5 Hour Energy Drink Review

Cost: $2.99 for 2 ounces
Cost Per Ounce: $1.50
Active Ingredients: Caffeine (mainly), B6, B12, Taurine
Taste Rating: 8.5
Kick Rating: 9.5
Final Judgment Rating: 9.5 - The Energy is Worth IT!
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
5 Hour Energy Drink Review
These guys are going to corner the college market! First they give you the Chaser 5 Hour Energy drink so you have enough juice to go out and party all night, then to complement this they give you Chaser Plus Freedom from Hangovers so you don't get a hangover the next morning. What more could a college kid ask for, energy, booze and no headache? Well enough of that, onto the 5 Hour Energy Review.
5 Hour Energy Drink Review: Taste
This little two ounce bugger might not win a taste award but it is actually not too bad. This energy drink definitely tastes better than the comparable Rocket Shot Energy Drink. The good thing about this drink it is that it is only 2 ounces and it is in a nice berry flavor. If it was a 10 or 20 ounce drink I don’t think I could finish the whole thing. Again, a little warning. Before you slam this little bugger make sure you shake well, other wise you are going to get some flavor crystals in your last gulp. The Chaser 5 Hour Energy review for taste gets a good 8.5. After all it does taste better than the Rocket Shot Energy Drink. If you are not too fond of the berry flavor you can try out there new 5 Hour Lemon Lime flavor.
5 Hour Energy Drink Review: Kick
We established that the taste was not to bad, luckily for us the kick this little 2 ounce bugger gives off is tremendous. I would definitely say the claim of lasting for five hours is true. This is definitely on par, if not way better than the Bawls Energy that I reviewed earlier. In fact I would say that this energy drink gives off even more of a kick than the Bawls Drink. So a bigger kick in only 2 ounces! After saying that, The Chaser Five Hour Energy Drink review for kick gets a huge 9.5.
5 Hour Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
The taste was not the greatest but it was not to shabby either, but you only have to slam 2 ounces worth of berry flavor (or you can try the new lemon lime flavor as well). On the plus side the Five Hours of Energy that this little bugger gives off is huge. This has given me the most energy for the longest amount of time out of all the drinks I have tried so far. On top of that there was no energy crash! The bad thing about this drink is that it is $2.99, but buying in bulk does save you quite a bit of money. For the final judgment I would have to give the drink a high 9.5 because you get a huge kick in a little 2 ounce pack!
Check them out at 5 Hour Energy, you won't be disappointed!
Looks like they have an updated site! Same URL with some new additions. I especially liked the article on Siesta Syndrome. I am sure all of you business people can relate to this. I know I can.
Labels: 5 Hour Energy, Diet Energy Drinks, Energy Drink Shots
hi my name is Adam and I’ve worked next to GNC in the mall for years, so trust me when i say i know a ton about super caffeinated energy drinks. The only thing i can think of that rivals the 5-hour energy is this new drink out from Spike energy that puts 300mg of caffeine in an 8.3 ounce can. its freaking ridiculous but i noticed it wasnt reviewed. try it at GNC they're like 2.99 or so. it blows redline out of the water : ) plus the taste isnt half bad
I totally agress with this review! Red bull and other energy drinks do absolutely NOTHING to me. When i tried the 5 hour energy drink for the first time, i was on my way to pull an all nighter at work. This drink kicked in within 10 minutes and it lasted a good 7 hours (not 5 like it says). Of course it's different with each person, but it's amazing regardless! Now whenever i pull doubles on the weekends i make sure i have some! They don't give you the shakes, make you urinate a lot, or taste bad. I actually love the way they taste! Great review!
Hands down for super long lasting energy boost you have to go with
8-Hr energy pill. I get it in the gas station by my house.
ive taken this prduct several times and loved the results, earlier today i decided to do two shots. WOW my ears and eyes went all tingly and then numb, my heartrate never seems to rise with this product though.
Adrenalex says:
I don t know if it was from my not getting any sleep last nite then taking this or not, but I have had better buzzes from those canned energy drinks. That or maybe my job is so boring that I just fall right asleep at my desk. Whatever the case, it keeps me up, but I still am tired in my brain, but awake in my body. Different feeling. Wow. I give it a 7 out of 10.
I stated working two full time jobs last month and was always running out of juice by the 12 hour. Then I found out about 5-Hour. Man, this little kicker has been a job saver- I take one shot right before my other job and it keeps me going the whole 8 hours. I start to come down right before I head home for bed- no crash effect, no buggin out effect. just PURE Energy. Thanks to the dudes to created this- 5-Hour has wings not Red Bull. :)
It must just be me, but 5 hour energy does nothing for me. Granted I am a big guy, but even taking 2 at the same time does not work. The only effect I get is that I get hot. There are better products out there.
man this stuff is insane! i use to drink lost energy drink or redbull religiously only before surfing, but i tried this stuff and gave me a totally different burst than other drinks. although i was a bit skeptical because of the size, but trust me it works!
