Big Red Jak Energy Drink

Cost Per Ounce:$0.09
Active Ingredients:Caffeine, Taurine, B-Vitamins, Ginseng
Taste Rating:8.9
Kick Rating:8.8
Final Judgment Rating:8.9
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Energy Drink Review
Well this would be the third Red Jak Energy Drink that I have reviewed. I reviewed the Low Carb Big Red Jak last week and thoroughly enjoyed it. I enjoyed it quite a bit more than the first Red Jak Energy Drink that I tried because the product line has been reformulated for a better taste and stronger kick. Since I enjoyed the sugar free version, I had high expectations for the regular Big Red Jak. Let's see if those expectations were met.
Energy Drink Review: Taste
When I tried the old Red Jak it has a medicinal aftertaste to it, the new (and improved) version not only got rid of the medicinal after taste, but also had a very enjoyable fruit punch taste. So I would have to say that the reformulation of the 16 ounce Big Red Jak paid off in the taste category. No aftertaste and improved flavor. Taste Rating - 8.9 (it tastes slightly better than the lo carb version, which in itself was very great tasting)
Energy Drink Review: Kick
All right so the taste reformulation paid off, will it do the same for the kick category? Well the energy ingredient list contains 164 milligrams of caffeine, 2000 milligrams of taurine, bunch of b-vitamins and 200 milligrams of Panax Ginseng Root. So yes, the kick was improved as well and it is now on par with the Monster Energy Drinks lineup. Kick Rating - 8.8
Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
Overall a nice improvement over the old Red Jak. The new, reformulated BIG Red Jak has a great fruit punch taste as well a new improved kick that is on par with main stream energy drinks. So it's just as good (if not slightly better) as the mainstream energy drinks and to top it off it only costs about $1.50. Take that Monster and Rockstar! Final Judgment - 8.9 (extra point for good value)
$0.99 and De-licous. More kick and longer lasting than my other cheap favorite: Rip It, which you can get 4/$2.88 at walmart when you tear open the box at the register and use the coupon inside for $1.00 off.
Its a personal observation maybe,
I found after I monster or venom wear off, I crash. I found a distinct lack of crash after the effect wears off, I just feel slightly tired, but not the overwhelming feeling of drowsiness accompanied by the wearing off effect from Monster and Venom.
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