DynaPep Micro Energy Shot Review

Cost: $2.99
Cost Per Ounce:NA
Active Ingredients:Caffeine, B-Vitamins
Taste Rating:6.2
Kick Rating:9.0
Final Judgment Rating:8.4
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
DynaPep Micro Energy Shot Review:
After reviewing countless Energy Drinks and Shots, I have come across another first with the DynaPep micro energy shot. This is the world's first supercharged energy micro shot weighing in at only 4 tiny milliliters. To put that in perspective a normal energy shot has about 60 milliliters of liquid... so about 15 DynaPep Micro shots would be needed to fill one normal 2 ounce energy shot. Yeah, it's that small. DynaPep is manufactured and distributed by Intocell Inc. and costs about $3.00. If you buy in bulk you can save quite a bit of money. Anyways, enough fluff... let's see how DynaPep, the world's first micro energy shot performs in the taste and kick categories.
DynaPep Micro Energy Shot Review: Taste
Well first off, you have the choice of either adding this micro shot to water, or just consuming straight. I went for the latter to get a better idea of the taste. Now there is a hint of berry flavoring in DynaPep, but after that the flavor is pretty much straight medicinal. So no, the taste was not the greatest, but what do you expect from a micro shot weighing in at just a tiny 4 milliliters? Even though the medicinal ingredient taste was pretty prevalant, it doesn't take long to consume. One tiny squirt of the bottle and you are done. I would imagine that DynaPep would taste a lot better when blended into your favorite drink, but for the purpose of this review I just took it straight up. To sum up... doesn't taste that great, but the taste is quick and pretty much painless. If it performs in the Kick category, then I wouldn't worry about it. Taste Rating - 6.2
Taste Rating Up Date: DynaPep is now available in 3 new flavors: Cinnamon, Berry and Mint. I will post a review after trying the new flavors.
DynaPep Micro Energy Shot Review: Kick
So we have established the taste is not the greatest, but what do you expect from a tiny 4 milliliter shot with 2 calories? The performance in the kick category is where this drink should score all it's points.... and it certainly did! With energy ingredients including; 80 milligrams of caffeine (same as Red Bull) 6000% of your daily b-12 and some things I can't pronounce and really don't feel like typing. Whatever, the combination of the "staple" energy ingredients and the unpronounceables really gave me a nice "time released" kick that kept me moving for several hours. Basically the kick more than makes up for the taste! Kick Rating - 9.0
DynaPep Micro Energy Shot Review: Final Judgment
The world's first micro energy shot doesn't taste the best, but it definitely performs in the kick category as good if not better than most energy shots and drinks. The only place I know that you can currently pick up one of these is at the DynaPep website. If you have seen them anywhere else feel free to chime in with the location and price in the comments section. Final Judgment - 8.4
Update - DynaPep can be currently found in several thousand c-stores Nationally and numerous retail chains have picked us up for 2009.
dynapep . i've tried it ,it kicks your butt proves size doesn't matter
I've tried it as well. Taste was terrible, but correct - the boost was amazing. I didn't even think about putting it into a regular drink... good thought! I love the energy - better than a redbull or cup of coffee. I've heard that it will be available in convenience stores next year and am keeping in eye out.
I found it at a gas station in Southern Indiana by the name of Thornton's. However on photo has a package with two vials the ones there only contain one, same price however.
Found them at CVS (the old Long's Drugs here in CA)...taste (yuk), but small...good stuff. Very portable.
You can get a 6-pack of them at the GNC website. I haven't tried it yet, but with my recent order, they threw in a free set.
I found it in CVS and I live in Ohio
wanna kno if it helps when u need that extra energy in the bed
CVS Pharmacy
to be honest im a caffeine addict when i dont have any weed, so i went in there a jacked 10 packs of these badboys. 2 in each pack. so i got 20 shots and im ready to get cracked out
i was a hess in west palm beach Florida the other day and picked up one of these bad boys, greatest energy kick i've ever had
Duane Reade on the corner of West 42nd St and 8th Avenue, Manhattan, NY
top foods and haggen matkets cary them
I got it at Fred Meyer's in Oregon - it was displayed with a buy one get two free coupon - well worth it!
DynaPep really does what it's supposed to. It helps me stay up when ever I need to and my focus is right on.
I think DynaPep is great. It really does what it's supposed to. I always take it whenever I need to stay late and work. It keeps me awake and concentrated on what I'm doing.
DynaPep is amazing. The best energy boost.
This stuff is amazing...I swear by it.. I recommend it to all of my customers that need an extra boost!!
these taste awful but I love them! I get mine from 7-11 in Santa Monica. If you like a good pick me up honestly look no further than these.
I like these the taste is bad but kicks butt. Found them at Kmart in the checkout lanes.
hell yeah stuff has kick!!! it lasts all day and doesn't have that big drop at the end!! I found it at a kmart!!!
Tried this when I had to study all night long. Taste is awefull but luckily its not much and with drinking alot of water afterwards the taste was pretty much gone.
Took it around 1 at night, kept me going till noon. So yeah 10 hours is what you get.
Had to study for my next exam so took another one in the afternoon. Well lets say that was a bad idea.
You get a crappy feeling all over your body. Not nice....
Could go till 7 in the evening but then you crash hard..... So dont take 2. And make sure you go to bed early next day :)
Have stayed up all night before without energy drinks and never had this kind of a crappy feeling. Think it was because i took 2 within 24 hours. This does help with concentrating all night.
Found these in Walmart. Live in Central IL. Tried TONS of "Energy" Products. This is honestly the first that has some serious power lol. I HIGHLY recommend this to ANY Energy Junkie. It was about 3.49$ At Walmart, just today, 12-9-11. Cheers, and GL
Works great .. ! Tast like shit
I agree with the person who mentioned the 'crappy feeling all over your body'.
Maybe it varies from person to person but I've tried it on 2 seperate occasions and found that the overwhelming dirty buzz I got was not worth the slight pick me up that came with it.
I'll stick to guarana, much cleaner and more effective...for me anyways.
Found some at walmart in phoenix,AZ. A two pack for around 4 bucks. They work great if you need to stay up and stay focused, but sometimes it gives you this weird buzz. It's kind of hard to explain, sort of a tingling in the back of your brain. On one such occasion a friend of mine told me my pupils were way dilated and i looked like i was on crack, felt like it too lol.
I've seen them in the kroger and Walmart recently in my town agree faster terrible but the best kick of any energy drink
my 7-11 that i work at sells them and ive tried it twice. tastes horrible but great effects. my friend came in tonight and took about 9 of them within an hour... NEVER DO THIS!! HE GOT SOOOOOO SICK FROM IT I HONESTLY DONT KNOW IF HE IS OKAY! listen to the package when it says limit 2 a day!
I get my dynapep at Flying J and Pilot truck stops. They cost 2.99 each, but well worth it when you need a boost. Blows 5 hour and energy drinks away. Maybe its just me, but the green ones work a little better than the blue, I am convinced of that.
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