I just don't get it... I bought a wholesale box of these since everyone claimed they worked like magic. And to be honest, I don't really feel a dang thing from them and I certainly don't wake up when I'm tired by drinking one of these, nor does the slight kick I feel last anywhere near 5 hours - more like 15 minutes. Is it just me?
Im a 50 year old trucker and have found this product to be the best all around energy boost and sustainer that Ive tried.Both when lumping loads and for driving.
One thing to be taken into account though is that all energy supplements cannot replace sleep when one is exhausted.Be safe.
I work at a computer terminal all day and find myself falling asleep after a few hours of starring at the monitor. This morning I drank one of theses little bottles and within minutes I was wide awake, no shakes, or any apparent side affects I am 53, nearly 300lbs and diabetic so the fact that this is sugar free is very important to me. I'll report back on how long it lasts, but so far I love it!
I drank one of these last night before a flight to Vegas. Ironically, I started yawning uncontrollably about one half hour later. I did not feel apprehensive or "super buzzed", which was good. I am not certain if it was exacerbated by dry airplane air, but the niacin flush lasted about 24 hours, especially along a plastic surgery scar from a previous skin cancer removal. The application of a light facial lotion from the wife brought some relief. The effect was sublime and lasted long enough to completely disrupt my sleep. If you don't mind the potential for a flushed face and insomnia, it seems harmless.
I am a mail carrier with a 6 hour long walking route. I am in great shape. I eat breakfast and take it at 10 am and it last until about 4pm. This is the greatest product ever. Warning: If you are overweight, a couch potato, underweight, sedentry, allergic to exercise, sickly, breakfast skipper, junk food eater, drug user, alcoholic, or just abusive to your wonderful body; this product may not work for you. DON'T BLAME THIS PRODUCT ON HOW INCORRECTLY YOU CHOOSE TO USE IT!
Nikki: I agree with you totally.
I had some news though, not sure if everyone knows already.. For those of you who like 5-hour energy shots like me, but are sensitive to the niacin flush I recently discovered 5-hour Energy DECAF at Walgreens!!! I was so happy that these guys came out with this new type, I tried it & it worked perfectly for me. no more flushing!! YAY! :D I thot I'd share it with the rest.
I tried it last night to pull an all-nighter for midterms. I had a cup of coffee at 11:15pm, and then drank a bottle of this at midnight. It worked wonderfully for the 5 hours, but around 5am, I was tired. I had a mid-term at 9:30. So I took the other bottle. Absolutely nothing. In fact, I had to take a nap around 7am and get up again at 8:30. I have 4 more bottles (Wal-Mart sells the doubles for like, $2.50) to try later.
I live in hawii where we all have to work 3 jobs or more just to get by. I have started using these when i wake up in the morning knowing i pulled a latge night, or between jobs wen i can already feel te crash coming on. I've never needed two, and iv'e never had an energy dri nk like this stuff.... taste aint that bad really.... but i wonder about health problems cause i drink these things a lot... and i mean a lot!! Sure theres probably stronger out there.... but of what I've tried it gets a Ten.
yeah, its really good. i tried it out at a state track meet and jumped a foot higher in the pole vault, which is hard to do. i dont like the taste too much, but its great and really does last 5 hours. i recommend it to anyone.
Having ADD, but not using any meds (as of yet), I rely on energy drinks for the "picker-upper". RB does nothing for me. Reg. coffee, for some reason, give me jitters...so I keep trying now stuff.
This is awsome and I keep recommending for everybody I know that likes/needs the extra energy.
The taste, IMO, is awful. I keep imagining that that's what my floral toilet cleaner must taste like, but it's quite small and if you hold on breath, you can chug it pretty fast. I do recommend a chaser (no pun intended) to mask the taste, though. Or even just a quick gargle to kill the after-taste.
But, IMO, it is 100% worth it. Oh! And I have NO crash whatsoever!
I am diabetic and somewhat overweight so can't say that I am in awesome health. This little drink picks me up at least 5 hours and helps me through the after-lunch slump.
I buy it with my coffee but don't drink it until close to lunch time. However, a few months ago I bought in bulk a 24 case and was drinking it Mon-Fri for a few weeks and neither way I saw ill effects, only a nice refreshing wide awake feeling.
Sure, it doesn't taste all that great, but neither does coffee (cream & sugar anyone?) and all you need to do is chug it.
Great drink, I recommend it.
