XS Energy Drink Review
Cost Per Ounce: $0.29
Active Ingredients: Taurine, Caffeine, Glutamine, Ginseng,
Taste Rating: 9.5 (Scores on Originality)
Kick Rating: 7.5
Final Judgment Rating: 8.5
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
XS Energy Drink Review
I had heard that the XS Energy Drink is supposed to be relatively healthy for you as it has zero carbs, zero sugar and only 8 calories. Turns out XS energy drink is the first review I have done that falls into the "sports energy drink" category and the timing was perfect as I had to wake up early this weekend to get some hardcore exercising (Frisbee golf) in and I wanted to be in my prime! And what better way to get going than an energy beverage!
XS Energy Drink Review: Taste
I have tried many energy drinks in my life but this XS energy drink will be the first one that is root beer flavored and one of the few that does not contain sugar, carbs and is low in calories. I have to say that before I tried it I was pretty skeptical, but I would highly recommend at least trying this once. Not only is
the root beer flavor unique, but it actually tastes pretty good, kind of like the old school root beer flavor. You know the kind that doesn't give you gut rot because of all the sugar. I will give the XS energy drink review for taste a high 9.5.
XS Energy Drink Review: Kick
The initial sugar high is not there that you get with normal energy beverages and that is because this root beer flavored drink has none. However, the actual kick it puts off is pretty good. It was a perfect pick me up for Frisbee golf and I image it would be for real sports as well. The kick I got lasted through Frisbee Golf and into the beginning of the evening, so a total of about 5-6 hours. Not bad but not the greatest. I will give the XS Energy Drink Review for kick an average score of 7.5.
XS Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
The taste is old school original, especially for an energy beverage. The kick was pretty good, and would likely benefit those people who need that little bit of extra energy before sports or weightlifting etc. The only bad thing is the price is not that nice. You can get them in a case for about $24.00, which comes out to $2.00 a can. The final judgment is a pretty decent 8.5, mainly for the original flavor. I have to try their other variety of drinks as well.
Previous Energy Drink Reviews
Labels: Diet Energy Drinks, XS Energy Drinks
I agree. XS is definitely a unique drink. I've seen old people and diabetics drink this stuff. So it won't harm your body, like Red Bull or the high sugar drinks.
My favorite is the Cranberry-Grape. I also hear that they are coming out with a "Cola" flavor, so that should be interesting.
so how do you get this XS drink without joining their cult?
Find someone who is smart enough to rep the #2 selling energy drink...and ask them (me)...wow...what a thought!
cult? to my understanding theres a multi million dollar private franchising business attached to it..how is franchising a cult?
There are like 8 flavors of Xs and some are caff. free!! If you are a member of someones site you can get Xs for about $21 a case!!!!!
XS Drinks taste horrible. And I see some of the whack-jobs on here that sell it think that they're really going to make a profit and quit their day jobs. Keep on buying those motivational materials every time you take a sip of that magic kool-aid!
Uh, just go to the Quixtar site. You can buy anything without joining, you just pay the retail price.
I am drinking an XS Cranberry-Grape Blast right now, and I must say it tastes grand. Also, the Black Cherry Cola Blast is wonderful, I would highly encourage everyone to try these drinks and see if they like them.
I love xs, I buy them all the time from a friend. I love citris and Cranberry best hopefully they will put them out in the market for all to purchase
no one mentioned the fact that it's only got the caffeine of a cup of coffee - the real energy comes from 4900% of Vitamin B12! That's the same shot of B that people pay $300 to get. $2 isn't bad if you look at it that way - if anyone knows of another one where energy comes from vitamins instead of chemicals and super amounts of caffeine, please let us know. Maybe it'd be cheaper.
Cult? XS tastes horrible? Please...Get a clue. Those "whack-jobs", as you say, are making money promoting their private franchises and if you were smarter than the average can of Red Bull you would look into it. That "magic Kool-aid" along with a million more products will allow them to quit their day jobs sooner than you have ever dreamed of. Remember that every day you go into work making your boss rich instead of yourself.
Heck yeah man! I'm proud to say that I've been with Quixtar for over 5 months. Besides being an IBO I also own my own computer company. Either way, I don't have a boss telling me what to do. However, I tell my employees with my computer when to get up, where to go, and when to eat. Employees can be so dumb.. Who sells their life to someone else for only 600 pennies an hour? Oh, and the products are freakin' AMAZING!!!!
XS Energy Drinks are AWESOME!!!!!
I am new to the IBO thing. I just registered for it in the end of last month. There's a lot of opportunities to make money in it. I like the XS it's not sugary or anything and doesn't give you that kick that you need but it's great.
Zero calories means zero energy. Please don't support the marketing of such pseudoscience.
0 calories does not mean 0 energy...b vitamins, caffeine those both contribute to energy both atp and central nervous system increase...this product and all of their flavors are awesome. There are pleny of ways to get it without becoming a member of their business...
