Verve Energy Drink Review

Cost: $1.99
Cost Per Ounce:$0.25
Active Ingredients:Guarana, taurine, green tea
Taste Rating:8.5
Kick Rating:8.5
Final Judgment Rating:8.7
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Verve Energy Drink Review
Well the Verve Energy Drink from Vemma is a recent entry into the health category of Energy Drinks. I know what you are thinking... a healthy energy drink? Well believe it or not there are some out there and the Verve Energy Drink from Vemma has a slogan on the front of their well designed 8 ounce can saying "An insanely healthy energy drink." There are 72 calories and 18 grams of sugar, so the Verve Energy Drink does not really qualify as a low carb or low calorie energy drink I am not going to go in depth on all the ingredients of this beverage, but I will tell you that one of the ingredients is the popular Mangosteen. Other than that if you want to know more about the health benefits of this drink I suggest you check out their site because I am going to try and stick to the taste and kick review format.
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Verve Energy Drink Review: Taste
Alright I cracked the 8 ounce Verve Energy Drink from Vemma and took my first sip. I had to take a couple more before I could figure out what it was I was tasting. To me it tasted somewhat fruity but on the other hand it also tasted somewhat like a lightly carbonated carrot juice? Really not sure how to pinpoint to the taste on this one, it wasn't bad but it was unique. Not sure if I like the carrot juice flavoring, but overall I would have to say the blend was pretty good. Taste Rating -8.5
Verve Energy Drink Review: Kick
Alright the taste blend was unique, but will the drink provide an ample kick? Well with energy ingredients like 200 milligrams of Guarana, 100 milligrams of taurine, green tea blend and a bunch of b-vitamins the kick should do quite well. Top those ingredients off with a laundry list of other vitamins and minerals and you have yourself a decent kick without all caffeine and sugar. No, this is not one of the strongest drinks on the market, but it does deliver a decent kick. And with only 18 grams of sugar (about 1/3 of normal ED's) you don't have to worry about a huge sugar crash. Not too bad. Kick Rating 8.5
Verve Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
Above average kick and taste packaged in a healthy alternative to your normal energy drink. Final Judgment - 8.7 (couple extra points for focusing on health)
Buy Verve Here
Thanks for the review... however, I feel that you overlooked that the Verve also comes sugar free... check that out...
Verve is an awesome alternative to the usual energy drinks available out there today--my only comment is that it does cost more than 1.99 per can--the cost for a 24 pack for myself is $79 which averages 3.29 a can
My whole family is trying this drink. I have very active kids and my daughter knocked 4 seconds off her 100 free swim meet the other day. My back pain has subsided, and I have way more energy and a better mood? I am skeptical but it really seems to work??? No jitters like other drinks and the kids love the taste and are finally getting their vitamins in.
Anonymous said... 8:07 AM
you have to be kidding me right ......ive got a time machine in the shed you have for a hundred bucks if you like seems your silly enough to belive this works wonders
Verve Energy Drink contains 65 essential plant-sourced vitamins and minerals, among a healthy dose of antioxidants, giving you zeal to work harder without the usual ‘crash-and-burn’ experienced after consuming the more traditional caffeine and sugar laden energy drinks.
Packed full of energy-boosting wicked sick nutrition and a great tropical fruit flavor, Verve gives you the energy you crave along with a healthy dose of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants your body needs. Verve is a healthy energy drink low in natural sugar, Verve's energy won't let you down. Calorie conscious? Verve is also available sugar free.aweberbackground270x270
Check out the Verve difference for yourself. Verve boasts the highest antioxidant rating of all energy drinks we've seen or tested, it tastes great, and provides a complete spectrum of vitamins along with phytonutrients and plant-sourced minerals and comes right to your doorstep ready to chill and enjoy.
Well Im just not sure its that healthy, i wonder about how long vitamins etc stay good in liqued or if carbonation would kill'm I dont know though..that said I LOVE VERVE! I love the engery, no crash and I am hooked on the taste. Im to cheap to buy monthy supply at once but Im always calling my friend and asking if he has extra ones I can come over and buy and probably spend the same amount ha. but I really do like the taste, and even mentally gets me pumped up to work out even right when i start drinking it...probably more a mental thing that the drink but i give it 2 thumbs up. lil pricey though.
The cool thing about Verve is that you don't get that Sugar Crash like you get from Red Bull and other energy drinks.
I felt bloated and felt no energy effects from this drink. It's a complete ripoff.
I like the drink but I will admit to those scheptics that their really is nothing that will satisfy everyone one all the time. I would agree that it certainly is not for everyone. Those that like it should stay with it and those who do not find something that works for you. I think that is simple. Don't bash something just because you don't like it. I think that attitude speaks for your character when you do. Some do, some don't simple. Good luck in finding the thing that works for you. I happen to like the product.Thanks for reading.Dwight~
If anyone's tight on cash, I saw someone on ebay's selling a case for less than half price!
To be honest, it's sad that a company... ie Verve is advertising by secretly pushing business cards into the boxes of other energy drinks. I picked up a couple 4-packs of Celsius Energy drink (which is actually better for you) and this Tad Wolfe guys business card was shoved in between the cans.
I don't care what their drink is, I think anyone should wonder on the product considering its a pyramid scheme, and their unethical business practices.
actually there are a lot great health clubs and even bars in my area that are selling verve. It's a great product and in spite the fact that some of the people in the business are using "unethical" means to promote it. Sometimes one bad apple and spoil a whole batch my friend.
- Tim Welch
As for the "Business Pratices" I was just trying to get people to look at the Product Because I believe Verve is the best product on the market. I am sorry if I offended you or anyone and will no longer share in that pratice.
I am sorry Brian was offended by my marketing. I thought it would be a good way to get the word out about Verve. I am loosing my job after 22 years due to corperate greed and just trying to share a great product with people and feed my family.
i read on the brochure on "verve" that it has 80ml of caffeine, that is the equivilant of 2 diet cokes..hey know wonder you get u have a non caffeine version???? that will still give energy.....
Am I the only one who does not like how it tastes? I don't think I'd go as far as saying it tastes awful but it is very strange tasting and I don't like it. But I suppose it tastes better than a few other similar products I've tried.
I do not like the taste.. I found chunks in my drinks iam sorry but it was gross...
This stuff tastes like crap in a can and made me feel bloated. I am glad I only tried one can and didn't waste my money on a case.
I am sticking with chia seeds and water, alot healthier and cheaper.
I would like to know if you feel the effects of the caffine immediatly or does it take time. And how long does the energy last.
This is clearly a pyramid scam that hasent blown up like Avon. The official verve site even commented on this little blogger site witch means their doing searches them selves and trying to keep the good word about a skeptical product. Obviously the people that are so supportive of this Avon product or just another pawn on the chess board feeding the top of what seems to look a lot like a pyramid. This is a scam focused on the youth witch is horrible. This guy was calming it jumped his t cells from 0 to 197 witch is borderline going from aids to HIV... And all from verve? Your telling me that they found the cure for aids and this hasent gone global? Just a huge joke... Do your resaerch.
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