Top 10 Energy Drinks
the top 10 energy drinks.
1) Bawls Energy Drink - Tastes Good and has a good kick
2) 5 Hour Energy Drink - Unbelievable Kick
3) Hype Energy Drink - Tastes good, has a good kick and it's only $1.50!
Those are my three favorite energy drinks that I have tried so far. I will come back and change up the top 10 energy drinks list whenever I review new drinks or whenever users comment on their favorite drinks. So let me and everybody else know what your favorite drinks is!
Top 10 Energy Drinks ________________ Votes
1) Bawls Energy Drink ________________ 6
2) 5 Hour Energy _____________________ 4
3) Hype Energy Drink_________________ 4
4) Who's Your Daddy _________________ 3
5) Tab Energy_______________________ 2
6) Rip It ____________________________ 2
7) Redline Energy ____________________ 2
8) Monster Energy ___________________ 2
9) 180 Energy _______________________ 2
10) Vault____________________________ 2
Keep those votes coming for your favorite drink. Just post a comment and I will review it and add it to the running tally
Buy Energy Drinks in Bulk Here!
I like jolt energy, it reminds me of when i was a kid chugging there cola! Sweet bottle too!
I tried chaser 5 hour energy for the first time and you were right, it rocks!
My vote is for bawls! It is pretty strong.
I will stick with the Good old fashioned Monster Energy Drink. Several flavors and they all taste pretty damn good.
Red Bull dude, it mixes with anything.
Redline gets you racing. Good one for the GYM!
Big fan of Chaser. If you buy it in Bulk the price is not too bad!
Bawls in a can!
Red Jak!
Once a red bull fall, always a red bull fan!
Chaser 5 Hour Energy, why not Terrell Owens drinks it! (must come with attitude)
Who's your daddy - very good drink!
Chaser's 5-hour energy does rock.the NO CRASH really works too. this little 2oz have changed my life.
Bawls is by far the best I have had so far, original taste and a great kick, second would be Sum Poosie but it's hard to find but a great treat when you do.
Sobe No Fear, Redline
For me Hype Energy is the best one. No artificial colour and its great for mixing.
RIP IT energy drink for me!
I LOVE rip it's
i have read 6 of your reviews and you stated 2 of them as being better than bawls. so why is balws still your (the reviewer's) number one. my 3 in order of best to last is.....cocaine,monster(low carb),redbull
Bawls was my 1st favorite energy drink. I guess you could say that I have a fondness for it. There are other drinks that I have reviewed since then, but you can never go wrong with Bawls!
i have been drinking bawls for quite a spell but found 1 that surpassed it while visiting ny it was oso energy drink .tops the competition by have to try oso i know its available in NYC.i am sure you will agree oso energy drink has the most clean taste of all you tried in the past .it mixes great too and it was clear.
I vote for Hype, Hands down the best of all!
HYPE for killer taste and kick, and the new HYPE MFP rocks
Have you tried G Pure Energy? I came across it in NYC, and I thought it was great! It has a clear, citrusy flavor and gives a great kick!
Would love to try G-Pure Energy but it's not available in my area. The bottle looks like amazing!
I saw the bottle on my computer and really liked it but when I tried it i wanted to spit it out.... I only tried the lime and it was BAD!!!! also the bottle felt very cheap.... the cap was so cheap looking.... it was weird....
OSO by far!!! If you havent tasted this drink you have to! Right now its in a lot of NYC bars/clubs... but hopefully soon it will be all over. It is the best tasting enegy drink ive ever had... no after taste, and gave me lots of enegy. Its clear, which is diff that all others, really liked it!
RIP IT, works great and cheap
I LOVE 5-Hour. Am a truck driver & it gives me just the boost I need to get through an 11-hour period in the driver's seat without any crash! And the berry flavor is good compared to yucky mocha of others.