Something for nothing is the oldest scam. The burden of proof is on you. Please direct me to some evidence (articles, etc) to clarify what you claim. Not changed in my impression that the marketers of such products selling pseudoscience. Bring it on for real. I'm waiting.
i buy these drinks and sell them i like them better the other energy drinks
I highly recommond this to every one its better on your system then those other enery drinks
if you want to drink a red bull go ahead and get a sugar buzz and passout in 5 mins
change over to XS enegry drinks and you can play games online for hours and never fall asleep again i have done thise 3 times on XS enegry drinks it was fun
i agree with the author of this article. XS Energy Drink is a sports drink. i have one right before i work out. i love the flavors, the tastes. my favorite, like the others here is cranberry grape. one thing is, this drink is easier to get then other posters have said. i buy them online at: XS Energy Drink Supplier. I hope this helps.
this is a unique energy drink, i've had the spike shooters and the zipfizzes and they are good, but this is the only brand that i have been able to have a cola energy drink. 4900% b12 is nice and yes the black cherry cola blast tastes like wild cherry cola ;D and i rep these drinks and about to sell them, right now just sampling the variety case, 12 or 15 flavors. strong enough for the people who normally drink rockstar or monster, cause for me those have no effect. which led me to spike and zipfizz, lol my cousin had 2 zipfizzes and was able to play his MMO's nonstop.
okay i sent everyone on my myspace and facebook this message about XS Energy Drinks......
okay this morning i went to the gas station to pick up some Monster Energy Drinks and this guy behind me works for a Energy Drink Company called XS and omg this shit is GOOD! the cans are like the size of Red Bull cans but this blows Monster, Full Throttle, Red Bull, Rock Star, and all of the other major Energy Drink companies out of the water. this doesnt have all that shit in the drinks that are bad for you or anything it is just pure energy and pure healthy so if your like me and you love energy drinks check out XS Energy Drinks.
so if u read that all this stuff is goood.
Sincerly, David Wayne Decker. Lincoln Nebraska USA
David Decker.
Your one of the many that finally get it.
XS Energy drinks are amazing.
Congrats and keep enjoying.
Woodie. Quixtar IBO.
Orrtanna, Pa
Look up quixtar and find the Primetime tv special about them on youtube. way too overly religious for my tastes, very cult like imo. I have a friend who was roped into it and pays for all their crap, and is totally brainwashed by his "marketing team". He even tried to recruit me. Cause thats how it really works, it is like a pyramid scheme, and the company who owns Quixtar is Amway, who have been sued and investigated many times by the federal govt. Anyway he gave me a few XS drinks, and they were ok, but I stay away from them, just as my friend stays away from me now because he was told by the "higher ups" to break all friendships with anyone who questions the company. I kid you not...
Being investigated by the feds is a good thing and Quixtar/Amway is Better Business Bureau compliant and has been approved by the Federal Trade Commission for 50 years, agian... 50 years. I'm sure Quixtars partner stores such as Dell, Office Depot and Circuit City have more attorneys working them than you have for you. Also the only people who are negative about the Quixtar Business Model are people who are to affraid to find out that it will work for them or they attempted the business and 3 people said no and they quit(What a wimpo). Oh, XS Energy Drinks "The best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be! - Bret Hart"
This energy drink may seem good to you cause of "zero carbs" "zero sugar" blah blah blah. But it also gives you a HUGE dose of B vitamins that can become toxic in your body if consumed in excess. people need to read the label because it surpasses the amount of b vitamins that the RDA reccommends. NO ENERGY DRINKS ARE GOOD FOR YOU! wake up. work out and get your energy.
Why is the negative guy anonymous?
Cockroaches always hide when the light is turned on. Oh and the OD-ing on the B-12 thing this is from the NIH site. B-12 is great for you. Go hide in the dark cockroach!
What is the health risk of too much vitamin B12?
The Institute of Medicine of the National Academies did not establish a UL for this vitamin because vitamin B12 has a very low potential for toxicity. The IOM states that "no adverse effects have been associated with excess vitamin B12 intake from food and supplements in healthy individuals" [7]. In fact, the IOM recommends that adults older than 50 years get most of their vitamin B12 from vitamin supplements or fortified food because of the high incidence of impaired absorption in this age group of vitamin B12 from foods that come from animals [7].
Hahaha...funny to see all the amway/quixtar braindead zombies trolling websites with a energy drink in their hands...There is no way anyone can talk sense into them!!!
Quixtar/Amway is a long standing, long proven and privately held company which some are critical of due to their lack of education. XS is just one of several premier product lines that have clinical research to back the product. XS is strong in B12, which is a water soluable suppliment. In layman's terms for the uneducated; what your body doesn't use, it flushes out. Moral of the story? Become knowledgalbe about what you are running off your mouth about before you eat your shoe...
I love xs energy drink, i just wish they would leave amway (quixtar) like the rest of us did.
