Endorush Fruit Punch Energy Drink Review

Cost: $3.99(4 servings)
Cost Per Ounce:$0.28
Active Ingredients:Caffeine, Vinca Alkaloids, L-Tyrosine, Acetyl–Tyrosine, Glucuronolactone
Taste Rating:8.0
Kick Rating:10
Final Judgment Rating:9.2
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Endorush Fruit Punch Energy Drink Review
The Endorush energy drink is marketed in the hardcore or performance energy drink segment. Which is great as I need to get pumped up before I go to the Gym this morning. Well the Endorush Energy drink is made by BSN. BSN makes other products for training and energy including thermogenic fat burners and creatine. I am not reviewing those products, I just wanted to shed some light on what kind of products they offer. That being said Endorush is probably not for the casual energy drinker and would probably (we'll see after the review) be perfect for the Gym Rat of extreme athlete. Well the price of Endorush is about $3.99 per bottle, which seems to be a little steeper than their competitors like Redline. However, upon further review Endorush has 4 servings and they only recommend drinking half a bottle at a time or at first just trying a quarter of the bottle. So that being said Endorush is actually cheaper than the competition as each serving only costs about $1.00. Well enough general info. Let's see if the Endorush Fruit Punch Energy Drink can get me pumped for my workout.
Endorush Fruit Punch Energy Drink Review: Taste
First off I have to say that most hardcore energy drinks that I have tried are lacking in the taste category as most of these companies focus on the effect vs. flavor. So when the bottle recommended that this product be drank ice cold I followed instructions and put it in the freezer for about 1 hour before I went to the Gym this morning. On the drive to the gym I cracked open the now ice cold 16 ounce reseal able plastic bottle and gave it a try. I was very surprised that a sugar free hardcore energy drink could taste like this. It actually tasted like fruit punch! For having no sugar and only one carb I could not believe that this hardcore energy drink actually had a decent taste. The fruit punch flavor was not only good, it was non-carbonated so it was not going to effect my workout. Taste Rating - 8.0
Endorush Fruit Punch Energy Drink Review: Kick
Well I followed the instructions on the bottle. I had half the bottle on the drive to the gym (20 minutes prior to workout). The bottle states "instant gratification." Now I don't know about instant gratification but even before I got to the gym I found myself cranking the radio and tapping my fingers on the steering wheel. Needless to say I was getting pumped up before I even started to lift and at 5:30 in the morning this is a rare occurrence for me. By the time I got to they gym I was more than ready to go. Now I am not sure what all the ingredients in Endorush actually are and but I do know that there are 85 milligrams of caffeine per serving (340 per bottle). The other energy ingredients include; Vinca Alkaloids, L-Tyrosine, Acetyl–Tyrosine, Glucuronolactone. I also noticed one statement that says "supports healthy nitric oxide and electrolyte levels as well as hydration". To me this means they are going to makes sure you don't cramp up half way through your workout which is definitely a good thing. To sum up I got a great kick within about 5 minutes of consuming half a bottle of Endorush Fruit Punch. I didn't get jittery, I felt hydrated (no cramping) and after I was all showered up and on my way to work I could still feel the energy so there was no sugar crash. I was pleased with the kick - 10
Endorush Fruit Punch Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
Great tasting hardcore energy drink that seems to hydrate as well as energize. Cost is not too bad either, especially if you look at the fact that you can get up to 4 servings per 16 ounce bottle for $3.99($1.00 per serving). Overall I was pleased with the results and I can't wait to try their other flavors as I can not believe how well this drink performed in the taste category. Final Judgment - 9.2
I tried this stuff today. Me and a buddy took about 1/3 of the bottle each. I call it "Satan in a Bottle". It's basically just PUMPS you full of caffeine and caffeine concentrate- as if caffeine isn't enough. Suuure it gives you energy for your workout, but are you gonna crash just like any other caffeine boost? Yes. It's not a healthy way to give you energy for a workout.
The back of the bottle tells you not to drink this product if under 18 or over 50. That right there tells you that this stuff isn't screwing around.
I don't suggest drinking this stuff, you won't feel very good later. Trust me.
By the way- my friend who drank some with me feels the same way.
