New Liquid Cocaine Energy Drink
It’s all right, It’s all right, cocaine. When Clapton wrote those lyrics I highly doubt he figured that someone would make a liquid cocaine energy drink. Turns out Redux Beverages out of Las Vegas did just that. They made a liquid cocaine energy drink touting 350% more caffeine than Red Bull. With 280 miligrams of caffeine stuffed into 8.4 ounces this thing rivals one of the strongest energy drinks I have ever tried, Wired X-294. Wired has 294 miligrams of caffeine in 16 ounces, but this cocaine energy drink has 280 miligrams in 8.4 ounces. That is unreal and I can’t wait til I get my hands on one. Maybe the fellas at Redux Beverages would be kind enough to send me a sample so I can do a review on it!
Purchase the Cocaine Energy Drink Here
How will this cocaine energy drink taste you might ask? Well I have not tried it yet but it is supposed to taste like a "fruity atomic fireball" whatever that means. You might also be wondering if this cocaine energy drink gives you a throat-nummer? Well there is no real cocaine in there, but there is supposedly a throat numming ingredient. Redux Beverages did not say what this secret ingredient was but I would not be surprised if your throat became numb from the 280 miligrams.
Another plus to this cocaine energy drink is that it is supposed to give you a "High" followed by a state of Euphoria within five minutes of the drink. After the initial high you get a energy buzz that last for 5 to 6 hours. What happens after that you might ask? Is there a hard crash leaving you with a huge longing for more? Redux Beverages states that not only will you get 5-6 hours of extreme energy, you will experience no crash after the energy buzz wears off.
So did they make this drink better than the actual thing? Well I could not tell you but I am sure there will be some comparisons being made between the drink and the nose candy. I will stick to comparing it to the other energy drinks I have reviewed. Hopefully I will be able to review it sooner than later but as of right now this drink is currently only available in Los Angeles and New York. So I have not been able to buy cocaine energy drink yet!
Well check back later for updates and reviews concerning this controversial new cocaine in a can beverage!
The Cocaine Energy Drink Review is finally here!
Purchase the Cocaine Energy Drink Here
Labels: Cocaine Energy Drink
I'm drinking some as I type this. It's terrible. It's a light pink and it burns your throat as it goes down. My coworker mixed it with coffee and put sugar and milk in it, the milk wouldn't mix at all and the sugar caused a crusty foam to come to the top, according to him.
lol but it dont matter bout the taste of feeling in ur throat... its the kick that counts
who in their RIGHT mind would mix this with COFFEE? jees.
What is the kick like. I could care less about the taste.
I have not tried the drink yet. But with as much caffeine as Wired X-294 in only half the size, I am assuming that the kick should be unbelievable. As soon as you can get it online I will give it a try.
Yes, eeew why would you mix an energy drink with coffee and milk? That sounds awful!
I need to kno wat this drink kicks like, i have such high expectations for a drink named COCAINE. plus the throat numbing sounds pretty cool. i just tried it, It really doesnt taste bad...It tastes way better than Redbull....
It does numb the throat really bad...and it made me hot
I just bought 2 of these on ebay for $24. I'm an energy drink fan I and have to say this is the worst tasting thing I've ever had. I attempted to let my wife taste some of it and before she took a drink she smelled it and started coughing. I would compare it to a fruity battery acid-like substance. Needless to say the second can's going back on ebay. I didn't get a chance to see how the "energy" factor was since it went into the trash after 2 drinks of it.
Pussy. I bet u drink coors light.
Anyone care to elaborate on the type of caffeine rush you get from the beverage? I'm curious.