As far as the claim "Energy Now" goes, it kicked in fast...In 10 minutes I was feeling it. BUT, (and I mean a big but) I have to agree with Adrenalex and Steve. The kick only lasted about 1 hour, then I couldn't stop yawning. Of the energy drinks i've tested so far my favorite is still Rockstar!
Takes 20 minutes and lasts 4 hours.
I've tried this drink twice over a two month period and that's all I need. It works very well and lasts longer than 5 hours, but for me the aftertaste isn't worth it. The whole time it was working it felt like I just drank a bottle of cough syrup. It suprised me, at first it tasted fine, but after about ten minutes I thought I was going to throw up. I guess I'm just different then most people, but this is not something I will try again.
I work the graveyard shift and I have taken 5 hour energy twice so far. I love this product. It gave me energy without the jitters. I didn't become tired until about 4:00 a.m. and I took it at midnight. I love it and it really doesn't taste all that bad.
I am a junior in high school, and i decided to pick up this drink at a gas station on the way into school. i had stayed up until three the night before, woken up at 6, and had a huge presentation worth 20% of my semester grade to give at 8:30. i drank the 5 hour, and within 15 minutes, i was energized. i just got home from school 10 minutes ago, and i have not experienced a crash. i did not feel tired today at all. This drink really works.
So I decided to try this energy drink..mostly I just drink amps and full throttles but thought I should try them, I bought two, drank one, sipped on an amp for a bout an hour and a half, then slammed the other 5 hour energy drink.
It was amazing. I was so keyed up. My fingers shook alittle bit not that much, but I could hear my blood pulse in my ears. So energized. I started getting nosebleeds about 30 minutes after I drank the second 5 hour. i got nosebleeds about every 30 minutes and they lasted about 10 minutes each time. Probably because of the heightened bllod pressure.
Too bad this produce uses Sucralose as a sweetener. Guess I won't be trying it. When something seems too good to be true, it usually is. Think I'll just stick to eating right, exercise and getting plenty of rest. That's worked for humans for thousands of years. These "miracle" products are all a joke. I wonder how many of these post are by employees of the company.
I have varied results with this one. One shot makes me tired, believe it or not. Two shots leave me up for 30 hours straight! Of course, I only took two shots one time.. never again. Maybe I need 3 oz instead of 2. My body is screwed up.
I take a half a bottle everyday after lunch, which is when i get sleepy at work. Within minutes I am good to go! I love this product and recommends it to all my friends and co-workers. I hate the taste though! I chase it with gum!
Yea! This stuff is great! I take one bottle after work on my work out days. It keeps me motivated and focused. Good stuff. I hope there are no side effects to this drink, because there a bunch of people taking it from the looks of this blog. Oh well, love energy boost and focus.
I am not an employee of the company, had never tried any kind of energy drink, and hate coffee. I was desperate to finish a long drive with 2 elderly aunts and a 10 year old, and began nodding off. At a convenience store, I started looking at the ingredients of the energy drinks and shots, and this one seemed safest. I knew I had to do something. I bought it and tried 1/2 bottle. That was all it took to get me awake almost instantly. I stayed awake for hours, and my thinking was so much clearer. I have used it since, only when I have to drive and have been up due to work. My thinking has improved, and a long-time issue with focus has improved (I am 52). My doctors have been looking for the key to some low-energy issues, & I am already on folic acid for a rare genetic condition. A pharmacist with whom I spoke about this product added that based on the people who had spoken with him before me, he wondered if people who had battled low energy levels for years had been suffering from a combination of deficiencies in B vitamins and amino acids.
good review, good drink but it reaaally doesnt last for 5 whole hours
more like 2 or 3 or if you're caffine sensitive it might last 4 or 5 but not for me.
I'm 51 and in decent shape. Each day after lunch I have slow down. I've tried the redbull and other energy drinks and didn't like the effect it gave me so I tried the 5 hour yesterday for the first time and it worked great! No side effects for me. Kept me going right through the afternoon. I had the berry flavor. Not bad. Highly recommended.
does it feel like you have gotten a good night sleep and aren't tired at all, or does it just mask fatigue and keep you up? Also, are there any short term or long term side affects? anything unsafe in there?
One thing that i notice when i drink the 5 hour energy drink is that my mood increases.
It's fantastic. I work as a lifeguard and I work a lot of hours. I need to stay alert for my job so I take 5 Hour Energy. Some days I don't know how I'd get through my shift without it. I don't know what I would do without it!
