Which Energy Drink is the Strongest?

Well I have been getting a lot of emails asking, Which Energy Drink is the Strongest, so I figured I might as well right up a post on it. Well there are many ways to go about deciding the strongest energy drink. You can go buy caffeine, combination of caffeine and guarana, or even better yet you could ignore what the side of the can says and go by instinct. Having reviewed 50 plus energy drinks, I have come across some drinks that have enormous amounts of caffeine and some drinks that I am not exactly sure how much caffeine they contain, yet they give off a surprising burst of energy. So to answer your question about the strongest energy drink, I give you my top five strongest energy drinks based on none other than my instincts. Ok so the list has been updated a couple times. I have now reviewed about 130 drinks so there are some new powerful beverages out there!
1) Wired X-505 - Just read the review. You will see why its the strongest.
2) 5-Hour Energy - This is the drink I was talking about when I said I had no idea how much caffeine was in it; however, the combination of caffeine, taurine and b-vitamins in that 2 ounce energy shot is amazing. This is by far my choice for strongest energy drink.
Buy 5-Hour Energy Drink Here!
3) Fixx Energy Drink - Very, Very Strong Drink. 500 Milligrams of caffeine pretty much says it all!
4) Redline comes in a not so distant third on the list. Similar, effects as 5-Hour Energy. This includes an undisclosed amount of caffeine. But whatever is in it it really packs a punch!
Buy Redline Energy Drink Here
5) Cocaine Energy Drink - You got it, the controversial drink boasts a whopping 280 mg of caffeine in a single 8.4 ounce serving. As of right now this drink holds the record for most caffeine per ounce for energy drinks (this doesn't count energy shots).
6) The Celsius Energy Drink also wallops a nice punch. In only 12 ounces this drink packs in 200 mg of caffeine. While not the most caffeine out there, at 12 ounces it is definitely one of the highest amounts per ounce. And let me tell you, it still gives a nice kick!
7) Wired X-344 Replaces the classic Wired X-294, except it now has 344 milligrams of caffeine and packs am even bigger kick!
I hope I answered your question of, Which Energy Drink is the Strongest with my top five list. There are drinks out there with more caffeine such as Rockstar Zero Carb but, you have to drink 24 ounces to beat the ones I have listed here.
Honorable mention goes out to, Hype MFP, NOS and Who's Your Daddy! If you guys have personal opinions on the matter feel free to chime in. I will take your thoughts into consideration.... Maybe!
Redline is the king of energy drinks--its not just about who can put the most caffiene into a drink. Too much caffiene makes you feel uncomfortable and wired. Why would anyone pay for an anxiety attack? Redline has the distinct advantage of really jacking up your mood also which is absent from other energy drinks and an absolute necessity for women.
Did you read the post at all? The #1 drink that "I" thought was the strongest was 5 Hour Energy which i state that "I" don't know how much caffeine it contains. "I" like the results that is why "I" put it at #1.
I am glad you like redline as well. I like using it before a workout sometimes!
Rockstar takes the win in my opinion.
"Did you read the post at all? The #1 drink that "I" thought was the strongest was 5 Hour Energy which i state that "I" don't know how much caffeine it contains. "I" like the results that is why "I" put it at #1."
Whoa, dude. Chill out. Did you drink all of them at the same time or something? ;)
Rock Star is pretty much the best thing ever :)
A 24 ounce can of Boo-Koo Energy contains 360 milligrams of caffeine, that is almost 4 times as 5-hours Energy drink, in my side, thats the strongest one.
5 Hour Energy claims to have the same amount of caffine as a single cup of coffee. This is why you don't feel the later "crash" as you sometimes experience with other high caffine products.
wow,two drinks that actually taste great and leave you wired are DICKENS ENERGY CIDER and TURNLEFT ENERGY DRINK.ive tried the rest,they give you the kick but leave you gagging,these two are pallet pleasers!!!!!!
those drinks are good but bookoo is the best it has 4 times the amount of caffeine as redbull in a 24 ounce can. I drank 2 at lunch one day and was literally vibrating for my last 2 classes
My fav is redline and spikes, but the storongest is def stacker 2 blackjax drink, its about a shot but its 5,000% caffenine
Rockstar juiced, in the pink can is my pick. Great taste, great boost, no jitters.