I know I would buy it again if they did, but i can't support a company that forgets the people who made it a success in the first place.
it is like a pyramid scheme, and the company who owns Quixtar is Amway, who have been sued and investigated many times by the federal govt.
You are the dumb. 1. Amway does not own Quixtar. Amway is a sister company to Quixtar and is part of the parent company Alticor. 2. Yes, Quixtar has lawsuits. But why don't you look at the details instead of reading headlines. Also, I'm sure you shop at Wal-Mart? They have more lawsuits against them than any major corp. 3. You are still very very dumb. 4. Investigated by the Federal Gov't.? That doesn't even make sense. The company is approved by the FTC. Pyramid compensation plans can not be approved by the Federal Trade Commission.
A piramid is what you are working. You are the employee getting the work done so the CEO can go and play golf and pay you to do his or her job. Being a business owner without employees and just talking to people means you do not have to pay the large amount of wage, unemployment taxes, medical insurance for employees that holler FLMA when they break a finger nail. As a independent business owner you can do as you wish and still take all the tax avantages that all your retail and major companies take and do it legally. "XS is a wonderful drink and that is not the only thing that financial freedom can offer you without working a nine to five job complaining about the raise you didn't get because you were stuck relying on an employer to pay your waqges instead of you going out and making your own wealth.
My dad and I are in Quixtar and all of the vitamins and the XS energy drinks rock there are 13 different flavors more than other energy drinks and it has the best taste ever I am going to join the business too and if you haven't tried XS yet don't start saying things cause what if you try one and you end up liking them!!I am drinking an XS right now of Rootbeer Blast and it taste like a rootbeer float!!
I am also an IBO I think the taste of the Black Cherry cola blast is the best They are also coming out with a flavor called Gold. I agree with the person who said that you are making your boss rich working for someone.Everone needs a plan B
in these crazy times.
I am also an IBO and I'm sure the VP's of Circuit City and Barnes and Nobles would not associate themselves with an illegal marketing plan. Ask your manager next time how he is helping you to achieve your dreams and girl. Ask your company VP if he'll keep you next time layoffs come.
First: to review the drink itself. I've been drinking the stuff since there were only two flavors: Citrus, and Cran-Grape (Tropical came out about a year after I started drinking them) and I can say that they have been consistently amazing. No other energy drink out there can claim what XS does: no sugar, no carbs, low calories. The taste is great, and if you don't like it, well... there are only about 15 flavors to choose from as of now, with more always on the way (Gold will be out in a while, and I'm interested to see what it's like) and with that many, you're sure to find one that suits you. As for the "kick," I wouldn't say it's as powerful as some others out there, but if you really need more than 5 or 6 hours of "pick-me-up" energy then you really ought to just sleep, rather than cram the 300 mg of caffeine and antidepressants that more potent offerings have. The greatest thing about XS's kicker is that you don't feel a "buzz" because there's no sugar. You simply feel wide awake and ready to go. The B-vitamins are water-soluble, so there's very little risk of toxicity (a mere 3 ounces of mollusks will get you about 1/4 this, which is still about 1500 %DV) and it will keep you up and going for a good long time.
And as to the spat that seems to have been caused by ignoramuses spouting lies, here's this. I'm also an IBO, and I find it funny that there have been no rebuttals to the facts that those of us who know the truth have actually disproven the ridiculous claims of the naysayers here. Also, there will always be plenty of negative press about any successful company, so that "There's a Youtube vid saying they're bad!" argumen means nothing. I could show you youtube "documentaries" about "rainbows in sprinkler water" being government cover-ups. There are always naysayer and whackjobs out there, so just because you found one means nothing. Also, I should add (for any other IBOs out there) that I am a proud member of the WWDB organization under Ron, and my upline Diamond is Bill Emery.
And finally, I call out one user specifically: Mike Krpan. You say that "no calories means no energy" and while this may be true in the immediate sense, this is easily one of the most idiotic things posted here. You attempt to ignore your own argument's deficiencies by saying that "you're still not convinced" and that we need to "back up our claims" when there is hard science, basic science, that soundly disproves the very argument you try to make. Nutrition dictates that the body needs more than simple calories to thrive, and the vitamins and herbal blends in XS provide plenty of easily available energy to the body without providing calories in the normal sense. The science is there, and if you are too lazy to look it up, don't expect us to hand it to you on a silver platter.
Hey a true pyrimid scheme is one on which one makes money on signing others into a business and no commerce or trade of goods or services are exchanged. Last time I checked we buy from ourselves,and retail to family and friends and teach others how they can do the same creating business volume and that is how we are making money. Social Security is a more of a pyrimid, do you think you are going to get all of your money back? I am an IBO and getting back my investment of less than $150.00 was simple. Anything else is profit, so what is the problem? Is your CEO of the company you work for going to let you make as much money as him or more than him? In this business you can be as successful as you want. Work a little and make a little. Work more and make more. Pretty simple concept.
