Monster Hitman Energy Shot Review

Cost: $2.99
Cost Per Ounce:$1.00
Active Ingredients:Caffeine, Taurine, Ginseng, Guarana, B-Vitamins
Taste Rating:8.2
Kick Rating:9.4
Final Judgment Rating:8.8
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Monster Hitman Energy Shot Review:
So Monster Energy Drinks, one of the top Energy Drink makers finally figured out the value of adding an energy shot to their lineup. Is it too late for the 3 ounce Monster Hitman to take on energy shot industry leaders like 5 Hour Energy? Or has Monster Hitman come into the game just in time to capitalize on the fast growing market? Although I am no industry expert, I think Monster might be a little late to the game as energy shots like 5-Hour Energy have been playing the game for over 3 years. However, with the amount of distribution, reach and advertising spend that Monster enjoys, anything's possible... So enough fluffy background, let's see if the new Hitman energy shot from Monster holds up in the taste and kick reviews.
Monster Hitman Energy Shot Review: Taste
Now if you are a first time reader, you have probably not heard me mention that I was never a big fan of the original Monster Energy taste; albeit they have improved over time. So will I enjoy the original energy shot from Monster? Well, to be honest, I have sampled and reviewed and received way more shots over the last couple months than actual full sized energy drinks...and I have to say some where very well received by me. That being said, I am not sure if I am a fan of the new 3 Ounce Hitman. There is a definite citrus / apple flavor to the shot followed up by a strawberry medicinal aftertaste. Don't get me wrong, the taste was far from unbearable and is quite similar to most energy shots, but I would have expected a little more from Monster since they are coming so late to the game. If they could cut back a little on the medicinal taste I think I might have enjoyed it a little more. But hey, there is a ton of energy ingredients crammed into this little 3 ounce bugger, so I won't hold the taste against them. Again, it's only 3 ounces, so it is quite easy to slam...even at room temperature. NOt the best tasting, but not horrible. Taste Rating - 8.2
***Just remember taste is subjective. I am not a huge citrus or apple fan, so this shot is not really for me***
Monster Hitman Energy Shot Review: Kick
Now for what really counts when judging an energy shot...the kick! The 3 ounce Monster Hitman is a little larger than your normal energy shots like 5-Hour Energy, but will this allow them to pack in more energy ingredients? Well, I do have to admit, the energy blend and laundry list of ingredients is pretty impressive. You have a 5000 milligram energy blend consisting of: Glucose, L-Carnitine, Caffeine, Inosistol, Guarana (natural caffeine), Maltodextrin as well as staples like 2000 milligrams of taurine, 400 milligrams of Panax Ginseng and an overwhelming amount of B-Vitamins. Now, I can see why the shot had a medicinal aftertaste.. Hitman is crammed with energy! I took this shot in the morning and it lasted me well through lunch. With 6 grams of sugar and 30 calories, there was really no crash associated with Hitman either! Kick Rating - 9.4
Monster Hitman Energy Shot Review: Final Judgment
So I am not partial to the flavor, but the kick was well received by this reviewer! Now that Monster has entered the energy shot market, I am sure a bombardment of flavors will be on the way. They make a good shot, but will the giants of energy drink market be able to catch up to the sizeable market share that the energy shot leader 5-Hour has? Im not so sure... Final Judgment - 8.8
I just tried the Monster shot and it's pathetic. The taste is no wher near as good as the NOS Powershot and I didnt get the same kick. It seems like Monster is getting desperate and copying what other brands are doing...and have really screwed up. Too bad, nobody likes a me too!
i liked the taste and i thought the shot was quite nice. 4:30am right now and i drank it around 8pm. surprised me a lot cause i drink a lot of energy-based drinks like this.
so props.
It's AMAZING! I loved the flavor like all monster energy drinks!! The Kick was pretty good and lasted me a good couple hours. Deff Recomended.
i tried it and the taste is alitle less than expected but all in all pretty good its about 1:00 am i took it about 11:00 im alitle more tired than in the begining but then agian ive had a full can of monster every day for 3 weeks id give it about an 8.5
whoever said its pathetic is retarted monster kicks ass NOS sux i was high wen i drank 3 of them hahahahahhahaahah
I usually take the stok coffee shots everyday, but I decided I needed something different so I tried the monster shot. It was AWESOME!!!! I love it. Ive never had so much energy. I love the taste too. I think it tastes like really sweet coolaid. With the NOS and the five hour energy you have to stop in the middle of the bottle and sip a coke to keep from gagging!!! I give the monster hitman a 10!!!!
Just tried one. The taste was the best I've ever had from an energy shot. I'll be back to report on the kick...
Taste is good, almost like a regular monster original green can.Get a quick jolt but nothing long lasting.
