sure you check the date, the closer it is to expired the bitter the after taste. I myself am at over 300 cans in two years, and unlike some, Ive never had a seizure or any other episode. The one woman's husband must had had some caffeine allergies or something. I do give Monster Assault a 10 for taste and originality.
I love it!! Tasted kinda like those red and blue sugar coated gummy worms. <3
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