The company is like a cult! I've been approached by four separate people asking me to join there team. They all had the same twenty minute sales pitch, WORD FOR WORD. It was quite eerie.The XS energy drinks do taste amazing though!
i love us ibo's other people just do not understand what we have our hands on... but dont worry they r the ones that are going to be working for just enough to pay their rent while i will be spending enough to help kids in mexico and india
for all those negetives out there, you are only speaking so negetively because you are too weak to confront your own fear of failure, i am an IBO from Australia and not until i really understood the simplicity of the system i could really appreciate, have an open mind, you can then grow, with a closed mind you would only rot. XS is such a fantastic product and it shall be the one to look for to boost the business.
Not interested just shut up and watch other grow, just think for your self, and those who see this as pseudoscience, know your facts before your spill such words which reflects your true personality.
- Venkat a proud IBO from Sydney BWW team
Wow I'm glad I found this site on google. First off I would like to thank each IBO who gave their peace of mine to these degenerate, self involved individuals, that has no concept on opening their minds. To believe outside of the box. I just started a few days ago and I love the XS drinks. Yes, I recommend not drinking this before bed. LOL Quixtar and Amway Global, congrats on the 50 years and counting... PEace
XS is truely the best energy drinks on the market! And, why would they be rated as the #1 energy drink in online sales if they weren't good and good for you? The fact is that there are more flavors out there to suit anyones taste buds and they are 100% moneyback gauranteed for up to 180 days. You wouldn't be able to get a Red Bull from the local 7eleven and try to return it because you didn't like either of the flavors 'reg or diet', would you? I've been a proud business owner for 6.5 years and have seen and are being taught by those that have been successful with their Amway business, and, it proves itself time and time again. So, for all of those people out there that don't do the proper 'RESEARCH', and not just google some lame quote or a no-name-no-tooth broke-minded individual without a dream to give them some advice, than you just need to plain SHUT-UP and leave those people who really want to follow their dreams do so with some compassion!!
Your rebuttal is taken only as the rhetoric of avoidance. Its not up to science to provide proof to its established principles. Rather, its up to those that make wild claims, that seem to ignore the facts. I afraid your words only reveal how truly ignorant you are. Zero kcal means zero kcal. Let's not confuse stimulation of the central nervous system with human energy production. Too much at stake $$$ for you to face the facts. I would gladly pay for unbiased arbitration to pick you apart until you collapse just what you are: NOTHING.
Again, Mike, you ignore basic biological science. The body needs more than pure kcal to survive, and there are plenty of nutrients that provide energy (both CNS stimulation AND bodily endurance) while having little to no calories. The key is the fact that calories themselves are of little to no value to the human body. What they are is simply a readily available form of energy, which the body can break down with ease. The truest form of energy that the body uses is, in fact, ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) which is used in all of the body's functions.
Simply because a body has enough calories to function is no guarantee that it will actually have the ENERGY to move, because the human body needs more than simple calories to survive. Again, you deftly sidestep the fact that you have little understanding of the real matters at work here, and proceed to answer questions with more questions.
What you need to realize is that you are wrong. That is all there is to it, and that is a simple as it gets. We could argue for days, weeks, or even months about the details of how it is so, but in the end you are taking a position that is completely indefensible. The more you bicker on and on about how you don't believe in basic scientific principles of nutrition and biology, the more people will view you as an ignorant bigot.
You sir, should quit while you're ahead, before people think of you as no more than a troll. Take this "rebuttal" as however you see fit, but the facts will remain regardless of anything you or I do or say.
I love the XS Energy flavor, but was quite disappointed by the drink's energy effect. I needed at least 2 of them consecutively to notice any improvements in energy levels. Most of my friends and colleagues share the same experience.
Aside from that topic, I've been reminded how irritating the popular Amway / Quixtar IBO's false dichotomy can turn, specifically one particular "conclusion" that has been repeatedly stated or implied in blog's comment section: "If you don't join Amway / Quixtar, you must be a miserable individual doomed to work life away at a job forever?"
Please, people. You aren't honorary members of the only legitimate home-based business or MLM in the world. There are many opportunities to choose from, and there are plenty of you self-righteous Quixtar reps here that need to watch your assumptions and do a little independent research into the MLM arena.
Don't get me wrong. I love the leveraging benefits and business concept of MLM, but some of you are using too wide a brush with very thick paint. Be careful how you represent yourselves.
Best Regards,
- Mr. Ryz
my mom and dad sell XS and i think its AWSOME!!!!! no woulint get it the biz. but think the drinks and bars are awsome!
XS black cherry cola is AWSOME!!!!! and who wouldint buy them there good for you and tast awsome!!
I love this drink except for the peach green tea. the new one, wild blueberry is awesome! i love all of them! my parents are in the business and there not scammed ,but i guess you people who say its a scam can't get people in your business lol.
the drinks taste great,and the other amway stuff has been awesome as well.shampoo,house cleaner.coffee.yes,i'm an IBO.we have been in 10months.and spend spend spend,for cds,seminars,the books.hum,yep.i see why the higher up make so much.their stuff is going to sell.devoted ppl that want this"dream to come true"are still buying,while their family,is a bit put off!we haven't made much,but we have spent over 4oo.oo a month x the 9/10 months since we have been in.hum.the products are better than what i have found in stores,hands down,i just don't see us getting ahead in this.i feel we have spent enough,and no results.
