Monster Energy Drink Review

Cost: $1.99
Cost Per Ounce: $0.12
Active Ingredients: Caffeine, Taurine, Ginseng, Guarana, B-Vitamins
Taste Rating: 8.5
Kick Rating: 8.8
Final Judgment Rating: 8.7
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Monster Energy Drink Review
Well yesterday I reviewed a fairly new drink called Kabbalah Energy Drink so today I thought I would go with a classic and do a Monster Energy Drink review. Now I have had this drink a bunch of times before but I never posted how I really felt about it so now is a good as time as any. This is the review of the orignal Monster Energy Drink, but I have reviewed several others including their shot. The complete list of products reviewed so far are (stay tuned for more to come):
Monster Hitman - Energy Shooter
Monster Energy Drink, 16-Ounce Cans (Pack of 24)
Monster Energy Drink Review: Taste
This sweet tasting citrus drink has been improved since it's original debut but it is still not the greatest offering even though this new Monster has less of a medicinal taste that you normally get with all the additives like taurine, ginseng, caffeine and Guarana that are associated with energy beverages. Another thing about this drink is that it comes in 16 ounces vs. the regular 8 ounces that you get with "bullet drinks." And since Monster Energy tastes pretty good this is another benefit because if it did not taste good it would be next to impossible to finish all 16 ounces. Overall I will give the Monster review for taste an above average 8.5. The citrus flavor is pretty good.
UpdateNow comes in 8.4 ounce, 16 ounce, 24 ounce and 32 ounces
Monster Energy Drink Review: Kick
Alright this bad boy comes in 16 ounces and you get 8.75mg per ounce of pure energy. This is not a huge number but when you compare it to Red Bull's 9.64 mg in 8 ounces you know you are getting what you pay for. So this drink has relatively the same amount of caffeine per ounce as Red Bull but you get a drink that is twice the size. I would have to say that this bad boy can pack a pretty decent punch and will give it 8.8 out of 10 for kick. If you really like the taste of this drink they make an XXL version that is 23.5 ounces for only about a dollar more. That bad boy should pack a ton of energy and you might need it to carry a drink that large!
Monster Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
We have established that the can is big and that it packs a pretty decent kick. The price is average at right around $2.00 per can, but since you can buy it almost anywhere you can find bulk deals where you can get a case for around $35.00. You end up paying around $1.50 per can which is a pretty good savings. I do have a little beef with this drink only because it does not mix as well with vodka as Red Bull does and since it comes in a 16 ounce can more bars are carrying it because it is cheaper. But I won't let this beef affect my final judgment and I will give this drink a good score of 8.7 as you get a good kick and good taste for your money! Just remember there are plenty of other options not only from this company but from 100's of others... so the original is good but don't forget about your other options.
Labels: Monster Energy Drinks
^my current favorite. i bought a case.
I love this drink...i have atleast one maybe 2 a day and the it just full of excitement. my favorte kind is the low carb, it is by far the best.
ok i love monsters all of tham but my mom sead i have to do some resurch on thme to make sure they do not have a lasting efect on the bodie and how good they are for me
^^^ wtf are you 8? kids shouldn't drink energy drinks.
the khaos is worth it. instead of getting your sugars as crappy high fructose corn syrup, you get 70% real fruit juice. for those looking for a heathier drink without going over to the "no sugar" side.
u people drink it and get cancer.
Best out there in terms of kick by far. The Taste takes a it gettig used to, but it's grown on me. The price is also great, but does vary by store. A regular sized(16 oz) monster is usualy $2.00, but can be $2.50. I have also seen the lager XXL cans for $2.50 up to $3.50. Honestly, this is my choice.
this drink sucks
Monster is by far the BEST!!! energy drink on the market, with Red Bull not far behind.
Full Throttle is BETTER!!!
Full Throttle is BETTER!!!
the comment above mine is wack!I think that monster is the best drink ever! Better than that CHEAP 1.79 DRINK.
i love monster it should get better rating like 9.2 0r 9.5
i really love monster
the best drink in the world right there. bawls is good too, its a little harder to find thou. cant seem to find a site that sells indevidual 24 oz cans but idc, still the best.