The other guy who posted couldn't be more wrong. That bad feeling you had was probably because of something you ate. I just drank half a bottle today and the worst feeling i got was that weird feeling you get when your blood pumps faster/harder throughout your body. MOST of the effects from endorush come from natural ingredients and there is absolutely no crash whatsoever. I have no idea what you're talking about.
Anyway the bottle says 1/4 of the bottle is enough to get a rush but i find it to be untrue. I only weigh 155 lbs and i had to drink half the bottle before i felt anything. For the more athletic or muscular types I imagine they would have to drink the whole thing.
I drank 1/2 a bottle in about 45 mins, on the way to the gym (20 mins) and the other 1/4 half way through the work out about 1hr in. I've been drinking this stuff on and off for almost a year now and have had no "crashing" effects from it. Also I stack it with VPX muscle nitrous, talk about a pump! And you can contribute the headaches to the caffeine.
I have been drinking this stuff for a month now and some days I find it works better then others. Is this normal?
Endorush shares a lot of its ingredients with a powder made by BSN that's called NO-Xplode, and it is one of the best preworkout supplements you can buy, it's an instant pump with no crash
I tried this Endorush for the first time this morning. I work out every morning before work, and I have been using the N.O. XPLODE also made by BSN, but I need to take a break from that. The Endorush was awesome, I drank a 1/4 right when I woke up, got dressed and then took another 1/4 with me and drove to the gym and drank the rest before going in. I had an awesome work out, and great cardio work out, I felt like I could of ran forever. I am at work now and have not had any feelings of crashing from drinking it. I think this stuff is awesome and really gets you pumped up!
Yea I've been taking it for about a week and the best way to drink it I found is a 1/4 of the bottle before you lift and then sip another 1/4 throughout the work out. I'm only 210 lbs. so some people may need more, I don't know, but the crash will go away after you've taken it a few times.
This Drink is amazing. I drink the recommended amount in the morning rignt when I wake up, which is an hour before I eat breakfast. Then while at work (I work 13 hour days) I drink another recommended serving 4 hours before getting off. I also stack this with the BSN No-Xplode on days I work out and BSN Lean Dessert with Flax seed everyday. It's helped me with energy and I've never had a "crash". I am female so this stuff is perfect - great taste, fast energy and no weird side effects!!
Endorush is a hella crazy drink the first time i had some i didn;t read the bottle and drank it just like i would a soda or something i drank the entire bottle in about 45 minutes. the effect i had from it was amazing i was full of energy and about 2 hours late i crashed. and i crashed hard i had to have a buddy help me walk around. because all i wanted to do was sleep. i recomend drinking this energy drink by following the bottle
Best Energy drink i've tried for the moment. Try really to stick with the 1/4 of a bottle. As soon as you do you're cardio (the 10 min) you're pump for the rest of the training.
Since i started drinking that i've stopped drinking cofee on my gym off day.
This stuff doesn't get you addict like red bull or rockstar.
(p.s. ssry for the bad english)
someone said NO-Xplode is the best pre-workout supplement around... try NO Shotgun.
there is no screwing around with this stuff I'm 18 I weigh 155 and I'm athletic. I drank about a quarter of the bottle right before playin some b-ball for a good half hour. I continuously sipped on it throughout my workout with my buddie. We worked out for a good hour and a half on top of playin b-ball for half an hour. This stuff is definately the most powerful energy drink out there as I'm used to caffein with consuming atleast five cups of coffee a day but this stuff really kicked my butt. There is most definately no crash as I took this at about 5:00pm and it is now 1:39am and I can still feel some of the effects. Some of my symptoms while on this were increased heart rate for extended period, dizziness, light headed, queeziness, shaking all over my body, core body temp drop, as well as continuous cold sweating, and chest pains. My friend received all of the same symptoms he is 20 and about 170ibs. This is serious stuff I reccommend following the directions on the bottle don't think your some hot shot as it will mess u up and many trainers can contest for that. I only consumed three quarters of the bottle and I will never be taking this supplement again no thanks I'll stick to good old tea and multi-vitamins.
