Vegas Fuel Energy Drink Review

Cost: $1.19 - $1.49
Cost Per Ounce:$0.14-$0.18
Active Ingredients:Caffeine, Taurine, Ginseng & Guarana Extract, B-Vitamins
Taste Rating:8.9
Kick Rating:8.4
Final Judgment Rating:8.7
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Vegas Fuel Energy Drink Review
Well the Vegas Fuel Energy Drink definitely has an appealing 8.4 ounce slim can and a cool slogan "Put a Little Vegas in You." They are owned and distributed by One Beverage, LLC. It looks like this is the only flavor that is currently being marketed. The 8.4 ounce Vegas Fuel Energy drink retails from $1.19 to $1.49, making it a pretty good deal if it holds up in the review. Other than those few tidbits this is all I really know about Vegas Fuel. So let's see how it holds up in the review!
Vegas Fuel Energy Drink Review: Taste
Well first off the flavor of this beverage seems to be rather unique. I can not pin point the exact flavor, but it seems to be some kind of tropical berry blend that tastes pretty good. I did not have any medicinal aftertaste after finishing Vegas Fuel, so the energy ingredients seem to be blended quite well. I would imagine this would make a great mixer as well. Looks like they have several interesting drink recipes on there site. I did not personally try any of them but the flavor of this drink would go well with their suggestions. There is one downfall as the drink itself contains 110 calories so it would also be nice if they could add a low carb low calorie version of this drink. If they could keep the taste the same and lower the calories that would be great. Party all night calories free! Taste Rating 8.9
Vegas Fuel Energy Drink Review: Kick
Another slogan that this beverage has is "Push the Envelope, do Vegas Right." Well this drink is on par with other energy drinks in this category (non-hardcore) and delivers a pretty decent kick. There may be only 75 milligrams of caffeine, but when combined with 50 milligrams of both Guarana and Ginseng extract as well as a host of B-Vitamins and 1000 milligrams of taurine, you get a pretty decent kick. Well not the strongest energy drink out there it would definitely serve the purpose of helping you stay out later in Vegas. Besides if this drink had tons of caffeine it might make you jittery, which in turn might affect your card play. Who wants to be all jittery and fidgety when playing Texas hold'em. That would be the last thing I would want on the turn! Kick Rating - 8.4
Vegas Fuel Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
Definitely a fun drink. Taste is great, kick is pretty good. For $1.19 to $1.49 it is a pretty good deal. Looks like the will be picking up distribution in Speedway convenience stores. Looks like they are expanding their distribution outside of Vegas which is good. I wouldn't mind kicking back during a game of Hold'em and having a Vegas Fuel. Final Judgment - 8.7
where can I get Vegas Fuel?
Terribles in Vegas.
tried it in AZ great taste.
Great Taste! Mix w/Vodka or Malibu rum
Taste is Awesome!!! And it is great with jager!!! This is def. the energy drink of my choice!
are cousin and friends made this drink it taste like hawaiian punch on steroids but the shit
VegasFuel is the BEST tasting ENERGY DRINK on the market! This drink not only makes a great stand alone drink but is freaking awesome as a mixer!!!!
Vegas Fuel is a super duper energy drink! It is great by itself and mixing it with vodka!!!
Comment from Memphis, TN!!!!!
I wish them the best of luck in the success of this energy drink.
Had it with jager at a drag race in NC with Max and his wife, great stuff several military guys here order it by the case
i had two cans of this today. it would make for a great mixer, but going down straight, it just wasn't my thing.
The Can is very plain but I noticed it parked beside of my usual monster! I decided to get it and try it and I loved still a hugeeee monster fan but I could make this my second fav. And They are avail at Rite Aid!
Vegas Fuel is located in Rite Aids I know of In NC anyway I work in the pharmacy there. The can is a little plain, but the contents are good! I usually drink monster. I noticed it a little left of my usual monsters, but gave it a try and was also on sale this week! It just may become my 2nd fav energy drink!
do not drink 3 at one time!
just sayin...
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