Mountain Dew MDX Energy Soda Review

Cost: $.99
Cost Per Ounce: $.07
Active Ingredients: Caffeine, Taurine, Ginseng, Guarana
Taste Rating: 6.5
Kick Rating: 6
Final Judgment Rating: 6.5
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Mountain Dew MDX Energy Soda Review
Keeping on the low budget energy drinks I decided to try the new Mountain Dew MDX Energy Soda. Combine the cheap price with the fact that it is made by Mountain dew and you get a winning combination. At least that is what I am hoping for with this Mountain Dew MDX Energy Soda. I think Mountain Dew released this to compete
with the Vault Energy Drink that Coca-Cola came out with. They are also marketing Vault as an energy beverage that kicks like a soda. Let's see how this drink stacks up against the competition.
Mountain Dew MDX Energy Soda Review: Taste
This tastes very similar to the original Mountain Dew except that it has a bit more of a melon taste than a citrus taste. That and the fact that there is a slight after taste which probably comes from the energy ingredients of Taurine, Ginseng, and Guarana. This definitely does not taste like the regular energy drinks that you are used too, but it still has a slight medicinal after taste. Overall I think that the Vault Energy Drink does a better job of mimicking Mountain Dew than the new Mountain Dew MDX Energy Soda. I will give this soda an average rating of 6.5.
Mountain Dew MDX Energy Soda Review: Kick
This soda is not going to be as strong as most energy drinks but I was rather impressed. For $.99 you get 14 ounces of relatively decent kick. The only drawback to this is the kick does not last too long and there is a pretty noticeable crash afterwards. This is not your best bet for a morning coffee replacer or a substitute
for that all night study bender but it would definitely be a good in between drink. Kick rating gets a 6.
Mountain Dew MDX Energy Soda Review: Final Judgment
Overall this is not bad for an energy soda. But if your looking for a pick me up this is probably not the drink for you. It does taste good and it is cheap so I will be kind and pass a final judgment of 6.5, which is a full point lower than I gave Vault. Check out the Vault Energy Drink Review
Previous Energy Drink Reviews
Mountain Dew MDX has a 20oz version out now and I think it is alot better than the original smaller one, more of a soda taste than an energy drink, with a noticable kick
this definately deserves a better rating especially for its taste and kick. it also has this really unique brightness that makes it alot more fun to drink than the average energy drink
They seriously should re-release this stuff. I not only absolutely LOVED the taste, but the buzz was really nice. I am no amateur when it comes to energy drinks and I have tried nearly all of them. I drink at least an energy drink a day and not even Cocaine affects me anymore. And I admit I drank down an MDX and I felt a nice tingly buzz from it. It only lasted a few minutes but afterwards I felt great.
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