By far to me, Redline is the most potent energy drink, I can drink 5 red bulls, and I would not have the kick that I do with 1 bottle of Redline. I really want to try the cocaine drink though.
monster diet = great mixer w/ light rum and splash of malibu / slice o' lemon
5-hour for decent sustained alertness after a sleep deprived episode
can u guys rate demon energy drink
its a nz drink i think it deserves #1
go google it i dont know the website
after drinkin the cocain energy drink some how my penis fell off so i dont think it is good the but after gluing it back on i did feel a burst of energy
why don't you guys just buy caffeine pills from CVS... I think that like 24 200 mg tablets would probably cost I don't know, $5... then drink some koolaid to wash it down or something.
honestly this whole energy drink trend is astonishing, like bottled water all over again except that at least I can understand why bottled water is convenient, you can't haul around a gallon of water with you. carrying 5 grams of caffeine in your pocket or purse is something you could easily do.
save your money and buy some caffeine pills, jeez.
u have to try the 22oz bottle of NOS. in the bottle there is
2750mg of taurine
550mg L-carnitine
343mg of caffeine
274mg of inositol
136mg of panax Ginseng
it taste better in a bottle then a can and drink it cold
redline is a good energy drink i drank one before a hard work out and i was hella hyper but it felt like my heart was about to explode. also redline comes in different flavors.
i have tried a bunch and 5 hour energy shot i like the best. its easy to swallow, goes down fast. boost you up and no crash later. the rest are just too much drink for to little kick... also. i do use the caffine pills and they work jsut the same and are MUCH cheaper! so for a quick boost keep a pack of pep as i call it. in your pocket or purse... they work just as fast and if you take only one you wont get jittery or crash later on... i got through my graveyard shift at the casino taht way.a dn also lost 20 lbs! woohoo
Yeah, if you haven't tried NOS's bottled version, you need to give it a shot. There are more energy boosting ingredients then there are in the can.
im telling you a lot of people only drink energy drinks for the taste, I love rockstar and sure you get a little kick but I mean really these energy may be used by some athletes but theya re marketed to and drunk by teens who just like the taste or wanna stay awake in english class...
I have tasted so many that I believe rockstar punched, Speed shot and redline are the best I've tried so far oh by the way 5 hour energy has no guarana which guarana is like caffiene but stays longer in you and caffiene is quick energy.
you should only take energy drinks if your an athelete because if your not your taking in so many calories and dont buy energy drinks that has high frutose corn syrup that stuff makes you fat i'm serious it slows you down regular coke has it thats why many energy drinks took it out of there drinks its an artificial sweetner cheap stuff and companies make profit stick to rockstar, speed shot and redline to work out
I tried a new energy drink today and cannot find it rated or on any list. It has its own web site NOFEAR.COM and 3 energy drinks, all balck cans, one with red, one with gold and one with blue. The blue is sugar free which I always drink and when you click on it, it merely shows the ingredients and mg's of each which is obviously on the can. But I called the toll free #and they did not seem to have a clue what I was asking as to how long the kick lasted etc. However, they said they are their own company and not to be confused with SoBe No Fear which I also drink sometimes. They sale alot of clothing and 'garbage"promoting thier drink and the site appears they are more interested in selling this ccrap than the drink itself. Can you PLEASE HELP and see what you can find out about this drink as far as the rating and is it So Be and are they fibbing . If so, why would they do that. Thanks so much and appreciate any info as I cannot find it anywhere but at their sitehttp://energy.nofear.com/ and just clcik on drink at top.I am not good at getting back to sites I look at and if you find ANYTHING, would you be so kind as to email to SCgirlsonice@aol.com. Thank you so much and have a great day.
I have never seen this Redline - what does the can look like but asked in 2 stores that pretty much stock them all and they never heard of Redline. Thanks
One important question I could not find. I only drink sugar free and like low carb energy drinks. Before I search high and low for this Redline so many people seem to like, does it come in sugar free and low card and what color can or is it a bottle?? Thanks so much
NOS i think is the best boost and best taste, try it and and you will see.
I've tried ALOT of different energy drinks, but them alone don't do the trick. I've noticed that I have to mix alot of different drinks/pills to even feel a kick. For example I had two cups of coffee, a nos energy drink 3 migraine killers (65 mg caffine each) and a five hour energy shot. But ti only last for like a half hour.
Is there anything else I could try besides illegal substances???
I think you should update this list, Spike shooter needs to be on here with 300mg of caffine
Cocaine...is great....the drug and also the energy drink.
i think spike shooters are the best out there the have the best kick and will send you heart to redline.
What about Endorush?
You gave that a killer review. i cant wait to try it. My gym is out of stock with it and i cant find it anywhere else. Not even GNC.
amps are the best
Rockstar sucks. Redline and Nos are the two best in my oponion.
I am a 5 hour junkie! But I did get a new brand for christmas which was great! Love it! It is called shotz! I dont like to crash so I have always drink the 5 hours! But Check the shotz out! They are great.
I can't believe you didn't mention Spike. You gave it a 10 on the kick scale. It's my preferred energy drink; great kick and no sugar, carbs, or calories. Tastes good too...
What about the new FIXX Extreme Ultra Shot? 400mg of caffeine in a teaspoon? That's friggin insane! I already pre-ordered some. I can't even begin to imagine what it's going to be like!
well. ive tried a few. but ive always been fond of the little 180s. i neeed to find one of those 505s though i wonder how it compares t o a monster bfg
Ive tried over 100 different types of energy drinks, im always buying them left and right.. Although Ive never taken Redline, I hear the reviews for it are really good, but beside that, the most potent energy drink ive had so far is NOS, and the stackers. I still have yet to try one thats better than nos, as nos hardly does anything to me anymore.