Hey people, where is Orgazma (taurine 4000 mg, caffeine 320 mg,ginseng 100 mg per 250 ml can.)Feel the difference people, I cannot imagine you never taste it before.
Hey people, where is Orgazma (taurine 4000 mg, caffeine 320 mg,ginseng 100 mg per 250 ml can.)Feel the difference people, I cannot imagine you never taste it before.
had orgazma di not like it at all.wherever you see it they also sell golden lion...same drink diff packages...its cheap stuff in the bodegas.yuck
SoBe Adrenaline Rush...nuff said! The real energy that mixes with anything!
Havoc rocks for soo many reasons.. Starting with the taste...
Best tasting would be Monster.
Best buzz would be VAMP.
inhave to stick with monster and lost. Stay away from Kronik. when i was 5 i was took a pepsi can awaiting a nice cool gulp of soda only to find it littered with ciggrettes. When i drank Kronik it reminded me of that pepsi i drank. PURE CRAP
My vote is for lo-carb Moster. Good kick, good taste, low surgar.
As a high-schooler who gets much less sleep than I should I'll swear by 5-Hour Energy. It does everything the commercials say: gives you energy and focus, doesn't make you crash later, doesn't make you use the bathroom too much, and can be downed quickly. Flavor's OK too but with a shot who cares that much?
My vote is for BooKoo. Nothing else compares!!
JOLTS are the best yall
Red bull much better..... dude
OK you workout? here is the best pre-workout energy drink. It's my own recipe, i am a gym rat myself and I take this once a month on special training days where i spend a full 6 hours working out.
8 0z Endorush Lemon-Lime
2-3 scoops NO-Xplode lemon lime
8-16 oz diet sprite
Not only can u feel it working, but you can see it working on your body.
I call this mix ENDOX.
You can request 2-3 sample servings of NO xplode from your local GNC or supplement provider.
I, personally, find BAWLS to be one of the best tasting energy drinks out there. And, because of it's minimal side-effects due to the usage of guarana rather than caffiene, I normally drink several in a single sitting. [Circuit city sells cases for cheap]
In a close second, is Fullthrottle, simply because of the taste. It has none of the off flavor of redbull, monster, and rockstar, and it gives more of a kick than any of said drinks.
Bawls is the best - hands down.
ok put me down for monster and bawls. because bawls own! and so do monsters!!! but if u wont let me choose 2 i go with monster
I've tried Matrix! Stuff is nuts to say the least. I took it on a non-workout day at 9 a.m. and was feeling it that evening, no joke.
GO-FAST regular and lite
No better tasting drink out there.
It was developed for athletes.
Not you typical sugar and caffeen drink.
i work in a warehouse and we have who's your daddy right next to us. it is nice because they sometimes bring over a large crate of their energy drinks. the company i work for is InterMountain ExPress in Salt Lake City, UT.
i would have to say that fullthrottle is my favorite by far the taste is increadable. but close in seceond is the famous JOLTS haha there HUGE worth the money
totally sticking to jolt energy!!!!!
I haven't had many of those but I really like Monster
I think i have to go with Fruit Punch NOZ. kthxbye.
Only &!$$*^! like all of you drink bawls energy drink because you luv to $#!((&$ ^@!!$ your all &*^*)# *%##&@. Either Monster or Rockstar should be number one. Anything else is UNACCEPTABLE!!!! And r#b#cc@ i bet you like &*^#$% ^!%%@ you &*)%$. Your still in college because you drink redbull! And balls is for %^&*!$ &^#*^@(!!.
eff ROCKSTAR is the only energy drink worth drinking... it is pretty much amazing!!!
5-Hour Energy! Great taste combined with the longest lasting effect of any energy drink!
i'm a big fan of act. tastes good, decent energy, and a lot healthier than most other alternatives.
Monster #1
Bawls #2
Full Throttle #3
any flavors of those will do but after drinkin about 10-15 a day of those bad boys you kind of get a bit tired of them....
but i agree buying in bulk is the key for these bad boys
#1 Bwaver Buzz Saskatoon Berry, Delicious!!!!
