bHIP Energy Drink Review

Cost: $
Cost Per Ounce:Does Not Apply
Active Ingredients:Guarana, B-Vitamins, Green Tea Leaf, Ginseng Root Extract
Taste Rating:7.0
Kick Rating:8.7
Final Judgment Rating:8.0
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
bHIP Energy Drink Review
Well the bHIP Energy Drink is another entry into the powdered energy drink category along the same lines of ACT and Crave energy drinks. What does bHIP stand for? It stands for Body Health Improvement Product and promotes appetite control through and the use of metabolic enhancers to help you lose weight. Basically, this powdered bHIP Energy drink is targeting the health market as a dietary supplement that provides energy, i.e. those who are looking to lose weight, add performance, or just get energy without all the negative stuff that some energy drinks can provide. I am not going to evaluate whether or not bHIP helped control me lose weight or assisted in appetite control, but I will tell you how it tastes and performs in the kick category. If you want to know more about this product visit bHip Global Energy Drink
bHIP Energy Drink Review: Taste
The bHIP Energy Drink comes in a 9.3 gram ready to mix packet. It has 24 calories, 2grams of sugar and 6 grams of carbs. So yeah, it seems that this is healthier alternative to your everyday energy drink. You can use 1/2 a packet for moderate energy or the full packet for maximum energy. I opted for the full packet and mixed it into a 16 ounce bottle of water. I shook it for about 30 seconds and then took my first sip.....I am not quite sure how to describe the taste. It is somewhat of a berry flavor, however, the lack of sweeteners gave it a slight bitter taste. There was also a slight aftertaste to the drink as well. However, it did mix consistently in the bottle of water and I can't gripe about the taste too much as it was not all that bad. It was not as good as your traditional grape energy drink; however, there are tradeoffs. If you want all the sugar and calories go with a traditional over the counter energy drink, it will taste better. As for me I like the health concept and next time I give this a try I wil mix it in with some Crystal Light or some grape juice. Taste Rating - 7.0
bHIP Energy Drink Review: Kick
Alright the taste is not the best, but you can decide if the tradeoff is worth it. As I stated above, I mixed the whole package. There are plenty ingredients like amino acids, acai berry, etc but I am not going to comment on their benefits. The energy ingredients include b-vitamins, guarana (natural caffeine), green tea leaf extract and ginseng root extract. The kick from these ingredients was not immediate (no sugar to deliver fast) but I did get a nice boost about 30 minutes after finishing which lasted for about 4 hours. Also no sugar meant no crash! Kick Rating - 8.7
bHIP Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
Overall the taste was not the greatest but the kick was good and allowed for sustained energy. When you combine that with the other energy ingredients in bHIP you get a pretty good health product. Final Judgment - 8.0
If you want to read more about the other ingredients of bHIP visit this site: bHip Global Energy Drink.
Thank you for the unbiased review.
We appreciate you, Oshburg, for your guidance to Energy Drinkers worldwide and your honest evaluation of all Energy Drinks.
BHip Global is customer focused and we will be introducing several new flavors in 2008. Please check with your bHip Distributor for availability and thank you for the opportunity to comment.
Erich N Wise
Yes thanks for the great review. This drink is everything it says it is. Tastes great too.
You are doing a great service with your reviews.
I just cant stomach the taste to even give it a try
I am both a bhip distributor and a bodyalive distributor along with herbalife. I just can't stomach the taste of bhip to give it a try.
I will send you a free sample of quick energy so you can try a tastey energy drink.
well after trying it more than once, this drink will taste different everytime you drink it. when you first taste it and it's bitter keep drinking it at least for 5 days and you will see that it will get sweeter. due to your ph levels in your body become more normal. try it. feel it share it.
bHIP is really a nice energy drink, i take this energy drink regularly.
I have been consumming bHIP energy since march 2008 and it is now apart of my everyday diet. You have to get used to the flavour when you first try it but it grows on you. I think this is one of the most healthiest energy supplements on the planet.
From John Pilbrow
Distributor for bHIP energy
New Zealand
i like that its better for you then most energy drinks but does anyone know a way to make it taste better
This is a awesome product, my girlfriend just left here with a box of bHIP and Noni.
She had one yesterday and felt great for over 6 hours.
