Roaring Lion Energy Drink Review
Cost: $1.00 - $1.60
Cost Per Ounce:$0.06 - $0.09
Active Ingredients:
Taste Rating:7.5
Kick Rating:9.0
Final Judgment Rating:9.1
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Roaring Lion Energy Drink Review
The Roaring Lion Energy Drink promotes them selves as an Alternative to Red Bull. So why would I review the Roaring Lion Energy drink if I have already tried Red Bull. Well there are a couple reasons. First and foremost I am big on cost savings. Roaring Lion contains is 16.9 ounces, which is roughly twice the size of a normal Red Bull (8.3 ounces). Roaring Lion also costs about $1.50 per bottle. So this is a $0.50 savings for twice the energy drink. Savings also seem to get even better if ordered in bulk. When ordered in bulk you can pay as little as $1.00 per bottle. They also offer the options of serving this drink straight off the gun, which would be perfect for the bar or restaurant owner. Second I wanted to see how close in comparison the two formulas actually were. In order to do that I would have to try it. I did, and here's my thoughts.
Purchase Roaring Lion Here
Roaring Lion Energy Drink Review: Taste
Does it taste similar to Red Bull. You bet! It is so close that I actually did a blind taste test between the two. I poured red bull in one cup, Roaring Lion in another cup. I then had my girlfriend mix them up. After tasting both I had no idea which was which. So, there claims are true. Tastes just like Red Bull. The only downfall is that Red Bull as well as Roaring Lion have a slight medicinal aftertaste. This can be solved quickly by mixing with your favorite cocktail or by having a Jager Bomb! So there is really nothing new in the taste category so I will give it the same average rating as Red Bull - 7.5
Roaring Lion Energy Drink Review: Kick
On the plus side Red Bull did give a decent kick. Times that kick by two and you have Roaring Lion. They have twice the energy ingredients (Taurine, Caffeine) as Red Bull as the serving size is twice as big. Red Bull got a moderate kick rating of 8.0 so I will bump Roaring Lion's Kick Rating up to 9.0! While not the strongest it still gives a decent kick!
Roaring Lion Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
Well they did a great job of duplicating the Red Bull taste, they upped the serving size in turn increasing the kick and the price is unbelievable when compared to Red Bull. I would have to say that anyone addicted to or used to Red Bull should give Roaring Lion a try. They probably won't even know the difference, until they look in their wallet. Another plus for this beverage is that it would be a viable alternative to Red Bull for restaurant owners and bar owners. Think of it this way. Your patrons order some Jager Bombs or their favorite cocktail. Substitute Roaring Lion and they won't even know the difference, especially if you are pouring out of the gun! Kick some of this savings back to your customers and not only will you be happy but they will too. Usually I don't like knock off energy drinks, but I will make an exception with this drink as the only thing they are trying to accomplish is save you and me money! Final Rating - a nice 9.1!
Purchase Roaring Lion Here!
Thats a great rating, and well put, You have to give these Roaring lion guys their due. Positive stuff. I love Roaring lion and I havent even had any yet. I am in Australia and they are about to launch it here. red bull have had it good for too long. SO cool how it will be in bars and clubs. On tap bloody hell, how clever is that!!!
Go the vodka and lion.
Steve Lomax Pertth Western Australia.
Roring Lion is defientely going to make a mark in Australia. People beware...the real king of the jungle is about to take over our shores!
I used to get this drink at my local donut shop. I love it, but that donut shop does not sell them any more. I guess I would need to order some on their website. Love it. Can't taste the differences between Roaring Lion and Red Bull.
I tried the Roaring Lion at a festival and it gave me and my friends really bad heart palpitations, i think red bull tastes much better, nothing like the original.
Talk about energy! I recommend it - great product!!!! And when you mix/drink at the club - even better!
Betsy Glover
The Sunshine State!
If you didnt know it was Roaring Lion you'd think you were drinking grape flavored Red Bull....for half the price of Red Bull. Great stuff.
And to the guy who had heart's an energy drink. What did you expect?
Cheap knock off me too Product! I wouldn’t recommend this energy drink to anyone. Trust me stick the original Red Bull>
WOW!?!?!? for a company who has a REALLY GREAT product it seems that their owners have no idea how to run a business. Did any of them go to business school? I think first year first semester MBA students could make this a real brand and hit the almighty Red Bull square in the taurines. I heard they used to run Red Bull or something. If they did I guess we know why they aren't running Red Bull anymore: complete incompetence and a Roaring disappointment.
who is "horace" and why does he go around copy/pasting the same comment on every roaring lion energy drink review ... ? disgruntled ex-employee...???
You guys should try this super rad drink one of my coworkers told me about: mix roaring lion with orange flavored vodka and a twist of Jager. It's called "crouching tiger, roaring lion". And serve it with two straws so it looks like chopsticks. It's really awesome and totally gets you off! (props to Margaret R. and Cawleys!)
Well, i was an everyday red bull consumer for years now. in the morning like most would drink coffee. then again when hiking or playing disc golf. |It just so happened some samples came in at work, and yes everybody there was like try this, i did and i will never buy anouther red bull again.
"Useally by the case at Costco"
My favorite thing is the price of course but then the 16.9oz screw top lid!!!! come on where in the hell was red bull at on thsi one.
I dont have to drink it al now and can still lock in the freshness "GREAT FOR HIKING"
oh yea somwe time back i ask redbull for a t-shirt or somthing i had over 400 dollars in reciepts at the time. they responded that they only provide a great product for consumers.
i blind tested this product and red bull did taste a little better. the roaring lion had a little bitter after taste compared to redbull but i would rather have a roaring lion for the price
Been drinking it for years. No reason to drink anything else. Taste is superb and the price is generous. Thank you Roaring Lion!
This could not be a better thing! IDK why everyone is talking so much about redbull but roaring lion is the shit! Its way cheaper and has suuuuuuch a better after taste! if you dont love it yet, you will!!
my favorite drinks:
Captain Morgan and RL
RL and Vodka for obvious reasons
RL, tequila and hawaiian punch or sweet juice- sooooooo good on a warm day!
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