#2 Monster Original
#3 Bawls
As for the 20 or so drinks I have tried I would have to rate these as my favorites so far:
Sobe No Fear, Rockstar juiced -orange can- (studying, social)
5 hour energy, Redline (Gym, work)
I like the NOS 11 ounce bottle. It's got a taste of orange and a nice boost.
my vote goes to MONSTER!!! best stuff!!
Sobe Adrenaline rush is my vote
I'd have to say Monster Energy will continue to be my favorite. It was my first energy drink. ;-;
180 Energy Drink is the best, especially the red one (Goji). Monster would be my second favorite.
Monster Energy Drinks are my Fav..
Rip it is horrible.
Jolt and Freek and Monster are the best.
my favorite energy drink is by far... Rock Star burner (zero carb) I drank about 150 of them with my husband in the last year.
If you read the labels you will find diet Rockstar has more of the most important energy boosters than all those others. And it tastes and smells great, with no sugar letdown.
Try FUELCELL. Same kick as 5 hour, tastes better, & healthier!
amp energy is definately the best energy drink out on the market
bawls is definately one of the best energy drinks i have ever tasted and it has a great kick. they even have sugar free (good for the diabetics i mean they want to have some fun too)at a store near me i bought it for $1.50 so i drink this stuff almost every day
Bookoo, it has the best taste and kick of any of the energy drinks I have tried, nearly as many as you. I buy it by the case and make sure my fridge is stocked with cans of each size.
5 Hour is the way to go for me. I drive 2 hours each way to work every day. 5 Hour has kept me from wrecking my jeep more than one morning. Taste is actually pretty good. Now I've found the Extra Strength and that is incredible. The taste is a little strong, but WOW what a kick!!
I like lo-carb monster, it is good.
1. Full Throttle (Fury)
2. Monster (green m)
Red Bull of course!! They created an entire category and they are still the best. Everyone else copies exactly what Red Bull started, with zero creativity of their own. RB has the best events, parties and product hands down!
BAWLS is the best energy drink out on the market. It's so good here in the 808, we only have it sold in 2 stores, and since Compusa is closed, we only have 1 store that sells it.
I now buy mine online, it helps me finish my homework, and leaves me enough energy left to have a fragfest till morning.
SoBe Adrenaline Rush (sugar free)Energy Drink.
Nice pick up at 5am to get me started without 30g of sugar and the noon time crash.
The greatest energy drink is Adrenaline Rush
have you tried 'ROCK' energy drinks. It give keeps you in the energetic mode and keeps you in a wonderful kick!!
Can you handle it!!
Wired x344 is the best energy drink that I've found so far just because of the sheer amount of energy blend in it.
NOS energy drink should be #1
spike shooter should be number 1 it has a amazing taste and 300 mg of caffine
hip hop star nellys energy drink PIMPJUICE is so good. i love all their flavour and if you want to get the very best of quality at best price then try it. i bet you would have every reason to thank me
I will go with NOS as my #1 because of what it does for me! #2 would be XS because of its health benefits! #3 XS caffeine free energy drink!
I like energy drinks. I love energy drink from Be Well Or Else.
It is really good drink.
Go Fast! the best energy drink not just me saying the american academy of taste gave them the gold medal for superior taste
Upshot is my favorite, small, many good flavors and a kick ass, all day long burst of energy,
i vote spike. spike now has three flavors, the original red one, quila lime, and orange gold which is like fanta orange soda. they all have a great kick taste great and are fairly cheap.
Loud is The Best. in taste. by a long shot
I live in the Southern CA. 420 Purple Dank is the sheeot! I can't find a review on here. They are becoming more popular and my friend said they are all over San Fran! Sick idea, and awesome taste!
I'd have to go with Pimpjuice! no chemical aftertaste like most of the other ones have- mixes with almost everything.
