Energy Shots - A Evolution or De-Evolution?

To me it seems to be following the same trend (but I have been wrong before one or two times now). We started out with the standard size... a 2 ounce energy shot. We also started with a pretty general flavor or at least one that happened to be pretty medicinal tasting. From here, the flavors were expanded and improved to appeal to all sorts or people. The energy shot gradually got more potent... more caffeine, vitamins, extra strength, etc. Both of these (IMHO) were positive aspects in the evolution of energy shots. But where has the energy shot gone since then?
The shots are now toying with different sizes. You have larger ones like the Nitro2Go Mega Shot which comes in at 4 ounces. You also have smaller ones like the "world's smallest energy shot" by DynaPep Micro Energy Shot. I can't wait for the 8 ounce mega shot.... Copycats also seem to be on the prowl as well. 5-Hour Energy has been around for quite some time, but then you had 6 Hour, 7 Hour, 8 Hour and now 14 Hour energy. In fact 5-Hour actually noticed this and wrote a pretty funny blog article, Blowing 5-Hour Energy Right Out of the Water, based on a funny "There's Something About Mary" sketch. You also have a plethora of niche energy shots like the Cougar Energy Shot. So the question comes up again... a Evolution or De-Evolution?
To me shots seem to be following the same trend as the drinks did. Again, don't get me wrong. I don't think I could ask for a better gig than reviewing shots and drinks. But after 400 or so reviews, the lack of innovation seems to be upon us. But then again, I love having the opportunity to try new drinks/shots almost every day. I just wish there was a little more variation at times. Feel free to chime in with your thoughts below in the comments section.
Labels: energy shot
Have a look at RevUp Energy Boost Capsules! Definitely the next "Evolutionary" phase of energy products
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