Spike will kick every energy drinks ass. It has shit in it that no other energy drink does. look it it up. the only drink that comes close is redline.
Spike is the most potent energy drink around. They had it banned in colorado schools because it put over 7 kids in the hospital for nausea, irregular heartbeats, and even seizures. Look it up on youtube. Redline is the only one that comes close.
red bulllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!
and to prove you people have died from it gives you crazy adrenalin rush and have been illegal in some countries so try it
Guys, I'm surprised that Spike Shooter wasn't listed. It's an 8.4oz can w/ 330mg of caffine and no sugar and tons of other energy stuff. Also has a warning label on it. Check it out, tastes really good too.
i think spike shooter should be on your list. To me the kick is similar to redline but it has a better taste.
The cocain energy drinks #1 then spike energy drink then #3 redbull #4 redline #5 nos.
N-rgy drinker
Yep, Spike Shooter.
I have only tried one and it was so strong I will not try another. I tired 'Quila Lime.
Taste was outstanding.
But I could not sit still in my office. I felt like running laps around....a medium sized city.
I am not sensitive to caffine at all. I drank two bottles of redline and a big can of monster and I didn't sleep all night. That redline should be illeagal haha.
ahah not saying redline is bad, but i had drank this before hockey practice and felt extremely hot uncomfortable and very dizzy. i have had much stronger drinks before this. Redline is not a workout drink for the occasional jogger or sports player. Its geared towards wheight lifters,body builders and *extremely vigorous sports and activities. just lettin u know
I tried the link you have for Wired X-505 and I could not find this drink on the website. Have they stopped making it??
THANKS for the review BUT.....Doesnt Spike have more caffeine then Cocaine Energy?? How did Spike not make your list? lol
If its taste you want, go for Venom: Black Mamba. There's not so much a kick with it as there is alertness, which is what I really look for in an energy drink. There's almost no crash at the end as well.
were can i buy wired x-505 other than that website because i cant find it in any 7/11 or liquor stores around my house
If someone is reading these reviews and are only looking for the strongest drink to get you wired like im looking for, no matter the tast/burn etc. just drink iced coffee.
it is basically the strongest stuff you can get. at least in europe. 500mg caffine. in a 500g box. about 10% caffine in other words pretty good. I chug down 3 - 4 a day. (I have a really boring job) It doesnt get me like hyper/shaky and stuff. but keeps me awake for 12 hours straight no matter how tired i am.
Monavie is my favorite. It gives you the kick needed to lift up your spirits and adrenalin.
Redline watermelon is the best 316 my of caffeine in each bottle. I drink one before school each day and I wash it down with a redbull. Endorush is pretty good to just taste horrible compared to redline about the same effect though
Has anyone tried red rain energy shots? All I used to drink was 5-hour energy but recently tried red rain and I feel the same as 5-hour with a quarter of the price. At walmart 5-hour 4pack was $8 something and red rain 12 pack was $9 something... I'm sold on the red rain!!
There are so much energy drinks out there, but there is one new one, NATURAL, and it is the strongest in the world per ounce, Mandura 180, find out more buy clicking my name...180 mg of coffeine,...lime taste..
Redline is strongest the redline 7 hour has 350 mg of caffiene in 2.5 oz.
as far as taste goes, my favorite has always been Monster: Khaos. but if i ever wanted a real kick, i usually down 2 Redlines, cuz redbull barely affects me unless i have 3+ of them. to those trying to find it: Redline is hard to find in stores/gas stations/etc. ive looked in towns in multiple states and still only ever found one place that sold them. (luckily it was a gas station not far from me, in the town i was living in at the time) i would *LOVE* to try a Wired X505. if anyone could tell me somewhere other than online where i could find it, that would be AMAZING!!
Rockstars the way to go. Also monster javas get me super jacked.
But the hole energy drink before a workout is no bueno, makes me feel like Ima have a heart attack.
Blast Caffeine guys....
Were is redbull in al this. In my opinion monsters to sweet rock star has good energy boost but the after fast is Awful my personal favourit is red bull its got good energy And a low perctage that you'll have a crash even if u chug one back
I agree, Spike should be on the list! and in the number one spot too!
However if you really want a good kick just do an ECA stack put together from Walmart.
25 MG Ephedra (Primetine tabs)
200 MG caffeine (Stay awake tabs)
325 MG Aspirin
The whole lot will be around 0.40 per dose.
EVERYONE LISTEN!! all our bodies are different and were all gonna react differently. Ive tasted most eneregy drinks aside from ones with ridiculous names (cocaine) I believe NOS is the best one. helps you focus, a mean burst of energy and a light crash, jst alot of yawns
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