I'm a carhop at Sonic Drive-In. Today I had to open the store (at 5:30am) and took one of these little buddies right as I was walking through the door. It took about 10-15 mins to start kicking in & I got light headed all of a sudden but that went away in 5 mins or so. Oh, I failed to mention I had to chase it down with a Red Bull (cause that 'berry' flavor is GROSS!) so that might've helped a bit. Anyways, I felt like it started to wear down about 7 1/2 hours later so I shot another. DAMN! I've never felt more awake and alert from an energy drink before in my life. Definitely would recommend.
Buy'em at Walgreens & you can get 2 for $5!
I work a full time job and part-time at a golf course mowing greens and just waking up at 4:00 AM is bad enough as I'm not a morning person (early afternoon at best), but being on the greens and mowing at 4:30 AM is tough some time. I tried 5-Hour Energy X-tra Strength last weekend and did my 10greens quicker than ever. Plus, after I was finished, I didn't feel like I had just gotten run over by a bulldozer. This stuff works for me and I can handle the taste, but it seem to have a bit of a chemical-like aftertaste.
I'd give the Regular a 10 out of 10 and maybe 9 out 10 for X-tra Strength just because there's more niacin in it. Other than that, I think they're pretty much identical.
5 hour energy is amaazing it just keeps on working and working and the aminoacids in it make you happy.
I work at Starbucks so I have to be up at 3:30 am to get the store open. They work incredibly well for me. I take one of these everyday now. They are better than the espresso shots I have at work for getting me through the morning. 10/10 Finally, they are pricey but you can get them at Sam's Club. A 24-pack is $36 (only $1.50/bottle) so that is what makes it a 10/10 for me.
To add to my post (the Starbucks one) I also have depression and this helps immensely on days I don't work and get me out of bed which is damn hard some days.
I tried 5 hour energy yesterday at 12:30 with french toast because I was afraid of what might happen. It took til 1:30 pm to kick in, and guess what? Its 25 hours later and I am still buzzed, and wondering when is it going to wear off?
Next time I'm going to try half a bottle for "moderate" energy. Maybe I should try 1/4! I spoke to a man retired from the Post Office 2 hrs after taking it. He noticed right away that I wasn't usual self. He's probably familiar with the symptoms from the PO.
This stuff is amazing.
I'm the one who took the drink with french toast and was still buzzed after 25 or so hours.
I forgot to add that I took it with a cup of coffee and a vitamin protein shake. Thats probably why it lasted so long.
It finally wore off about 8:30pm, about 30 hours.
Hi my name is Kim and I absolutely love these shots. I work odd hours where I may have to be up at 2 a.m. one day or 2 p.m. A lot of times I only get 2 hours of sleep a night and I have to take a sleeping pill just to do that. I wear myself down. These 5 hour energy shots have been a lifesaver! Definately a 10 as far as I'm concerned. Just don't order them off ebay. Even though they are supposedly good until 2012 they were a thick brown liquid. Pay full price where you know you are safe.
yeah I tried the 5 hour energy and I liked it overall. There were some times where I felt exhausted but yet I felt like I could run a mile at the same time. I wrote my own review on it on my blog so you can check that out.
I am a big guy(6 feet 330lbs), and I can't stress the fact enough, that I HATE waking up!!!! I am NOT a morning person! I have found it VERY hard to keep a 9-5 job, so I lost most of my life for working during the day...But Now I am a CNA from 7-3:30, because of this benevolent elixir. This is like the potions of life you find in video games. I highly recommend it to all my friends and you O'curious one; test drive it! Well worth the price! It pays itself off during the work day, no matter what time you take it. It goes right to work in minuets so that you could work for hours! Ellucio44@aol.com
For everyone who has tried any energy product and has had a bad experience, this new product (10kshot) does not have any side effects. Just click on my name and see for yourself. I personally have given out over 200 samples, with not 1 bad experience between them.
Any energy drink should be taken responsibly and with moderation. The drinks with more natural ingredients will be better for you in the long run.
Wow I was gonna be pulling a all nighter in a few weeks and was wondering what to get but this gave me my answe.
This is Tuesday night January 10th 2012 = Bought 5HE 6 pack upon the recommendation of my 18 yr old son - (he's a good kid) and put it in my droor at work. I know I've been a bit depressed lately and just tired and worn down. I hesitated on drinking it cuz I'm trying to stay away from caffeine. Soda just makes me more tired. Today I just thought "what the hell"...and drank one. WOW. Amazing. I actually felt energized and HAPPIER! and it's now five hours later, which I got a few things done and was awake for most of the evening...that's a first for quite some time...and now I'm ready for bed. So far I have to say it worked wonders for me today. I actually look forward to tomorrow for the first time in a while. As with all things moderation is key so I don't see myself od'ing on it ...but now I'm not afraid of using it... :)
I take half the bottle in the morning, and the rest about 4:00...I'm good to go for the whole day, and still sleep like a baby. This stuff is awesome!
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