This is the worst beverage I have ever consumed in my entire life. It tastes like burning. It does NOT numb the throat and it does NOT give as intense a kick as youd expect. I can't think of an accurate way to describe just how bad it tastes and feels in your mouth. Imagine an alcohol/chili pepper/battery acid type of burn in your entire mouth and throat. I barely choked down the can. The kick is nothing to brag about. I would compare it to two red bulls. This drink gets negative 5 stars.
i think its wayyyyyyy better then redbull. whereas the redbull taste like piss and looks like it. yea it may burn your throat but that's how you know its work. and for the idiot who bought two for 24 dollars. i bought 3 for 7 dollars. face it bubba your a wimp. the kick is amazing. i was dead in the morning after a night of a 10 hour shift of unpacking 1200 boxes for work. 10 minutes into drinking it i was wide awake. i give it a wopping A+++++++.
see here y'all.. anyway... wired is 16oz... and has more caffein than the just under 9oz cocaine.. there no difference in kick.. do the math.. maybe more caffein in the smaller volume cocaine... but if you drink one can of cocaine, or one can of wired... guess what... same effect... you will drink one can no matter what, so what does the liquid volume matter?
Yea this is a really bad tasting drink. I ordered 15 cans expecting some crazy highs, but this is too aweful to choke down. I ended up mixing it with some flavored water to reduce the burning. And my what a burn, its the exact same burn you get when you throw up in your mouth a little. The taste isn't that bad, but the burning reminds me too much of puking.
the drink is the best ever. ok ive been an energy drink fan forever. ive tried so many drinks and they all fall short of this drink. sure it burns... but dont be a pussy. this drink gives you a rush you wouldnt belive. if your a whimp stay clear of this drink but if you want a rush if you want some energy and if you want the best buy cocaine
Well so far what I've heard from this that it is totally revaulting and disgusting.I was debating wether to buy a 6 pack of the internet but sounds like a waste of money to me.
I think if I want a major caffiene rush I'll go with Wired or drink 3 Monsters lol
I actually just bought a six pack and im definately getting more it does taste like an atomic fireball and its weird because you can feel it in your stomache for quite some time after. I personally like the taste cuz its a slight burn but I would recommend it to people since its not really the taste I'm after its the effects. SO drink on and whoever drank it with coffee must not have actually tried it first since that would taste pretty disgusting the only thing you could mix it with would be alcohol but I wouldnt recommend that either.
I bought a couple from a guy that sells them right by my house, they are very fruity flavored, but yes they burn...but whats a little burn going to do...the flavor is great once you get past the burn...i say chug it down, smoke a cig, and by the time your done it wont burn anymore, and you'll be feeling the beggining of the crazy rush you get...its like an insane rush for a few minutes followed by great energy for a few hours...have fun people...don't let the burn turn you away...
dude this stuph is awesome, like the thing about no crash afterward is actually true, i had one can and i was going for about... well i still am... and i had it yesterday.... and i thought it tastes pretty good actually :-P
well havent tried it, don't really care too all drinks are the same. caffeine has no affect on me and really what's the point it has a little over two cups of coffee in it. i usually drinks about two pots and thats just in the morning. go take two no-doz a multi vitamin.
Cocaine energy drink was a good idea but a horrible product it tastes like poo
I love this drink and it does taste like an atomic fireball with a cherry flavor. At the beginning i kind of hurts your throat but you get used to it. I drank this at 4 pm and right away it started working and it lasted until 2 am Saturday. As was stated there is no crash at the end of the high. I love this product and I recomend this to any energy drink person. All you people that complain about the taste stop complaining an energy drink is not made for its taste but the energy boost you get from it.
The best way to drink it is to pour it into a glass and chug it all at once. Your mouth will feel like the Dairy queen FLAMETHROWER commercial so DO NOT exhale because flames will shoot out of your mouth. The burn is caian peper oil and it causes the imediate release of endorfinz (bad spelling) that I pearsonally think feels great. Then the body rush sets in and you get a punch in the back of the head that tells you to get up and GO!!!! P.S. I could not stop talking for the life of me
WARNING this stuff BURNS!! After chugging the can for the first time, the taste is hard to comprehend because my throat was on fire! I thought i was having an allergic reaction until i looked on the internet and found that this was normal. After about 10 minutes i had to call all my friends and explain to them just how much energy i had, the kick absolutely insane, you'll just have to try it for yourself...the burn was totally worth it for the incredible amount of energy i was instantly injected with
the drink kicks ass, and this BURN you pussies keep on complaning about is nothing an atomic fire ball burns more than this shit, it is more of a tingily feeling. also it is a cheap buy of 10 for 2 and 47$ for 24. and when it comes to kicks nothing beats this. it takes 3 hours of not eating and 4 energy drinks to give me a real kick but man when i cug 2 of these i'm just up and at anything.
p.s. it leaves a warm felling in my tummy
Hey - Eric Clapton didn't write Cocaine... JJ Cale did!
