Wired X505 Energy Drink Review

Cost: $2.99 - 12 Pack for $36.00 (shipped)
Cost Per Ounce:$0.13
Active Ingredients:CAFFEINE, Taurine, B-Vitamins
Taste Rating:8.7
Kick Rating:11
Final Judgment Rating:9.9
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Wired X505 Energy Drink Review
I have done several reviews on the Wired Energy Drink Line and last month I tried the Wired X344 which has 344 milligrams of caffeine crammed into 16 ounces which turns out to be about 21.5 milligrams per ounce and packs one hell of a mean kick. Today I have the pleasure of reviewing X-344's mutant brother - The Wired X-505. Why do I say mutant brother? If you really need to know skip down to the "kick" review and you will find out pretty fast. I'll give you a hint. Wired Energy Drinks has pushed the caffeine envelope as far as I have ever seen it pushed. Are you excited yet? I know I am. Onto the review!
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Wired X505 Energy Drink Review: Taste
Well first off the taste is pretty much the same as the Wired X-344 meaning it has a citrus base to it with maybe a hint of orange flavor. Now there is a hint of medicinal aftertaste to the drink. However, it is nothing to cringe over and it is still probably better than the aftertaste you get from let's say a Red Bull. Even with a slight aftertaste Wired X505 is still enjoyable. Since the X505 is 23.5 ounces, yes that's right its huge, I drank this in two sittings - one in the early morning and one after lunch. Why did I drink this in two sittings? Was it because I could not stand the taste? No that was definitely not the reason. Read the kick review to find out why I drank this in two sittings. Taste Rating - 8.7
Wired X505 Energy Drink Review: Kick
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. I have been building up anticipation for the kick review for the last couple paragraphs. But why? Well this is by far the strongest energy drink I have yet to drink. This mutant has 505 milligrams of caffeine in it. No thats not a typo. That's right 505 milligrams of caffeine. Combine that with 4400 milligrams of taurine (Redbull has about 1000 milligrams) and a ton of B-vitamins and.... I am speechless. Compare that to Redbull at about 80 milligrams of caffeine per serving. That means you would have to drink about 6.5 Redbulls to equal one Wired X-505. And that answers your question as to why I drank this in two sittings. I try all different kinds of energy drinks every day. This is the first that I did not drink in one single sitting. Was I scared? A little. But drinking this mutant bad boy in two sittings gave me a TON of energy. If you drink one of these and feel you need another energy drink let me know. I'll give you a medal. Kick Rating - 10 (only because that is as high as my scale will let me go). Screw it. It's my scale I am giving the damn drink a Kick Rating of 11 and adding in the #1 spot of my Strongest Energy Drink list.
Wired X505 Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
The taste is pretty good. The kick is off the scale (literally) and the price of $2.99 is unbelievable for what you get. If you have been buying two or three energy drinks throughout the day stop wasting your money (or give it to me). You only need one of these mutant energy drinks to get you through the day. Just be careful when drinking the X505. Heed the warning on the can and drink plenty of water to offset this massive amount of caffeine. Final Judgment 9.9!
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Labels: Wired Energy Drinks
Would you consider this to be your new favorite energy drink? Or is 5-hour still your favorite?
I have many favorite energy drinks, and yes Chaser is one of my favorites. However, it really depends on what I am doing or what time of day it is. Read through my selection of Best Energy Drinks to get a better picture.
I didnt get a wink of sleep during that past 2 nights. I managed to snag a few hours yesterday in the afternoon. Today I have work in about 3 hours and the a swimming lesson where I have to teach 2, 4 year olds. This stuff better be as good as you say cause if not. I WILL FIND YOU.
Nothing but love
P.S. I am going to buy 2, drink one on the way too work and another about an hour or two afterwards. Lets see if 2 can keep me going all day.
you should review MC2, its the energy drink Einstein would have drank. I think it makes you smart and has quite a kick!