Im new to the energy shots but its keeping me up, the tase is great, and 6 grams of sugar and 30 calories is pretty good for monster
I love the taste of all monster energy drinks, but this was amazing. the taste is good unlike NOS and 5-hour-energy. with NOS and 5he i almost barfed at the tast and the kick was weak. its 2 am right now and i havn't really slept in a few days so we will se about the kick. like all of the other monster products 10/10 if you disagree, than i feel bad for your tourtured taste buds.
i hyave tried all the monsters and loved them all this isnt the best but best kick for me lol
1) smells like nail polish remover
2) i think it tastes pretty good.. like yogurt for some reason
3) doesnt feel like imma get a kick outta this
Monster Hitman is amazing. it is very concentrated though. so you get right down to business with it. Its not like the bigger drinks where is has a lot of different suff. The taste is not my favorite. after 4 of these yyou really get a kick. you can get "high" too off of these. WEll intoxication is at around 250 mg. Thats just caffine alone. so 4 of these will be 20,000 mg of energy blend wich includes caffine. But also includes gurana. then not to mention 6g of sugar. I wouldn't recommend yo utryign t oget caffine intoxication with these. But now i am dying to try Hitman Sniper and Hitman LoBo too!!!!!!!
Wheewww!!! I had two of these shots at work just for fun and wasn't even really tired. It is 10:30 at night and I just finished and 8 hour shift at work and sat down at my computer. I feel like I am going to die. I never really had any energy shots before other than when I was really tired. I just went through about 20 websites in less than 10 minutes reading articles. I was feeling sick almost sicker than ever before and was feeling like I might die, so I decided to search about the product to see what was up with it and discovered that it was equivalent to a 5 hour energy. I currently feel like I can't stop thinking. Anyways.... I definitally reccomend this drink if you are actually tired. and probly only take one unless you are up moving or running a marathon. I currently am going to go jog on my dreadmill so I won't die. I am not a fan of writing comments so this is the longest comment I ever written. hmmm... so yea.
I think that it was great. the taste a little bit like syrup for a sore throat, but the kick was great I took some about 7pm and now it's 11 and i can't fall asleep. I can say without doubt that it was better then the redbull one.
it actually tastes and smells like blueberry and raspberry fuze drink. Tastes like crap at the bottom too.
i am now six hours out after my very first energy drink ever...this shot from monster. i took it before a hockey game, and i'm just now recovering. seriously thought i was going to have to call a doctor. shakes were so bad i couldnt type this ten minutes ago. the energy drink experts may chalk this up to my being a rookie at the energy drinks and they may be right, but for me the aftereffects were terrifying. just a word to the wise, and again in fairness i'm a 41 year old guy who is about ten pounds overweight. full disclosure.
you guys are gettin ripped off bro. i got two for free.
first time i ever tryed monster energy shooter i rate it 10 IT KEPT ME UP FOR 8 HOURS
I didn't like this one. It didnt taste good. it didnt have any flavor.
All you people say that it keeps you awake for 5-8 hours and so on.
Its probablý like the first time u drink it then, because now when i drink it. It's just like a coke drink or something like that.
Not sensitive to caffine anymore.
remember that!
The kick was very good and lasted me well through a hockey game. But later I had a very large crash and was juat about to pass out for tiredness. The taste was good at first but the after taste was not so good. I would recomend it if you needed an extra energy shot but if your not looking for a crash then pick up a five hour energy. It has a little less kick but a far less crash.
I always drink this before my workouts and soccer games, I have to say that it works good. Monster shots are the only shots I will buy, if there's none available I rather go without.
All these energy drinks and energy drink shooters are nothing more than soft drinks. I drank 5 of these 4 hours before bedtime and I had no problems going to sleep or sleep through the night at all.
Regular coffee does a better job keeping me awake than these little sugar drinks.
I guess Swedish black coffee just kicks ass with any so called "energy drink". (They taste good, though, so I do not mind drinking them.)
I have tried (I think) every energy shot on the market, for the ENERGY level,No crash, and TASTE, Monster Hitman is by far the BEST. Unfortunately I can no longer find them in my area. Found them for a short while at Dollar Tree for $1ea. The Monster Hitman(green label) is most definetly the best.
I been taking these shots for over 4 months now.. I get them at the 99 cent store here locally for 1.08. I just want to start off by saying that it tastes great and has a great kick. Unfortunately, I might have to drink 2 of them because I workout pretty intensely. I love this shot and I was really upset when it got taken down from the 99 cent store but now it's back so I bought a whole case..haha. All in all, I love it.
Yeah it was ok but try anti-gravity stay away from the juice ones they add yabur meta so it can kill u
I drank one of these, a few seconds later my heart was beating so fast it felt like I was going to have a heart attack an the taste was INCREDIBLE! 9.5/10
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