Fixx Extreme Ultra Shot Review

Cost: $3.00 - cheaper in bulk
Cost Per Ounce:NA
Active Ingredients:CAFFEINE - 400 milligrams
Taste Rating:7.8
Kick Rating:10
Final Judgment Rating:9
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Fixx Extreme Ultra Shot Review:
Well Fixx has been pushing the boundaries for quite some time now as there last Energy Drink, which is now discontinued, had 500 milligrams of caffeine. However, Fixx has come out with a new product called the Fixx Extreme Ultra Shot which comes in a tiny foil like package with 5 milliliters of liquid. This is the first time in almost 400 reviews that I have seen this type of packaging being used, but then again Fixx has pushed the boundaries in the past, so why not continue that trend with the new Fixx Extreme Ultra Shot...So let's see if this super concentrated energy shot can live up to the label of "ultra shot."
Buy Fixx Extreme - World's Strongest Energy Shot - Here
Fixx Extreme Ultra Shot Review: Taste
Fixx Extreme clearly states on the label that it is cappuccino flavored, so I thought the best time to try this bad boy would be right when I woke up and after I ate breakfast. So I opened up the tiny package and found a dark black liquid, or possibly gel. It seemed a cross between both. It smelled like cappuccino and sure enough it tasted like it. I proceeded to squeeze the entire package of the dark black gooey liquid gel into my mouth. I was inherently surprised (as I knew the ingredients in the package before hand), the taste was actually quite good and had no medicinal aftertaste. Which again is quite surprising since this is basically ALL energy as I will discuss later in the kick review. However, since it was somewhat of a gel, I did find it useful to get a drink of water after consuming. All in all I thought it was actually a decent taste, although I doubt that is what people will be buying this ultra energy shot for. Taste Rating - 7.8
Fixx Extreme Ultra Shot Review: Kick
I keep mentioning phrases like ultra shot and super concentrated... well I am doing this for a reason as this tiny, tiny energy shot contains an unheard of 400 milligrams of caffeine. More than I have ever had before, or have even heard of in this sized package. In fact I can only think of two other energy drinks that deliver more caffeine, but they require you to drink 24 ounce of liquid... On top of the 400 milligrams of caffeine there is also several other energy ingredients including; B12, Taurine, Glucuronolactone, L-Arginine, N-acetyl-tyrosine. So what was the end result? Well the energy hit within 5 minutes and lasted a long, long time. To add to the excitement I got all this energy with no calories, sugar, or carbs. I love it, the kick was HUGE, but this amount of energy is not for everyone, so make sure you read the label first before consuming. If you are used to regular energy drinks like Monster or Rockstar, then I suggest you only use half the packet your first time. Kick Rating - 10
Fixx Extreme Ultra Shot Review: Final Judgment
Well the claim of "strongest energy drink per milliliter" is definitely spot on. At 400 milligrams of caffeine combined with a plethora of other energy ingredients, wrapped in unique, convenient packaging and delivering a pretty decent taste, Fixx Extreme has pushed the boundaries again. Just remember, hydrate and eat when consuming this shot. Also, read ALL warnings on the package as this is not intended for those under 18 years old, sensitive to caffeine, pregnant or nursing.... Yeah the list goes on, so make sure you read it yourself. Just because I can handle the intense affects does not mean you can. Final Judgment - 9
Buy Fixx Extreme - World's Strongest Energy Shot - Here
mate you must be pretty weak to put this on such a high pedestal, i smashed one of these things over an hour ago and still not buzzing. i feel no different to having an ordinary 500ml can of rockstar/mother/insane energy/demon/etc..
(in response to shiftee86)
Man that comment was great. I read the review and I thought wow this guy likes to brag a lot about his caffeine tolerance. What a butthole. Awesome comment btw.
I bought this about 3 weeks ago, and initially I was actually afraid to use it! I tried it about an hour before working out, and wow.. i've never had a shot like that. For such a tiny amount of liquid it was insanely strong. Well worth the buzz!
I'd ignore the first two insecure douches and take a look at other reviews. They all seem impressed by this. Perhaps those too manly can try injecting crack directly into their eyeballs... yah... try that... please.
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