Revive Energy Mints Review

Cost: $2.99 (for 8 mints)
Cost Per Ounce:$NA
Active Ingredients:Caffeine, Guarana
Taste Rating:8.7
Kick Rating:8.4
Final Judgment Rating:8.5
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Revive Energy Mints Review:
Well the latest craze in the Energy Drinks market is not the mass influx of more energy drinks...instead everything seems to be getting smaller. Now I am not talking about energy shots in this case, but instead today I will be reviewing Revive Energy Mints which are being toted as "nature's energy mints" and are supposed to revive your body and your mind. The reason these Revive Energy Mints are being toted as nature's energy mint is the fact that they contain some of the world's most powerful antioxidants (sometimes known as Super Foods) in the form of Acai, Mangosteen, and Goji. Well I will not really be raving or reviewing the super foods aspect, I will be scrutinizing the claim on the package that one mint is equal to a normal 8 ounce Energy Drink.
Revive Mints
Revive Energy Mints Review: Taste
As I state above one mint is supposed to be equivalent to one 8 ounce energy drink. Considering the mint was about the size of a nickel, is only 1.7 grams and has only 4 calories I was a little apprehensive about trying them as I feared they would be nothing but a chalky caffeine concoction. Boy was I wrong. Right after I put the tiny mint in my mouth I felt a nice chilling ice cold effect take place. The mints were extremely refreshing. Even though this is the first "energy mint" that I have tried, I find it hard to believe that another will come close to offering such a great taste while providing a rich source of antioxidants. Taste Rating - 8.7
Revive Energy Mints Review: Kick
The strong refreshing mint taste was better than I expected so I feared the worst for the claim on the package that one mint was equivalent to an 8.4 ounce energy drink. Upon further inspection I noticed the energy ingredient list included a 101 milligram blend of the following: Caffeine, Guarana (natural caffeine), Green Tea, Ginseng, Acai, Mangosteen and Gji. 85 milligrams of the 101 milligram energy blend comes from caffeine which is about the same as an 8.4 ounce energy drink (about the same as a Red Bull Energy Drink. So the statistics on the package are accurate and I have to say the refreshing taste combined with the stimulating effects from the energy blend led to a healthy kick. Not the strongest on the planet, but definitely noticeable. Kick Rating - 8.4
Revive Energy Mints Review: Final Judgment
Overall the taste and kick were both more than sufficient. The kick could have been a little stronger for this reviewer but then again, not everyone ingests as much caffeine as I do. Besides, at about $2.99 for an 8 pack of mints (or about $0.37 a mint), you really can't go wrong. Final Judgment - 8.5
Revive Mints
This is a great product!
Great Review! Thank you!
I have been seeing a lot of stuff lately on revive energy mints, seems like a neat product. Thanks for the honest review.
How much caffeine is in each Revive Mint?
Looks like it says 85 milligrams in each mint... per review.
Got it! Thanks!
Energy mints and energy candies seems to be an exploding product, could be the next million dollar idea. I'll have to try some myself!
Yeah Revive mints have replaced my expensive morning coffees! Nice to finally have an energy candy that doesn't make me gag!
yeah these mints are great! Nice that Revive added in the superfruits and health benefits!
a salesman gave me one today,I was a bit nervous about trying it as energy drinks give me heart palpatations. I tried it and was really surprised,the taste was great, no after taste,and the "Boost" was gradual and no crash. Now I need to find a place to buy them.
Nice review! Thank you!
I love these things ever since a friend gave me a few to try. Its good that they are healthy and the energy lasts.
According to a press release I read, Revive Energy Mints are now available in all 7-11's in Canada. Pretty cool news for that distributor.
Revive Energy Mints is also now available in QuikTrip Convenience Stores.
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As a FORMER distributor - I can tell you that this product is worthless and very over hyped...Also there is NO demand in the marketplace for these mints!!! BEWARE!!
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