Tab Energy Drink Review

Cost: $2.00
Cost Per Ounce: $0.19
Active Ingredients: Caffeine, Taurine, Ginseng, Guarana,
Taste Rating: 8.5
Kick Rating: 8.5
Final Judgment Rating: 8.0 - could be Cheaper.
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Tab Energy Drink Review
After having a rather rough weekend I needed an drink to get me going. At the local BP I noticed that there was a Tab Energy drink. I thought to myself that there is no way possible that Coca-Cola came back with this old school diet beverage in energy drink format. Sure enough the Tab Energy drink was mad by Coca-Cola and had
only 5 calories per serving. Keeping my girlish figure in mind, I decided to purchase this drink. Here is what I think of the Tab Energy drink.
Tab Energy Drink Review: Taste
This drink has a sweet and sour taste to it. You can tell they tried to add some type of watermelon flavor to it but it ends up being overwhelmed by the ingredients that give you the energy leaving a slightly sour aftertaste. It was rather pleasing to drink and it comes in a 10.5 ounce can, which is fairly unique for this market. I had no trouble finishing this drink and was actually left wanting more. I will give the Tab Energy beverage review for taste a above average 8.5.
Tab Energy Drink Review: Kick
The original Tab had about 30 milligrams of caffeine whereas Tab has three times that amount (95 milligrams). I figured that combining all this excessive caffeine with the other energy ingredients of taurine, ginseng, and Guarana would give me a pretty decent kick and I was not mistaken. This 10.5 ounce caffeine filled drink gave me a really good kick that lasted for a couple hours; it even kept me awake during Economics! I will give the Tab energy beverage review for kick another above average 8.5.
Tab Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
By bringing back the old school Tab diet cola brand, Coca-Cola has scored a winning combination of taste and kick for their new energy beverage. It looks like they are mainly marketing this drink towards women because they are really emphasizing the low calorie aspect. However, men don't need to shy away from this drink, but if you are not quite comfortable with drinking the same beverage as your sister you could always try the Vault Energy Drink by Coca-Cola as well. Final judgment: 8.0. It could be a little cheaper!
Previous Energy Drink Reviews
My boyfriend and I are addicted to Tab energy drinks. The taste is great and it gives you just enough energy to get through what your doing but it doesnt make one bounce off the walls or anything. The energy that tab gives you is about the same as a 16 or 20 oz coffee. I know because ive switched to tabs in the morning rather than coffee, but i have put a limit on how many we buy because they are too expensive. I wish cocacola knew if they lowered the price id buy it in bulk.
My boyfriend and I are addicted to Tab energy drinks. The taste is great and it gives you just enough energy to get through what your doing but it doesnt make one bounce off the walls or anything. The energy that tab gives you is about the same as a 16 or 20 oz coffee. I know because ive switched to tabs in the morning rather than coffee, but i have put a limit on how many we buy because they are too expensive. I wish cocacola knew if they lowered the price id buy it in bulk.
I have a Tab addiction. It tastes great and is low-cal! Try drinking about three at a time! Now thats a kick! By far my favorite energy drink! However...It is making me quite poor...
i wasnt a big fan of energy drinks unless i was drinkin alcohol... then i tried TAB ENERGY and i fucking love it. its like not too strong!
My suitemate and I are college students who have an unhealthy infatuation with Tab Energy. Between the two of us there are over 30 cans of Tab in our suite, we've had multiple conversations about the first sip of an ice-cold Tab, and instead of working on our finals we are writing on the Tab blog. Most addicted Tab users ever!
TAB Energy Drink is the most refreshing, delicious drink ever created. I've spent years evaluating every new energy drink that comes out, and this is by far the best tasting. I would buy it even if it wasn't an energy drink. I think that naming it "TAB" and marketing it just for women is a terrible mistake. It's NOT a cola, and there is a reason why TAB cola has such a low profile in the last 20 years. 12-packs at Costco were about $13 when they carried it.
I only drink TAB when I have to be up for work at 5 a.m. and that's about 4 times a week! Ive noticed if I don't have it then I will yawn and yawn until half my shift is over. I absolutely have to DRINK one every morning when I wake up that early!! I think it helps A LOT and its better than drinking pop or coffee! As far as the taste goes its not what I expected but its better than those Rockstar red bull drinks. Its REALLY expensive $5.99 for a 4pack at Hy-Vee and $1.99 for one at Target. I wish it was CHEAPER!!
Stop Drinking TAB!!!
Its ADDICITIVE!!!! Look at what Coca Cola did in the 20's when they added cocaine to Coke.
I had 2 cans last week and Im already dreaming about looking for more Tab.
Stop the insanity.
Tab is sooooooo good. I LOVE IT. Me and my friends drink it as much as we can. It tastes sweet at the start and then tastes sour at the end and gives you a awsome kick!!!
I loved it. It was my favorite drink, period; but then I couldn't find it anywhere. I used to get it at Target and Korger, but it's no longer on the shelves. I did some research, and Coca-cola discontinued it.
They never should have named it Tab. It wasn't anything like Tab. I'd tell people to try it and they'd say, "ew, I hate Tab". Damn Coca-cola. Now what am I supposed to drink? Enviga, or whatever? No thanks. I'll never forget you Tab Energy!
I am overwhelmingly disappointed that Coca-Cola has decided to discontinue Tab energy drinks. Nothing taste like them and they were a great alternative to coffee. I kept a constant supply of them and now I am sadden by their absence them in my fridge!
WHAT? They were discontinued? I just bought one at the store yesterday. They are so good and they do give me energy. It's not too sweet but it's sweet enough.
go here and send feedback to coca cola not to discontinue Tab!
dont you dare discontinue it, It is my my mixer for my vodka. I drive all around looking for it, I have spent a fortune on it because when they have it stocked somewhere I buy it all because who knows when I will find it again, please dont discontinue it. I will so upset and have to become a sober person!!!!!!!
I am able to cet a hold of this product, I have quite a few cases left,, and ill get you your tab!!!
TaB is the best soda ever.
That being said, TaB energy lives up to its name sake, at least for being an energy drink.
Certainly it can't replace the love of TaB in my heart, but it is the only energy drink that I'll have.
Everyone at work thought I was nuts...I would limit myself to 2 per midnight shift. UGH!!!!!!!! I fucking loved it too!!!!!!!!!!How could they discontinue it if everyone loved it so much? Ladies let's rally: BRING BACK MY TAB ENERGY DRINK!
I would literally sell my soul just to TASTE one again. I miss them so so much.
It was discontinued because the only folks that bought it ALL 7 people , were the ones who posted on here...
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