Stacker 2 Energy Drink Review - Sinful Citrus

Cost: $2.00 - $39.99 / 24 pack
Cost Per Ounce: $0.13
Active Ingredients: Caffeine, Guarana, Taurine, B-Vitamins
Taste Rating: 6.0
Kick Rating: 5.8
Final Judgment Rating: 6.0
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Stacker 2 Energy Drink Review Sinful Citrus:
I still remember when Stacker pills where extremely popular. This is why I thought I would give Stacker 2 Energy (Sinful Citrus) a try. I mean the pills seemed to work extremely well, so why wouldn't the beverage? Well there is no better way to find out than to give it a shot. So I purchased some from there site. They sell for $39.99 a case or about $2.00 a can, which is 8.4 ounces.
Stacker 2 Energy Drink Review Sinful Citrus: Taste
There are several flavors of this beverage including; Chronic Cola, Pounding Punch, Enraged Raspberry and Sinful Citrus. Well I tried Sinful Citrus and I would have to say that it is really not very citrus flavored. It really is nothing but a bunch of fizz. Tastes more like a bland club soda than anything. Well that's Ok, not a huge fan of the citrus energy drinks anyway. Final taste rating = a not so good 6.0. At least make it taste citrusy!
Stacker 2 Energy Drink Review Sinful Citrus: Kick
Alright I was not very pleased with the taste, but a decent kick will save this Stacker drink. Too bad that kick never really showed up. I think I got some energy from the drink but I am not quite sure. If I did receive any energy it did not last long. I would like to know the amount of caffeine in one of these but I could not find the amount anywhere. It is listed pretty low on the ingredients list which explains the lack of kick. Overall kick rating - another meager 5.8.
Stacker 2 Energy Drink Review Sinful Citrus: Final Judgment
Well I did not like the taste, I was not impressed with the kick, so needless to say this drink is going to get a lousy final judgment score. But hey, don't listen to my review, their site suggests that you drink up to four of these a day. Good luck finishing all four, but if you are looking for a decent kick that is how many you will probably have to drink. The original pill gave off a heap of energy, I wonder what the beverage was missing? Oh yeah, Ephedra! Final Judgment - 6.0
Not the best tasting, but bearable…Drank it at 9pm…didn't feel anything right away, but before you know it sneaks up on you and i was up til 3am…
Man i remember these things, they got me through rotating shiftwork. Used to love them but moved on to spike.
the Stacker 2 pills used to have an ingredient in them that is now hard to get in this country...they aren't as good anymore...
Stacker 2 just launched a brand new product. Real 2 Way Action. This stuff is seriously as good as the old ephedra! Highly recommend! It's like $4 at Pilot or Flying J. Check it out ya'll.
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