The comment before me basically backs up what I was just about to say. I am a college student and one of my roommates works for this strange company. This is what his job entails... Getting wayyy to many shipments of energy drinks and bars, stacking the boxes in the living room and never throwing them away, drinking at least 5 cans of Xs energy per day, and dissing other energy drinks when he sees commercials for them on tv. He spends shit loads of money on so much different garbage from this company (for example he bought like 6 boxes of cheerios because it was $2 off). I have no idea how much he spends, but I do know that he gets a check for ONLY $100 a month. Wow, he makes just over $1000 per year. Is it really worth it?
I am friends with one of the seven owners and XS Energy isnt a scam, and it isnt supposed to make you wired and jittery like Monster and Red Bull..it is supposed to raise your energy level a little bit and keep you at that level for hours on end. I drink one every day before school and it keeps me wide awake.
The fake sugar in XS is literally a PLASTIC molecule attached on the end of a sugar strain.
This burns and stores it in your lymph nodes because your body doesn't know what to do with plastic.
I would hardly call the fake sugars in this drink healthy....
I promised myself not to get involved in this shitfest again, but "Hurting Inside"- you are blatantly wrong. Inexorably and inexcusably wrong. The sugar substitute in XS energy drinks is exactly the same as is used in many other products, and is absolutely not what you say it is.
Saying anything is "one molecule away" from being anything else is total pseudoscience bullshit, but that doesn't stop you from trying to look smart while decrying the evils of a company that took your money while you sat on your fat arse and waited for money to just roll in without any effort.
As an example, I could (and unlike OTHER statements made above, this would be true) say that common, everyday water is one molecule away from being two of the most dangerous, unstable elements in the universe: oxygen and hydrogen. I could also point out that table salt is a combination of two rather deadly elements as well: Sodium and Chlorine. But why are these products (Air and Salt?) not being decried for being evil and dangerous? Simple- nobody ever lost money because of them, while Quixtar/Amway have had people fail at owning their own business, and when people realize they can't even do a habby-level business right they get bitter.
Grow a brain sometime people, you'll find it comes in quite handy.
Also: specifically to "Hurting Inside"- do you really expect ANYONE to take your blog seriously when the image header is a loldog and the URL is a line from a Bel-Air setup?
Hurting Inside, don't be too upset about being scathed by a guy that sells ignorant garbage to gullible young people and toilet paper to his grandmother.
Obvioustroll is obvious. GTFO, Krpan.
Careful Nona, the real self in showing.
"Real self"? As if I've got any reason to be anything other that who I am? I'm just sick of your inflammatory comments and baseless accusations, so I get snippy. If you've got a problem with that then get bent, pal.
I got a question for you: where do you come of so morally superior to everyone associated with XS, Quixtar, and Amway in general? What makes you any better than the hard-working people who actually make this business work? You are the sort of troll I hate the most; you're self-aggrandizing, smug, and demeaning while the sad reality probably is that you're a bitter 30-something who couldn't make enough money as an IBO, so you've taken it upon yourself to crusade against the evil Amway Corporation and flame anybody who opposes you. You disgust me; now kindly shut the hell up.
You are the one that went out of your way to squelch any dissenting comment against an ignorant product. Trying to protect your interests is not going to change the facts. Or, is keep em' stupid part of the your code?
that you're such an incorrigible bigot, Mike, but I still think you're grasping at straws here. You fail to provide any evidence to support your theory that energy drinks don't, in fact, give people energy in any way, shape, or form, and on top of that, you have launched baseless attacks at me when I attempt to squelch misinformation (Plastic?! Even YOU can't be thick-headed enough to believe that one!) and no matter what happens, I am sure you will remain a bitter, argumentative waste of oxygen. Making slights at me for "keeping them stupid" or saying I have vocally opposed every dissenter is ludicrous; I haven't said a word against people who simply don't prefer the stuff, or give subjective opinions to an extent. What I *have* been opposed to is outright falsehoods, and if you're too blind to see that, then that's your own loss, Michael.
Quixtar / Amways is a marketing pyramid. The people I see involved in this program spend more time in grand places discussing the potential and buying a bunch of materials. They are all broke and annoy there friends with trying to push these dumbass products on us.
The only trueley successful peopleinvolved in this are the speakers and those that sell materials. I own a REAL business with REAL services. This
"system" is NO business model. Buying stuff at near retail prices to try to sell to friends and family with little to no real profits, sounds like a pyramid.
The only persons benefiting from this are Quixtar and whatever Amway is called today!
Get a grip people!
