Core Fast Energy Drink Review

Cost: $??
Cost Per Ounce:$??
Active Ingredients:Caffeine, Taurine, Guarana Extract, D-Ribose, B-Vitamins....
Taste Rating:8.8
Kick Rating:9.9
Final Judgment Rating:9.5
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Core Fast Energy Drink Review:
Today's Energy Drink is the Core Fast Energy Drink, a fairly new drink from Go Fast Sports (makers of Go Fast and Go Fast Light, two if I may say so exceptional energy drinks that are designed with the athlete in mind. So when I heard Go Fast was releasing a new drink I was behaving like a giddy girl texting away on her new cell phone. Ok, I may be exaggerating a bit, but the past lineup of Go Fast Energy Drinks was right up my ally and it looks like the new Core Fast Drink is as well. I mean, look at the can... it has warning labels plastered ALL OVER. Some of the warnings include "read entire can before drinking," "Never Exceed One Can Per Day," "Keep Out of the Reach of Children," "Not for the Use by Those Under 18 Years of Age" and the warnings and cautions go on... Why you might ask? Well this tiny little 8.4 ounce can contains 300 milligrams of caffeine, or the equivalent of almost 4 Red Bulls. Presumably it's pretty strong. So let's put that and the taste to the test.
Core Fast Energy Drink Review: Taste
First off I would like to say that when I drink a "hardcore energy drink" of this caliber, or one with tons of energy ingredients, I like to consume them shortly after eating. I would also like to say that I did not heed the "start with half a can" warning. I drank the entire 8.4 ounce Core Fast in one sitting. Core fast is sugar free and when you combine sugar free with tons of energy ingredients you typically get a bitter aftertaste. However, this was not the case with Core Fast as it has a familiar honey with a hint of strawberry taste to it, making it fairly similar to the original. The can itself says it is enhanced with the power and "flavor" of acai, but I really did not sense the taste of acai. Either way, for a can with that many energy ingredients the taste far exceeded my expectations. Taste Rating - 8.8
Core Fast Energy Drink Review: Kick
So the "athletes" energy drink kept a well rounded taste, but how will the new "hardcore" version perform. Well I would have to say that the combination of 300 milligrams of caffeine, D-Ribose (used to fight fatigue), Taurine, Ginseng Extract, Guarana Extract, Green Tea B-Vitamins, and Inositol provided me with a whopping kick. I mean it was incredible. I ate breakfast at 6:30 a.m, drank the entire can at 7:00 a.m, and then hit the gym at 7:45 for an intense lower body workout. I mean I was busting out squats like a giddy little girl texting on her new cell phone. Enough said, it's potent stuff! Just make sure you read and heed all the warnings on the can. I also suggest drinking plenty of water if you are going to workout after consuming. Kick Rating 9.9
Core Fast Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
Great taste, intense kick. Go Fast really one upped there original formula and came out with an incredible new "hardcore energy drink." Again, just make sure you read and heed all warnings on the can. This 8.4 ounce beverage is not for the lighthearted. I am not really sure where you can pick these up yet, but if anybody knows feel free to chime in below in the comments section. Final Judgment - 9.5
You can get Fast products in most gas stations and grocery stores around the Denver metro area, that's all i know of tho.
I know I have seen them in 7-11s on the 16th street mall in denver
Drank four of these at work one day and almost died. Love this product, it's the fastest selling energy drink at the gas station I work at. I reccommend it to all the truckers and oil field workers who are buying 5-hour energy or red bull. Why doesn't Go Fast advertise it on their website?
I also like to mix it with whiskey, makes Four Loko look like St. Ides.
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