Purple Drank Energy Drink Review

Cost: $6.00 (bought on ebay)
Cost Per Ounce:16 Ounces
Active Ingredients:Melatonin, Rose Hips, & Valerian Roo
Taste Rating:8.4
Kick Rating:0
Final Judgment Rating:NA
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Purple Drank Energy Drink Review:
I know what some of you are thinking... How is the Purple Drank Energy Drink even making it into a review on this site? It's basically the Anti-Energy Drink? Well we will just have to say curiosity got the best of this reviewer, so I had to try the Purple Drank Energy Drink (or should I say anti ED?) which I picked up on Ebay. For those of you not quite up on your slang, Purple Drank is a slang term for a drug popularized in the rap world with the main ingredient being prescription cough syrup (codeine). With a tagline like "slow your roll" Purple Drank seems to be going for the same effects, albeit it from a can and not containing any prescription based cough syrup ingredients. So it has been a busy Friday and a busy week, so let's see if this new Drank can help me relax.
Purple Drank Energy Drink Review: Taste
What does it the 16 ounce anti-energy drink taste like? Well the purple can pretty much gives away the flavoring. That's right, it is pretty much grape flavored with a hint of carbonation. Do you think the grape taste was inspired by the rap community as well? Either way the taste was a little bland, but overall it seems to have a relaxing quality to it and I haven't even finished it yet. Taste Rating - 8.4
Purple Drank Energy Drink Review: (ANTI) Kick
So obviously this section is going to be slightly different than the normal section... I.E. no kick factor here. Sop did Purple Drank slow my roll? Well the all natural herbs Melatonin, Rose Hips, & Valerian Root (which are supposed to mimic the effects of codeine & promethazine) did something to me. Kind of hard to describe since I never tried the real thing, but it did make me really, really relaxed. I don't know if all the the effects came from this drank or if some where from the long week or if I was having caffeine withdrawals from the absence of my normal energy drink. Not really 100% sure but it definitely did what it was supposed to.... Kick Rating - 0
Purple Drank Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
SO I would definitely have to say that this is an anti ED. It slowed me down quite a bit and was overall quite a unique review. I don't know if this is for me really as I liked to be wired. But hey it seems to be popular in larger markets which means it should be hitting suburbia within the next couple years :). Anyways the only place I found these online were on Ebay. So unless you live in a larger market like Houston, good luck finding one. Final Judgment - Not really sure how I would apply this...
I wonder if I can get this in Canada or Detroit MI...
You can try looking at your nearest head shop. That's where i got mine, but i live in dallas, TX.
pretty much every valero station in texas has them now as far as i've seen.
not every valero only in d-town and h town
I got mine 4rm 7-11 in D-town Texas
Was watching KTLA out of L.A. Calif. tonight 3/16/09. Segment on this said that all Southern Ca. 7-11 will start carring in two weeks! Hope this helps.
Don't get too excited about this stuff.
I JUST got back from the gas station - picked one up out of curiosity as I was getting some advil to treat my cold.
Stuff tastes like grape juice mixed with burnt rubber - the nasty taste fades after a few drinks and it just tastes like grape - but at first its pretty gross.
As for the active ingredients - melatonin is not likely to do anything but put you to sleep
Rose hips won't do anything.
The best bet here is the Valerian. Unfortunately, there's not enough of it to do a damn thing. I take Valerian occassoinally when I have trouble sleeping - it takes me about twice to three times the "recommended" dose to do ANYTHING. And if I want to have a somewhat interesting experience, I"ll down like 12 capsules.
Its hard to compare pure valerian dosages to extract dosages. But considering a recommended dose of the stuff I take is 2-3 capsules, and I need twice that to get to sleep - well, after some research I find that a recommended dose of EXTRACT (which is what is in DRANK) is 200-300 mg. This is just as regular treatment for anxiety or sleep disorders. So I think its safe to assume that to get any real effect out of it youd need at least half a gram of extract (or 500 mg).
Unfortunately, Drank has 10 mg of valerian per serving. Even in the big-ass can I got, thats only a total of 20 mg. Thats 1/10 of the minimal recommended dosage for treating basic sleep disorders or anxiety with no noticable drug effect.
What about melatonin? There is no real standard recommended dose here - it ranges anywhere from .3mg to 5 mg. Drank has 1mg. It seems that melatonin's effect is not very dose dependent though, so its mere presence should be all that matters.
In any case, the massive amounts of high fructose corn syrup will probably offset any relaxing benefits the melatonin might provide.
In other words, this stuff is bunk.
We are introducing a NEW anti energy drink called sippin' syrup. Twice as strong as the other, and taste good. Not 1 person that has sample it, did not love it. Of course, the "anti ED" is goal for them.In TX, FL, and NY, soon to be on eBay. www.kinkyforgov@gmail.com for more info
You can find it at the Soda Gallery in d-town.
u can only get them in twelve states, but once they become more popular there should be more locations, but i picked one up in missouri, and i drank about have off it and it literally KNOCKED ME OUT, be careful with this stuff
MI has them... or at least are starting to get them. I live in Adrian (South East MI) and the BP gas station in town has them.
Real relaxing. Too bad there aren't negative number ratings for the kick.
This tatses pretty good and if you're already a fairly easy going person it has quite a bit of "kick" in the anti energy department. Great drink
In San Antonio I got mine from the Chevron @ 1604 and Bowen's Crossing... you gotta take the turnaround at Schaenfield if you're coming from the north... Took about 20 minutes for it to kick in... and you can manage to stay awake if you try, as I did... then had a coca-cola and stayed up longer, went to bed, and felt better than usual in the morning... As for it tasting like rubber and grape juice, that's just dumb talk from a gay hater... it's like a regular, lite tasting grape soda.
i like in san antonio but i dont know where to get it.. is it only on the south side?
can i get this in Massachusetts yet, if so where?
This made me so relaxed :)
It didn't really taste like grape for me though...
I found it at my local 7/11, and I live in Vancouver, Canada.
Having one right now, and its in my local mac's milk.. So in the surburbs..
I live further south then dallas.. n got sum at a smoke shop :)
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