I just want to say that my family of 10 and i have been in amway for almost 10 years. not to say anything bad, but some other people dont realize that trap they are in by working for 8.00 an hour. the person who made amway is proud of everyone who is achieving their dreams because of amway.just to clear things up, amway did not create quixtar, it is quixtar. amway was the name of quixtar in mexico and quixtar in the usa.they just changed the name so it would be easier. also, about xs, i fully L O V E it. Ive tried xs gold and it is bomb! were ibos and have a positive approach to life. so yeah, xs gold has a great kick and is awesome for you.
also, amway is not a pyramid. there are LOTS of people living a rank of diamond and others that are starting on platinum and up. before you start talking trash, go and actually read about it.
I will be a proud IBO right quick after my final interview... and i just want to say to those who think Amway is a Pyramid scheme...
Do you have a job?.. One where you work for a boss who pays you, and may not even know your name? Your company owner is at the top.. and he has managers with supervisors under them, with employee's under the supervisors, all the way up to the receptionist. Well, how is that not a "pyramid"? your working so far below him and below your superviser and manager, and building HIS dream. Do you think you'll ever be able to work your way up to be the owner of this company you work for? Probably not.. Amway gives you the chance to build your OWN dream depending on how hard you work and you sell products just like any other company, except you make a profit. It's all about how you think and you people who think Amway is a pyramid scheme just don't have open minds and are in way too much of a comfort zone.
Well this is to anyone out there who does not believe in this program. I am 20 years old and I am a diamond member in this so called "cult". I dont know how much money all of you out there are making, but I know that i have taken 4 trips out of the country on what I have earned!!! When I returned from these trips I still had money building! I did this in 2 years. So to anyone who has a doubt about IBO's and what they are working toward, you may want to look a bit further... XS energy drink is how i started out in this business. The drink works great if you are looking for a boost without that jittery feeling. It is good for your health as well!!! P.S. I think 200K a year is probably enough to retire dont you??? And to anyone who is an IBO out there KEEP IT UP!!!
This is to Mr. Anonymous or rather Mr.Spinless...I understand your neg. opinion on XS and their marketing company, in my years in business people like you have come and gone, always will. People like you don't have what it takes to be successful, or rather go further than putting on their own shoes with-out someone telling them how or what to do next. The only people in this world who talk neg. about this great product and company are the ones who can't miss their 4 hours of TV per day, and those who can't take rejection. I put people like you in the same catagory as people who collect welfare, mainly because their too lazy to apply themself....or as we call that in this country WORK. So if you would please keep your neg. lazy comments to yourself I'm sure there is a line at the local unemployment office for you to talk with who have the same out look on life. These people have a goal, dream, and great outlook on life. They don't need to be bothered by things like you !!! Keep it up guys, sell the hell out of it !
the fizz makes for one exciting enema! better yet if you've been drinking a couple a day because the sucralose makes your poop tastes sweet!
this energy drink is terrible and is a pyramid scheme...u get worked
To Coolassmike:
Let me ask you 3 questions about your REAL business with REAL services.
1. Did your REAL business have any growth from the last year? Amway Global did $8.2 Billion in sales for 2008 and thats a 15% increase from 2007. Even in this downward economy, Amway Global's business grew.
2. Could you provide a creditable source showing that Amway Global/Quixtar is a Pyramid Scheme? By creditable source I do not mean someones MySpace website.
Here is my creditable source The Better Business Bureau.
Now I'm sure your thinking of some issue because its a Canada BBB, well the BBB is the same BBB no matter what county its in.
You can also look at the partner store website. Here let me direct you.
If you're too afraid to look this list includes Dell, OfficeDepot, Sears, Barns and Noble, Disney, and many other name brand stores. I'm sure all of these companies have attorneys that would advise them not to get involved with a pyramid scheme. Please understand, all of these companies approached Amway Global to be a partner store, Amway Global did not approach them.
3. How many of your employees make more money than you? Most likely... none.
To describe a pyramid the person at the top makes the most money while the person on the bottom makes very little money. If you missed it, this sounds like a JOB. If your the boss, the person under you cannot make more money than you. The typical corporate type job is set up just like a pyramid. So this means everybody who has a job works for a pyramid.
Here is my advice to you, get some creditable facts, not some cowards stories before posting what you think to be true.
Cult? Please, Get a clue? I LOVE XS energy drink! Its awesome! Praise the revenue that's recieved hence-forth! I love it! My family loves it! I make my friends love it! Maybe you don't want to be rich...maybe money means nothing to you! THIS IS THE GATEWAY!!! I love this! As thou hast lovedeth it'ith! BUY BUY BUY this drink! PAPPALARDO! REJOICE!
Credible source for Amway/Quixar being a pyramid scheme? I'm sure you're fine with recent historical documentation?
...a settlement of over $50 million? Seems a little odd...if they were "innocent" shouldn't they have gone through the proper proceedings; what did they have to lose?