I just love it, and the sugar content is low low
Try it feel it share it
I don't feel any different after taking BHIP drinks every day for several weeks now. I don't feel any kick, or extra energy, or anything. I'm not an unhealthy person, nor am I all that fit. I am a 6' guy about 200-210 lbs. At the behest of my wife, whose friends have "pushed" her on this product Amway-style, I drink a half packet in the morning and a half packet in the evening because a full packet glass was so intensely uncomfortable (too bitter) that I simply wouldn't do it. I haven't lost weight, or slimmed or anything like that either. I have expressly forbid my wife to go into "business" distributing this stuff, just as I would say the same of Amway, HerbaLife, and all the other pushers and FDA-circumventors (herbal supplement products) who walk in between the pyramid-scheme raindrops. BHIP I noticed has snowed Google with keywords like "scam" in numerous distributor blogs that push that stuff...this is in order to disguise any legitimate complaints from rising to the top of the search query.
However there are no complaints with the BBB or the FTC that I have found yet either.
Be that as it may, the ridiculous level of enthusiasm over this one stupid drink that has had no effect on me is too suspicious, so I am not allowing my wife to invest money in it. My opinion to people looking for business opportunities is to play to their strengths. If you are an expert in energy drinks, roll the dice. If you are an expert woodworker, what the heck are you doing thinking about the energy drink business?
my cousin sent me a couple packets to sample..i dont find the taste that bad at all..the taste is no different from drinking red bull or even gatorade. I LOVE IT!! when u get older ur body feels new aches and pains, body feels differrent, my bursitis in my knee doesnt bother me, my back hasnt hurt for a week and i dont walk around like a old lady, hehe!! now i gotta wait for my order and cant imagine NOT taking it..
I was given a packet from a friend who swears that it worked for her. I am a living proof that it works. I have been on it for 1 month and lost 8 pounds. I feel thirsty for water and lost the grave to eat and eat all the time. I'm thankful for that friend who gave me a chance to try this drink. I have ordered by second packet of 30. Thanks for everything. I have more energy and more free time on my hand, not feeling tired all the time.
Why don't you just drink 5 hour energy shots? They are only 4 calories and no sugar so no crash. You feel it instantaly and the boost of energy lasts for 5 hours and sometimes longer. The flavors aren't that bad.... they have lemon/lime, berry, and orange now. I would highly recommend these shots mainly b/c there are fewer calories..... but, they are a little pricey.
I am very skeptical when it comes to things like this. The 1st packet tastes NASTY! But as you keep taking it the flavor actually tastes good. It has a strange taste in the beginning because it is cleaning out your body and getting rid of all the toxins in your body. Don't think of it as an energy's actually helping your insides. Helping your blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol prevention.
I think this stuff actually tastes really good. As for a kick, the first day I did feel increased energy and focus, but one day is no real measure. So, I tried it again. I downed a bottle of bHip and hopped on my recumbent bike blasting Flatfoot 56. Felt like my hair was standing up! Good stuff!
Mike L. Allston, MA
Bhip Energy drink is the best on the market. taste pretty good in my opinion(like Koolaid) gives me a eneregy booste like no other, All Natural.. I use my Bhip post workout and I am stronger,workout longer and harder. I am in the best shape ever since taking bHIP. I love it and cant workout without it... I have tried many others drinks and nothing compare's. bHIP
one of my friends is a rich woman,but she had a mammary cancer that effect her mood for a long time untill she took the bhip products which helped her conquer the cancer,now she regain the life and health...the whole thing likes a miracle,i must highly doubt about this kinda function and the pyramid system if i don't have this friend....3ks for the products of bhip....
bHIP Energy Blend is a healthy way to obtain long lasting energy.
Philosophicon.... Your a bit of a wanker for 'obvious reasons' At 200 lb your body is obviously out of whach and very acidic. (not that you may understand) You know....outside acidic inside alkaline...... NO you would not know
Anyway I suggest you do some homework on NON sugar based 'health foods' and whils your at it... go find out some information about the direct selling industry.... tens of millions of people in direct selling globally are obviously not as wise as you..... as I said..your a wanker.
Nasty taste but it really works! Hypo thyroid makes me tired!The more you weigh the more you have to take. 1 pack for every 100 lbs should do the trick! Im not over weight but it helps pick me up!
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