Hair of the Dog Energy Drink

Cost: $2.00 – Cheaper if Purchased in Bulk
Cost Per Ounce: $0.23
Active Ingredients: Caffeine, Guarana, B-Vitamins
Taste Rating: 7 – 8
Kick Rating: 7
Final Judgment Rating: 7.7
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Hair of the Dog Energy Drink Review:
A drink that is supposed to help with hangovers? Is this too good to be true? How is it going to taste? Well the only way to find out was to buy a couple of the 8.4 ounce Hair of the Dog energy drinks and put them to the test.
Hair of the Dog Energy Drink Review: Taste
Since it is supposed to help with hangovers I had to purchase a couple of these; one to try on its own and two to mix with some vodka. On its own the fruit punch mix was nothing special. You could taste some of the energy ingredients but it was not too bad. The medicinal taste was minimal. Mixing these drinks was quite pleasurable (as it usually is when you mix drinks). The vodka killed the medicinal drink taste and having this drink on ice definitely helped. Overall the Hair of the Dog review for taste gets a pleasant 7 on its own and an 8 when mixed.
Hair of the Dog Energy Drink Review: Kick
This beverage has a decent kick on its own, but it is nothing worth bragging about. A couple hours of extra energy was gained from the mixture of caffeine and Guarana. Enough for me to stay out until bar close and have one last Hair of the Dog mixer before leaving. This drink gets a mediocre 7 for kick. The question is, will I wake up with a hangover in the morning.
Hair of the Dog Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
Well I believe I had less of a hangover than usual, but I can’t be sure. There a little nausea present when I woke up in the morning, but less than usual. Hair of the Dog is a great name for this drink, because the last drink I had before I left the bar did not leave me with a great taste in my mouth in the morning. When it comes to taste it is not that bad, I rather enjoyed the fruit punch flavor, but I was slightly disappointed with the kick I got. Final judgment for this drink is a 7.7, it got a little extra boost for the mix ability factor and the relief it provided from my normal hangover.
Previous Energy Drink Reviews
If this really helps with hangovers it should be in your top 10!
I am hooked on this stuff.... so much better for your body than the RedBull I was hooked on!
I know it has helped me and my hangovers in the morning. One night I forgot to drink it before I went to sleep, when I woke up,"Ouch", but about 45 minutes later after drinking a Hair of the dog, I could feel it working on me & my hangover. Definately a 10 for me!
Final judgment for this drink is a 7.7, it got a little extra boost for the mix ability factor and the relief it provided from my normal hangover,Well this "Hair of the Dog Energy Drink" is the good new name of this drink.
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