The main issue of these 3 IBO's was they felt training and support of the IBO was not in their favor. In my opinion these 3 IBO's had very high hopes of achieving something they were not willing to work for. In any network marketing business, you get paid by the efforts you put into it, not somebody else's efforts. Now since this lawsuit was settled the company has made some changes which are listed in the article. These new changes will be a great asset to all the IBO's who use the Amway Global system.
As for the rest of the article, evidently it can be interpreted in many ways, because the way I read it, it states how Amway Global is not a pyramid scheme. Even one of the last lines is stated as such, "A 1979 Federal Trade Commission ruling found the company (Amway) did not operate a pyramid scheme."
The definition of a Pyramid Scheme:
A pyramid is a scheme in which a recruit pays (an entry fee) for the opportunity to receive future benefits (money or privileges) which are primarily derived from that recruit’s (and/or subsequent recruits’) introduction of additional participants in the scheme, rather than from the sale of products to consumers. Thus, the scheme’s rewards effectively come from the addition of new participants and their investments, not from the sale and distribution of real products to persons who actually use or consume them. No real trading in viable goods or services takes place, and the scheme essentially involves an internal redistribution of wealth from new entrants to the promoters. The scheme serves no legitimate commercial function. The only “trade” being carried on is actually in scheme participants’ rights, and the redistribution of participants’ entry fees or investments.
Amway Global does not have such recruiting fees, what they have is a sign-up fee or a membership fee, which is similar to a Sam's Club Membership fee. This fee is strictly used for administrative purposes such as catalogs, website set-up and initial products.
To sum that up, in a pyramid, you pay money for a spot. In Amway you pay money for a product.
Maybe your issue was the fact they had a lawsuit against them. My answer to that is, every large corporation has a target on their front door for greedy people. Your other issue was they settled. Well, 95% of all lawsuits are settled out of court. Just because you’re being sued doesn't mean you’re in the wrong. A settlement means both sides are in agreement. If you become large enough somebody will sue you, just because they can.
How many lawsuits has Wal-Mart settled on?
Lets take a company like Sony, they recently settled a class action lawsuit against them for the WEGA 3LCD TV models. My father-in-law bought one of those 42' TV's a few years ago for $2000.00. To replace the bad part it would be $400.00 with no guarantee that will fix it. So Sony offered him a 46' replacement TV for $150.00 plus tax and shipping. Does this mean the entire Sony Corporation sales bad products, no it means one of their products was defective and unrepairable, so they changed how they made this model of TV.
In my last post, I made a statement which was not addressed. Amway Global has many Partner Stores, such as Dell, Sears, K-Mart, Office Depot, Disney, Barnes and Noble, Best Buy and many others. I know these businesses pay big bucks for attorneys. If Amway Global was an illegal pyramid scheme, why would these businesses approach Amway Global to be partners in business? Please somebody answer this one, "I challenge you, and back it up with something legitimate."
Also, everybody who reads this blog can agree with me on this last point.
These debates about any Network Marketing business (Amway, Avon, Mary Kay) are just like Political debates, you either agree with it or you don't. No matter how anybody tries to prove their point, you and I will still hold on to our agenda no matter how much we try to prove each other wrong.
For those like Mike that think Amway is a pyrmid scheme...
you should watch this .youtube video
Really XS is a unique drink...i like it so much...
i'm an ibo my names seth bridgewater im 24 part of the west coast movement. i guess i can see where all these negative people are coming from. if we knew what they only know then we would be thinking the same way that they think, thats why im not angry with them.But because i know what i know what i know i guess you can say im too thick headed to listen to what is being said. I love amway and i know why im building my business i know what my passion is. I have my sister to think about shes handicapped and i know i will have to take care of her when my mom passes away. No job can give me the time that i need and the money that i will need to take care of her, govt programs wont be in place to take care of her and im not going to put her in strangers hands. So this is my option i dont have time to waste.
Wow unless there is a biologist on here you all should just shut up I came on here looking for the ingredients to show a friend how bad energy drinks really are for you nothing is being regulated and doesn't have to me its not natural its being made in a lab for for mass production. They don't have to list how much and we don't know the effects on the body it will cause. And mixing Guarana and caffeine is very dangerous. And high amounts of taurine and high amounts of b 6 do nothing for the body because at that level they cancel each other out. Our bodies naturally make these chemicals when did it become okay to mass produce this in a lab then put it in a bpa lined can for consumption.. There is absolutely no proof that energy drinks are healthy for you.
For those who said the High Dose Vitamin B will toxic your body, why don't you first check the maximium consumption allowerence posted by FDA or other agencies.
As for the sweetner: plastic is one of the inorganic substances, but not ALL inorganic substances are plastic. Even if it is plastic; just like if you swallowed a piece of gum, it still comes out the same after going through your body.
About the calories, it is measured by the combustion of fat and sugar, so Zero Calories only means there is no Energy from FAT & SUGAR.
For those who are downing Amway, how many of you are 24 and retired because I love it! All I do is run a website now with an income of about $90,000. But, what do I know I'm just a very successful IBO.
