Red Bull Sugar Free Energy Drink Review

Cost: $1.99
Cost Per Ounce:$0.24
Active Ingredients:Caffeine, Taurine, B-Vitamins
Taste Rating:7.2
Kick Rating:7.7
Final Judgment Rating:7.4
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Red Bull Sugar Free Energy Drink Review
Yeah, Yeah Yeah. I know what you are all saying. What is the point of even reviewing another Red Bull Energy Drink? Everyone has had it. Well I want to do a review on the sugar free Red Bull because it has been around forever. That and I run an Energy Drink Review website and I have yet to rate one of the most popular Sugar Free Energy Drinks out there. So I guess I will get cracking on the review of the 8.4 ounce sugar free Red Bull Energy Drink.
Red Bull Sugar Free Energy Drink Review: Taste
First off I would like to say that this review might be somewhat biased as I am not the biggest fan of Red Bull type energy drink flavors; especially since I have had the opportunity to review so many others that just offer more flavor. That being said, if you are reading this you have probably already tried either a sugar free Red Bull or regular Red Bull. The flavor is hard to describe, all I can really say is that it has a very noticeable medicinal aftertaste (from the energy ingredients) even more so than the original. The only thing that makes the Sugar Free Red Bull better that the original is that it only has 10 calories (8.4 ounces). Nuff said. Taste Rating - 7.2
Red Bull Sugar Free Energy Energy Drink Review: Kick
So as you can tell I am not a huge fan of the Red Bull taste; however, taste is subjective so a lot of people will disagree with me on the taste rating. But, the Kick review does not lie. For $2.00 (8.4 Ounces) you get 80 milligrams of caffeine, 1000 milligrams of taurine and some b-vitamins. Compare that to some of the Strongest Energy Drinks and Red Bull is not even playing the same game. A little over 9.5 milligrams of caffeine per ounce is pretty weak, especially compared to the likes of a Spike Energy Drink at 300 milligrams of caffeine, or 35.7 milligrams of caffeine per ounce. Some might say that they are not looking for a huge kick, that is why they like Red Bull. Well in that case buy a 20 ounce sugar free soda with caffeine and you get almost the same effect at half the price. Kick Rating - 7.7
Red Bull Sugar Free Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
Well regardless of whether or not you agree with me, this is what I think of Red Bull Sugar Free (and original for that matter). There are 900 + other choices out there. I have reviewed about 200 or so and would rate about 80% of them better than RB. However, without RB making the market so popular we would not have those other 900 + ED's. So at least they have that going for them. Post your comments on RB and RB SF below if you do or don't agree with my review. Final Judgment - 7.4
REd Bull gives me that little kick I need to keep going at work.
I drink atleast 2 cans of this a day.
Along with about 4 cups of coffee.
atta boy/girl!
#1- Just found this Blog- GREAT, GREAT Blog- Im really into Energy Drinks
#2 I don't do soft drinks, but I have found RedBull Sugar free a good stand in. And it tastes better than Seltzer water. So far my top energy drink was Cocaine. but after reading this I need start trying alot more.
(Check my blog out- 5rawminutes
Nice work. Your review is dead-on. Red Bull is the inferior winner of the marketplace, much like the ipod and iphone. People buy it because it is popular and it is popular because people buy it; proof that good marketing pays off. I'm sure that most Red Bull fans haven't tried more than a few other similar drinks.
It's an acquired taste which after a while you start to crave and just the smell of it gets you jittery. I think there's something addictive in it, besides caffeine. That being said, Red Bull is kinda lame. It works, for 15 minutes, then you are crawling on the floor from the crash. I really hate this drink now.
I'm with you on this Blog, Spike is tops, Xenergy after that, then a bunch others under that like GoFast, Redline, ABB SpeedStack and on on .
I just had my first red bill. It's the sugar free one and I absolutely dislike the taste.
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