For all of you who like 5 hour energy shot- you've got to try the new Player Aid- it's twice the caffeine, no crash- it ROCKS!! 5 hour won't even print the amount of caffeine it contains because it's so inconsistent. Player Aid baby!!
Venom is an awesome energy drink that is one of the few rather than just being completely powerful, has a start of sweet to an ending that is absolutely sour!
Rockstar sucks when it comes to energy. Taste good but does nothing. It's just a highly caffinated soda. Redline xtreme is by far the best.
1. Redline Xtreme
2. Redline
3. Wired X505
4. NOS
Headshot is the greatest. It tastes wonderful and doesn't give you that jittery feeling.
I drink monster every-once-in-a-while, but it takes a while for me to finish it. I don't golp it down, I think I'm being safe with it.
Am I?
I could drink A.C.T energy daily and forever not like other energy drinks.If u try to drink red bull daily and forever it wont be healthy.
plz could you review nexcite :D it has an amazing taste and kick! only issue is the price :S
Full Throttle
wtf y is nos energy not on this list it it by far the best
Amp elevate is like everything you could want in an energy drink, it gives a good taste and a good kick in the pants!!!!! kept me up all day dude it rocks!
If you want an energy drink that actually works try endorush by BSN it really works for going to the gym or cardio.
I like the energy drink venom energy drink its something new I just try'd I love it and I'm not big on energy drinks.
I really dislike shooters like 5-Hour Energy. If you're going to pay so much for it, you should at least be able to enjoy drinking it!
I always choose Rockstar Sugar-Free.
i think you need rage, red rave or pimp juice up there bud
in order from biggest boost and healthiest to worst would prolly be
rage, pimp juice and then red rave
fit it in where you think they apply but definitely try them
1-Cocaine, 2-Wired 505, 3-Spike QuilaLime
I like full throttle, but I also like Monster,Jolt,Rockstar,and Amp the rest I have not tried.
List of my favorite energy drinks that I have tried so far.
I say efusjon. Haven't heard of efusjon? Well you will soon. Most importantly it's healthy unlike the sugar loaded ones up above.
what about redbull cola. its beast. i can fathom it
bawls is the best
Monter owns the lot of you!
the top is drinkact
1) Monster's Java Monster - any flavor
2) Redbull
3) Rockstar PRE-MIXED vodka and energy (great for walking around the public park on a hot sunny day)
archer farms energy drink tropical i dont think youve reviewed this one have you?
my favorite would have to be archer farms energy drink tropical have you reviewed this kind of drink because i dont think you have yet but so far its the best tasting energy drink ive ever had and it has a good kick and supposedly healthier then most energy drinks
I've tried most out there and for
me it's the 5 and 6 Hour Engery drink. Gives me the energy I need to tackle the work day.
5-hour Energy is the only way to go. Not a big energy drinker but needed something every now and then to help me make it through to the end of the day.
Hesitant to try but it was small and glad I did.
I have pretty much tried every energy drink on the market- my favorite for about six months was Monster Khaos, but then I found an all natural energy drink with organic juices called Viso Vigor energy flavored Lemonade/Strawberry that tasted just like a lightly carbonated glass of lemonade. That is now my favorite, but I've been drinking SoBe essential energy orange flavored - they were 2 for $1.00 so I had to try them and they are actually pretty good- but my all time favorite now is Viso- also their cans are environmentally friendly. : )
Monster is the best. Iv tried many different energy drinks and Monster is still my favorite.
Rip It energy drink is my favorite.
Rip It !!!
I vote for DynaPep. Best energy drink ever.
I vote for Playboy Sugar free it just came in in Canada.
sorry everyone but NOS very strong kick and tastes great ... then bawls for obvius reasons......then ShOt strongest kick out of all the drinks i tasted and it works almost instantly mediocre taste tho
redbull is the best eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's gotta be NOS.
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