People are ignorant. The name calling pyramid, cult, brain washed and all the other names. Has not changed the fact that Amway did $9 billion dollars in business. Your stupid opinions mean nothing. To hear someone say the drinks taste bad because of how it is marketed is absolutely foolish. You are a bunch of haters. Oh by the way my check is deposited in my account on the 19 of every month despite your negative comments and disbelief. This is free enterprise at it best. I am so proud to be in a cult that brainwashes me to believe I can be the best I can be. Your negative opinion of Amway Ibo's will never become our reality. Dare to Dream Ibo's you can do it. I did!! Go Diamond!!
Yeah the XS is pretty good but I got into Monavie and their drink is the all natural one too but with the Buzzword of the day - Acai! Lasts for a good 5-6 hrs too and all natural, which is what they're all saying
XS is just an overpriced, less-tasty version of Red Bull. And for the record, if selling energy drinks allowed people to quit their day jobs, I'm pretty sure the whole unemployment situation wouldn't be happening. There's some food for thought. I'm out...
XS drinks and SCAMWAY!!
my mums been in it for 12 years has made no money buys all there products of what she calls her business and yes she drinks a xs drink everyday and listens to all there cds and is convinced any day she will go DIAMOND!!!
Awesome drinks! Great taste, great energy, no sugar and no side effects like it happens with the drinks on the market. People who call this a cult or what not are an immature collective. Try the drinks and then if you like the idea making money promoting them go ahead and do it! What stops you from doing that? Quit listening to opinions and start acting, results come only that way!
Getting the FACTS straight!
**XS is the #1 selling Energy Drink, online! They are delicious and effective!
**Amway has been continuously growing, even in this recession.
**A cult is: a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies. Just because someone who has faith in God and works or owns a business does not make that business a cult.
**Pyramids are illegal per the FTC and in 1978 Amway (standing for the American Way) won an agreement from the FTC that has allowed other home businesses to start and flourish when done properly. In a pyramid you make money off someone who signs in, you stockpile products, there is no return of products... this is NOT Amway. When run properly, by code of ethics, Amway allows you to earn money and train others to do the same...it's a simple concept that has worked for over 50 years and going strong.
**I am an Independent Business Owner with Amway Global and proud of what the company has done to build a solid vehicle for people to make money and proud of what the company does to give back to the community!
**IF you are listening to gossip, forming opinions on hearsay you are shorting yourself of a good opportunity to learn, grow and earn . So sad... I wish you well though!
Serving YOU!
KimHall, Amway Independent Business Owner
I saw a social media post for an XS promotion: "Buy 5 Cases, Get 1 Free". So basically buy 6 cases and you get a ~17% discount. Why not just go to Bodybuilding.com and by a few jars of Jack3d? They have sales all the time but don't blow it out of proportion. And anyway, who buys cans of energy drink online?
My cousin worked for Amway for a while and he got screwed. Said it was really bad. On the plus side, for customers who buy products from Amway get discounts from their IBO. There are exclusive great products and the quality is high. No matter what anyone who works for them will tell you, it's still a pyramid. They just try to convince you in other wordings that it is not. I was going to train to be an IBO but didn't start it up. It's not worth paying the $200 or so a month. At least I got a free bottle of some energy supplement from the IBO. Good luck people and stay honest!
I checked out this site just out of curiosity to see how others feel about XS and not to my surprise I saw some pyramid comments. Unbelievable! From energy drink reviews to pyramid scam. Very scary how the people that post pyramid scam, all work for a boss. Umm isnt that a pyramid! I own my own business, therefore I'm the top of my pyramid. My employees have no chance of taking my job. However as an IBO I have had downline pass me by, generating more income than myself. I clapped as they went by! Yes i do benefit from them but they make more income than I do. Food for thought. Oh and by the way, why I was on here. I am the IBO responsible for XS Blast Mixers being introduced into some multimillion dollar food chains. I didnt create it, package it or ship it. Just introduced it and receive huge compensation checks for the establishments that buy it. What a great pyramid scheme! silly kids, go back to work
Most that try XS realize how much better they taste than the garbage in most stores.I am anxiously waiting for my shipment to come in.I may even drive an hour to get a case from a friend till mine come in.When they first came out I noticed how well they worked.I recently was diagnosed with diabetes and knowing how thw high B vitamins are good for circulation,I use them to lower my blood sugar when its too high.I can drop 50 points in about 15 minutes.I have tries exercise for an hour and only lowered it about 19 points.I just wish there was a one time fee for life that would give even a better deal.I do 2 cans a day.Sometimes at night,im tempted to go for # 3. To the negative guy on here posting crap,your spent in the head.Go buy your sugar in a can and get your snickers effect,but i will be consuming XS for many years to come.
I just tasted the cola flavored XS Energy drink and I about puked.It was by far the grosset energy drink I've ever had. I'll stick with coffee straight up black as natural as it gets thank you very much.
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