I've bought these online and i have to say its very diiferent from any other energy drink ive tasted. I like mixing them with another energy drink. It reduces the burn and it jacks you up even more.
i had 6 of these in 7 hours once i wake awake for 4 days
Wow, a lot of people say it tastes like battery acid? How the fuck do you know what battery acid tastes like? Fucking Losers.
yeah all of you are pussies who think the burn is to much to handle. so if your not a bitch, drink it down and enjoy the rush that follows. and for those of you who say "there's no rush", your probably just another pussy who didnt finish because of the little burn it has.
Writer is retarded, it says 'she don't lie' not 'it's all right'
The first time I tasted this I was up for hours and rushing back to the airport to pick someone up.I thought it tasted great and had no burning at all, my boyfriend took the second can and loved it we were able to drive a uhaul for 30 hours straight only stopping for gas. It was the best thing ever. I found it in Illinois and now I cannot find it in any store in texas but will buy online now. Thanks...
I drank the liguid cocaine and the high was not worth the crash. After the drink wore off my blood sugar dropped to 43, which could cause shock and coma, my blood pressure spiked and I felt like I was dying. The stuff does burn the back of your throat like the actual drug. I personally would not recommend this drink to anyone.
You guys are pansies, if you want to talk about burning, do a shot of 151
yeah, but the thing is, i can do a shot of 151. i couldn't do a whole can though.
redline is much better than this, any energy nut outthere should try redline u jump on the walls after u had one of surprised its legal
check out whoopass energy drink
I personally drank one cocaine one five hour energy and two monsters and felt no increase in enery I went home and went to bed energy drinks do nothing for me. The taste of cocaine sucks, The burn is nothing to me and the energy just is not there. But if you like it enjoy the hell out of it and happy drinking.
i never had it but if it tastes like an atomic fireball i want to try one [[: i deff love energy drinks
I bought a case of 24 of these from their website. I needed something to get me through the day because I have 8 AM classes everyday at college. These don't just do that, they also taste good...I THINK! MANY people like it and MANY people hate it. You just have to try it. I wouldn't have all of it at once on an empty stomach though...its an uncomfortable feeling.. You don't feel jittery, but your stomach hurts a little and you just feel anxious. .SO EAT! Also, for all those who think this would kill their heart or that they'd get a heart attack, it has 600 percent your RDI of B12 and 100 percent RDI of B6 vitamins...which are natural relaxants, so I've noticed, if anything, a LOWER heart rate.
MY CONCLUSION: THIS STUFF KEEPS YOU AWAKE WITHOUT JITTERS AND WITHOUT A CRASH...FOR HOURS. Once I drank a can at like 10 PM and I layed in bed from 2 AM that night til 5 am, trying to sleep...SO IF YOU WANNA SLEEP...take it early.
I've had about half of my 24-can case and I'm not dead yet!
BTW for those who don't like the mild burn, they sell a non-burning one..its on their website.
I aswell really like that burning taste!
Just remember that you develop tolerance to caffeine if you use it too much, which results in little/no energy boost, and a hedache when you quit your caffeine addiction. Having one of these in the morning a few days in the week when needed gives a really nice energy boost tho!
haha, no one can finish it to get the kick, damn it is like putting batteries in a juicer and drinking that. It is so acidic, its pH is probably 12.
I dont think its the level of burn everyone dislikes, its just the strangeness of getting that spiciness from a cold fruity drink. kinda like how im tired of people putting sweet fruit on meats and vegggtables etc, and calling it gourmet. Also the cherry flavor tastes too artificial. like cheap candy or that crap the dentist used to clean my teeth with. just take your vitamins and some no doze if youneed the caffeine.
Buy the milder one - in blue 8.4 oz cans. Pour it into a big cup - about 32oz size - with 1/3 full of ice cubes. This helps smoothe your throat when drinking. Also it tastes great if mixed with 7-UP.
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