Diet Pepsi Max Drink Review

Cost: $1.29 - 20 ounce bottle
Cost Per Ounce:$0.06
Active Ingredients:Caffeine
Taste Rating:8.2
Kick Rating:9.5 (for value)
Final Judgment Rating:8.7 - good value
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Diet Pepsi Max Drink Review
Well I don't know if this technically constitutes an Energy Drink but I am going to review it anyway as the added caffeine of Diet Pepsi Max puts it on par with some energy drinks. This product has actually been around for quite some time overseas. It has been in the UK Market since 1993, but was just known as Pepsi Max. With the ever increasing focus on caffeine content, Pepsi Co. decided to introduce it in the United States. So how much caffeine does Diet Pepsi Max have and how does it compare to some of the more popular energy drinks? Well it really depends on what size you get as it is available in 12 ounce cans, 20 ounce bottles and two-liter bottles. Read on to find out!
Diet Pepsi Max Drink Review: Taste
Well first off this drink basically tastes like a Diet Pepsi or similar generic diet colas. It still has artificial sweeteners to keep the calorie count to zero. I thought there would be a taste difference between the original diet Pepsi and the diet Pepsi Max because of the added caffeine, but I was unable to notice any difference. Since this drink is technically not an energy drink I am not sure how to rate the taste. I personally am not a huge fan of Diet Pepsi but a lot of people are. However, if you like Diet Pepsi you should enjoy Diet Pepsi Max. Taste Rating 8.2
Diet Pepsi Max Review: Kick
Well exactly how much caffeine does it have? Well in 8 ounces there is 46 milligrams of caffeine. So a 12 ounce can has roughly 69 milligrams of caffeine and a 16 ounce bottle would have 92 milligrams of caffeine. For comparison we will use Red Bull as it is currently the most popular energy drink on the market (although I don't know why). A 8.4 ounce Red Bull contains 80 milligrams of caffeine. You pay about $2.00 for the 80 milligrams of caffeine so about $0.03 per milligram of caffeine. You can pick up a 20 ounce diet pepsi max for $1.29 which would give you 115 milligrams of caffeine or about $0.01 per milligram of caffeine. Taking it even further you can get a two liter of diet Pepsi Max for about $2.00 which is roughly 68 ounces. This two liter has a total of 391 milligrams of caffeine in it which brings the cost per milligram of caffeine well below $0.01. What am I getting at. The caffeine is cheap! For the review I had a 20 ounce bottle (115 milligrams) of caffeine. The kick was alright but it was not on par with the Strongest Energy Drinks on the market. However, the value rating is unbelievable. Since the value is so good I will add that into the kick equation. Kick Rating - 9.5
Diet Pepsi Max Review: Final Judgment
Tastes like a diet Pepsi and gives you a cheap kick. The only bad thing is if you want a big kick like the strongest energy drinks would supply, you would have to drink a two liter bottle (about 68 ounces) which is a lot. However, you can get that two liter for about $2.00. So no diet Pepsi Max is not technically an energy drink, but if you drink enough of it you can get the same effects. I can't wait until parents start buying this for there 10 and 12 year olds. Would make for some great videos to post on You Tube! Final Judgment - 8.7
My family loves Diet Pepsi Max. Unfortunately, we cannot find a store that sells it in cans. I rate this soda 10++++.
I would have to agree with the other post. It is a 10/10 for the money and value. I drink it for the caffeine as much as the ginseng, which is said to allow your body to develop muscles better, and stimulate your immune system and libido. I honestly feel great after drinking it, and it has no calories. I must for dieters. Wow im starting to sound like an add for pepsi Max :P...
Carefull folks, you crash hard with this stuff
i'm a pepsi max addict!! i drink about 2-3l a day... tried to stop and drink water instead but it isn't possible...
I love diet pepsi max! no calories and it keeps me going all day...also love the song from the commercial! I give it a 10/10!
I drink this everday and it is delicious. It has alot of energy in it and keeps you awake. I took it for along time now, and now I seem to have withdrawl symptoms. If i do not have it in my daily diet, I begin to shake uncontrollably and begin to feel sick w/o it. I rate it a 10/10.
I drink a 2 liter bottle of Pepsi Diet Max everyday. I am 64 years old. It's the best cola I have ever tasted. I compare it with Diet Zero Coke. Irate it 10+
Hey Max - I lllllllike it, I have never been a soda drinker, but I got ataste of this at a sampling station and it hooked me, I keep it around for when I have the urge, usually three 12 ounce cans a week, it's made a soda drinker outta me...:) I give it a 10++
diet pepsi max is awesome! im used to drinking a cup of coffee a day...but i tryed drinking pepsi max instead...and its realy good....its been over a month now and ive had 1 every day! they r realy good! and the funny thing is that before trying pepsi max, i never liked pepsi or diet pepsi in general.
Their radio commercials are the one reason I will never try this product. Having some a$$hole scream at you? That's how you sell product? Awesome.
all you guys are addicted because soda has caffine in it. caffine is a drug. drugs are addicting. you may not think it but trying to stop drinking pop is probably just as hard to quit smoking.
I've been drinking 2 litres of Pepsi Max (UK) a day since I was 12 (now 22). If I go the morning without drinking any I get unbearable headaches which are almost instantly cured by a can or two.
If you drink this, have it in moderation! I can't quit!
This is good stuff. Has a nice bite on the tongue/throat which I like. I down about 3 cans a day.
I was floored when I tasted Pepsi Max finally a diet drink that tastes good.Good job to whoever invented Pepsi Max.Joe
I've got to wonder what other things people are drinking that they think this a)tastes good and b)tastes like regular Pepsi. Most diet colas have a sweet taste to them. This has almost no sweet taste to it, at all. Coke Zero is still the only diet cola worth drinking, and even that isn't that great.
I got about 4 bottles of this for free, and wish I could give them back.
-Stacey E
I LOVE PEPSI MAX!!! The best diet soda in the world. It taste better than any other diet soda hands down...shutitdown!!!LOVE LOVE LOVE
Just thought I'd add that the original pepsi max was in canada around 1993 and was marketed as 1/3 less sugar same great taste and had no added caffeine or ginseng at the time. It wasn't available for very long.
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