Sum Poosie Energy Drink Review

Cost: $2.99
Cost Per Ounce: $0.19
Active Ingredients: Caffeine, Taurine,Ginseng, B-Vitamins
Taste Rating: 8.0
Kick Rating: 7.0
Final Judgment Rating: 7.5
Energy Drink Ratings
Sum Poosie Energy Drink Review
I heard about this Sumpussi Energy drink through the grapevine and I could not pass up trying it. The name alone is hillarious. Although the Sumpussi Energy drink has been around for awhile, they originally had a 12 ounce bottle for sale, they are trying to rebrand the beverage so it has a "cleaner image." What's wrong with the image of Sumpussi? Well enough joking around and onto the review.
Sum Poosie Energy Drink Review Taste
Now that Sum Poosie actually looks like an energy drink, i.e. it comes in a 16 ounce aluminum can it can be taken more seriously. Right? This carbonated beverage comes in a sweet berry flavor. Along with the carbonation comes little to no medicinal taste, which is great if you want a smooth tasting drink. Also the carbonation factor makes this a great mixing drink. Mixing this with your favorite drink, vodka or another clear alcohol would present you with a rather fruity tasting beverage. Not something you would drink all night, but you could be seen drinking one or two of them and not be known as Sum Poosie. All in all this berry flavored, carbonated energy drink tastes pretty good and is on par with the Tilt Energy Drink, so I will give it a above average rating for taste of 8.0.
Sum Poosie Energy Drink Review Kick
Taking the name into account this beverage actually provides a pretty decent kick. I would have to say that the kick lasted several hours, but it did come with a tiny crash, but nothing too noticeable. Hey, if you don't stop drinking them you will never have to experience the crash. Right? Overall in the kick category, the Sum Poosie energy drink gets an average 7.0.
Sum Poosie Energy Drink Review Final Judgment
Alright, the name of the beverage in itself is a conversation starter, it tastes pretty damn good and the kick is beneficial. The only thing holding me back from recommending this to every one is the price of $3.00 for 16 ounces. But if your out for a good time, or a good laugh try this beverage, the price tag is probably worth it. Final judgment is 7.5, please lower the price!
Previous Energy Drink Reviews
SumPoosie is the best tasting energy drink bar none. It is now in the 16oz can. This mixes with almost everything, including Jack D, Segrams, and the whole vodka family. This one is on the rise. It is making the wings a little nervous. Have you had your dose of Poosie yet today?
This is a lousy energy drink. I saw it created and being made in person. It's nothing more than a berry flavored soda, impersonating an energy drink. Lotsa hype, poor management, and just like predicted, it's out of business.
Owner ran it into the ground, hard.
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