Phat Phruit Pineapple Orange Energy Drink Review

Cost: $1.25
Cost Per Ounce:$008.
Active Ingredients:Caffeine, B-Vitamins
Taste Rating:8.2
Kick Rating:7.5
Final Judgment Rating:8.0
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Phat Phruit Pineapple Orange Energy Drink Review
Well here is the third Phat Phruit flavor that I reviewed. I thoroughly enjoyed the other two and was looking forward to trying the pineapple orange flavor from Phat Phruit. The only decision I had to make was, should I have it for Breakfast? Or, should I mix it with alcohol and make a cocktail. Well either way would have been good but I decided to have it for breakfast to utilize the 11 essential vitamins and the calcium. Enough fluff and onto the review of Phat Phruit Pineapple Orange Energy Drink!
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Phat Phruit Pineapple Orange Energy Drink Review: Taste
I am glad I choose to have this for breakfast. It was a great replacement for orange juice. Not only did it taste good but it had only 40 calories and 10 carbs per serving. Add the fact that it has calcium and it might even be better for you than O.J. As far as the flavor goes, it tastes just like the label states. The orange flavor is a little more overwhelming than the pineapple. All in all it was mixed up pretty good. I will give it a 8.2 taste rating - I still like the Grape Strawberry flavor the best.
Phat Phruit Pineapple Orange Energy Drink Review: Kick
I have reviewed two other Phat Phruit Energy drinks and both times I was not disapointed in the kick category. Seems there energy formula stays pretty consistent across the flavors. While not especially strong, this beverage makes for a fairly healthy alternative to the normal energy drink. It gives you no jitters and is chalked full of vitamins. Another pleasing 7.5!
Phat Phruit Pineapple Orange Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
Fun flavor combination, healthy alternative to most energy drinks, would make a good coffee or OJ replacement and on top of that it is only about $1.25. I have yet to be disapointed! Final Judgment - 8.0
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Other Phat Phruit Reviews:
Rasberry Limeade
Grape Strawberry
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