decent stuff...and if you like NO-Xplode try MRIs black powder for a pre-workout
I Drink energy drinks on a regular basis and it has almost no affect anymore, i drank half of it halway through my 20 min cardio and i had the best workout ever. Be Warned do not drink this stuff if you dont plan on eating right afterwards or before it will really mess you up and thats when you crash. Way better for workout than any other energy drink out there
I just started using this product and the guy at GNC recommended half. Well I am here to tell you I weigh 200lbs and half is TOO much, I was bouncing off the gym walls and very gittery. I went down to 1/4 before the other two workout days and I was able to do more than I had before! This stuff is great. I used it before a run and ran on the treadmill at 7mph and 8mph for 30 minutes without stopping. I felt like a raging bull. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
I personally prefer "Endorush," Over any of that gimmick stuff called "Nitric Oxide."
N.O isnt even tested and most of the stuff that they say is made up it's kinda sad that people waste money on that stuff.
But i really like endo, I take it maybe 30mins before I work out and I dont feel the caffeine and thats coming from a guy that takes no caffeine....but throughout my workouts I feel good and not tired like before.
There is no crash with this stuff and the people that say they do crash dont know what they are talking about or took to much..1/4 is enough for most people unless you take caf every day.
The first person doesnt know what he is talking about . Trust me.
I laughed reading the first comment. Endurush has way less caffeine per serving than most energy drinks i.e. 85mg and even doubled, it's 170 mg which is just slightly higher than some.
I must say, my only problem with this energy drink is that it TASTES SO GOOD compared to all the other energy drinks out there that it's hard to just drink 1/4 of a bottle at a time! But seriously it could probably put some people in the ER if they downed the whole thing
Drink 1/2 on an empty stomach and then take the usual protein pre-load 30 minutes later. The L-Tyrosine is the motivator in this product, not so much the caffeine, as two servings equal little more than a 16-oz Rockstar. The vinca alkaloids work with brain metabolism, while the Tyrosine naturally cranks up dopamine and norepinephrine levels. The net effect should be increased motivation and concentration during the workout. This stuff was a lifesaver during my tour in Afghanistan.
This was the first time I had used Endorush. I was in a hockey tourny and needed a little extra after the third game of the day. Being a little intense to begin with I only had about three mouthfulls after all three guys at the shop told me not to drink the whole thing. Needless to say it was the best games I have played in years. Full tilt for up and down the ice with no crash after. Great stuff.
I usually drink 25% pre-workout along with a protein and carb combo. Then I drink the other 75% before my warm-up sets are complete. Keep re-filling the bottle with water 8-10 times during the workout. This will prevent cramps and maximize pump. Great workout, have to pee the rest of the day...
Endorush is a good drink if you're just looking for energy, but as far as workout supplements BSN is typically pretty poor quality wrapped up in fancy packaging and a TON of advertising. I used to use NoXplode and Cellmass regularly, but to be honest you can find generic versions of all the important ingredients individually for much cheaper. If you really want an all-in-one pre workout drink I would recommend Gaspari Nutrition Superpump250. Black powder is also pretty good, and NanoVapor works but is too expensive. But remember that caffeine and supplementation won't replace proper sleep and diet.
This stuff is pretty good, but there IS a crash later. I'm not very sensitive to caffeine (230lbs, 6', 29yrs old), but I did experience a decent amount of fatigue afterward. I attribute this to the normal crash some people have after the rush wears off, as well as greater muscle fatigue from working out so hard. I think some might not realize how much more you can do in the gym after this supplement, and thereby strictly blame caffeine. It does play a large role, however I don't think it is totally to blame.
I get a great boost of energy and drive from Endorush. I take 1/3 of a bottle about 20 min prior to my workout. I feel great, like I dont want to stop. It makes me feel like lifting heavier and giving each rep my all. I dont experience any crash from Endorush. even after my workout is over I can feel its effects surging through my body for many hours. I am a UPS delivery driver and I work out on my lunch break. Endorush helps me to keep my demanding delivery and pickup pace without getting tired. Thanks Endorush my friend!
this must be a different version. i got an 8oz one at gnc and it had 420 MILLIGRAMS of caffeine!!! so naturally i drank the whole thing.
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