Theres a condition called caffeine intoxication that occurs after only 400 mg of Caffeine. So wth. I aint drinking this thing thats not a good thing. Heres the symptoms "restlessness, nervousness, excitement, insomnia, flushing of the face, increased urination, gastrointestinal disturbance, muscle twitching, a rambling flow of thought and speech, irritability, irregular or rapid heart beat, and psychomotor agitation"
any one who reads this go buy an xzude U WILL EXPLODE! it is crazy shit 640mg of caffeine. AHHH i went crazy after words. it took a while to kick in for me, maybe cuz i drink energy drinks so much (one a day) but when it kicked after about 2 hours it was crazy
Well no shirt, Sherlock! Of course you'll get side effects from drinking that much caffiene. Guess what...caffiene is a TOXIN. But that much of anything will throw your body out of whack. And of course some of these energy drinks aren't good for you...but does that stop anybody from drinking them? Of course not. Energy drinks make the world go round. heehee
Alright i will say after my own testing this is the best energy drink on the market, but i do have to say until someone makes an energy drink with at least 1515 mg of caffeine in 1 can i wont be satisfied, because in the mornings I only wake up after at least three of these dam things or 6-8 monsters depending on the day, and as ive been told before im probably going to OD on caffeine here shortly because of my way to high tolerance of the stuff. Oh well if i die we'll all know this truly is the best energy drink out there. Well goodbye to you all and i have nothing but love for any person devoted enough to energy drinks to test all the different drinks out there so keep going man.
it makes my heart pulse just you describing it and i havent even tried it
What store sells this stuff? I want to try one before buying a whole pack online.
Taste: 8.5
Kick: 11
Overall: 9.8
The Wired energy drinks just get better and better! This latest one gives CRAZY energy! And I'm not just saying a few jitters, I'm talking full-on shaking! I've had other hardcore ones and none have come close to this. I'm giving this one the #1 vote on strongest energy drinks!
honestly i wouldn't drink something w/ that much caffeine. i read that 400mg is the proper amt of caffeine a day and i don't think i'd want to over do it. if i did, it'd be a once a year thing.
I wonder, if there's an onlineshop that ships this drink to european countries...
Anybody know where to buy this stuff?? besides online
shit... i've had two of theses in one sitting and the effect is rediculous.. i was shaking uncontrollably for about 3 hours...
this is by far the best drink to drink if u wanna get fucked up!!
hahaha this shit made me see a fuckin dragon and chase it for 5 miles fuck, yeah afterwards it was a fucking bus but yeah dont drink three in arow or you u might as well just do crak or speed ty
where do they sell it besides online??
I want to try one if I find it in stores that aren't online.
If you want THE STRONGEST ENERGY DRINK PERIOD try Spike. I went to the store to buy redline(because you recomended it) and i asked the guy behind the counter and i said what is the strongest energy drink he laughed and said not redline. He said its spike, this is 8oz no crash no caliories and no sugar. you suppose to drink jus half a can at first but i ignored that and i was kinda in love with the feeling i got, no jitters no nothing jus a little sweat. trust me this is the BEST. i use to drink ike 4 redbull 12oz a day and 1 can of 8oz spike is 5x the 4 cans i drank.
i just bought a case.i drink spike tho, that spanks redline due to its an energy drink not a fat incenerater.i would highly consider the spike.the 5 hour is good but i wouldent consider that an energy drink cause all it is,is b vitamens i drank 6 of them and had the sprints instead of the runs.besides whats an energy drink with the caffine!?!?!?!?!?
I drank 6 5-Hour energy shots and didn't feel a thing (I was able to fall asleep within and hour of drinking all). Same with medicine, I have to take massive amounts of medicine to feel even a little effect. I guess I have a high tolerance for everything, hopefully this will work.
i checked the website you give for us to buy and its not listed in the products... only the 344. has it been discontinued?
if its that strong wouldnt you literally pass out when you start to crash after?
I drank 2 of these in one sitting one time because not even redline or 5 hour energy where strong enough too give me a kick since i was a energy drink junkie at the time so i drank 2 of these over 1010 mg of caffeinie and didnt crash at all the kick was more insane than any energy drink ever had but i stayed up a day straight too
This is my experience with "x505" before this energy drink, i would usually drink two black bottle 5 hour energy, prior to workouts. I drank this new X505 prior to workout, and passed out at the gym on the tredmill. Thats just my experience. some gas stations do sell them, but X505 is hard to get a hold of.. Mainly, because they dont wanna get suied for selling this drink to a customer and it kills them. YOU DRINK THIS DRINK AND YOUR ASKING FOR TROUBLE!
Gonna check this out when I get the change. I'm always looking for a better kick out of energy drinks, especially when I'm writing or depressed. A good strong energy kick is all I need to jump start my inspiration and mood :D
Um.... If you only drank half of this then how was the kick stronger than the X344? Your saying 227.5 mg of caffeine you drank in half an x505 had a greater kick than 344 mg of caffeine in the x344? If an energy drink is too intimidating to drink the whole can, what's the point?
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