Monster Lo Carb Energy drink is OK, nothing great. But they need a better rep for my area.
On Thursday May 3rd this vendor by the name of Raul who works for Monster Energy Drinks comes into my job, I work retail. He has promotional posters for the Oscar de la Hoya fight. He asks the workers who wants one? I tell him that I do. He says he's not going to give me one because he doesn't want to contribute to my being gay. What??? Apparently giving me a poster of Oscar de la Hoya is gonna make me "more" gay. At first I thought he was kidding, but he wasn't. He then repeatedly tells me that I am SICK. SICK.
Now I don't care if you're for or against gays, to each his own. But when you're driving a company van, wearing the company shirt with the picture of the product you're trying to promote, than I do expect to be respected as a consumer.
Now this guy has come into my work many times for years and I've always gotten along with him, what his problem is all of a sudden I don't know, but I did not appreciate someone representing their product coming to my job verbally attacking me. It may sound ridiculous but I'll never drink his product again. To think that just the day before I had found his product buried in the stockroom and brought it out so that his product was well stocked.
My Monster cans started to leak. Granted I have them since spring, but has anyone else experienced this?
im oficially addicted to this brand of energy drink i have 2 a day at the minimum. this drink is the best on the market. the taste almost matches the kick.
monster is the best drink on the market by far. the new M-80 has 10 less grams of sugar than Sobe NoFear thats 20 grams in all. the khaos is 70% fruit juice so u dont have to worry bout all those stupid chemicals you can't pronounce. lo carb i haven't tried yet. i try to stay away from reduced fat and lo carb =0. the original is my favorite so far because it gives a better energy kick and it has the best flavor. the assault has to be the coolest looking but i don't drink them that much. i started off drinking monster becayse the can looked the coolest and was the most popular and i do a little surfing and i know they sponsor a lot of that. so by far monster is the best.
rockstar is okay i guess.
monster is unbelievable great work people.
Ive bought a monster and had it come to 4.10 Cad, Red Bull is Better Thou for energy lvls
i didn't like the taste at first, i was expecting it to taste different, but other then that its great. TaB energy is still # 1 on my list tho.
I love monster so much every time i leave the house i try to get another....i had one last nite and i was up all nite i only slept for like 3 hrs then i woke up and im still hyper holy shit i love monster
This stuff doesn't taste too good and definitely isn't good with food (though I know it isn't intended to be consumed with a meal, don't try it regardless). It isn't the worst tasting drink out there, doesn't seem to taste medicinal but at least it is low on sugar compared to regular sodas.
Also I wish they hadn't stopped making Josta, that was the best tasting soda ever made in the history of the planet. I'm looking into mixing my own because Pepsi is a failure at maintaining a good brand. Once I get the ingredients, I won't need any other brand of energy drink at all :)
have they got bought out by budwiser? they dist. in my area. my personal ratings 1. monster energy (kenny bernstein) 2. rock star- they let me hang out in the pits and gave us free rock star in bristol (nhra race). 3. red bull.(great taste but a rip off)
has anyone tried ace? the can has a old military look with a girl on the can. i love this drink but all the stores in my area droped it.
that s**** is good. i jest had a can.
monster is my life! i drink at least a can a day and the boost is great. i like all of them except the lo-carb. it has a more cough syrup taste than the original.
it says he "beefs" about it not mixing with vodka... r they retarded? u dont mix stimulants and depresssants unless u want to die.
however if u drink 2 much energy drinks over a long period of time then u could have heart problems ( it happened 2 a firend of mine)
i think it shud of gotten a 9.5 becaue its that awesome.
Monster tastes good but very little kick for me. It wasn't much more than a mountain dew.
Luv the Green Monster... but haven't found an energy drink that gives me much energy... Drink them right before taking a nap... Up to 2 a day though... Great flavor... I'm sold... even though I'm supposedly a diabetic it doesn't seem to do much for raising my blood sugars above 150... so thats cool... I'm sold...
OMG this is the most acrid awful tasting thing i have ever drank in my life. It is the seriously the worst thing ive ever tasted... but if u can manage to finish a can, the buzz and energy burst u get is of the fkn hook!
The JAVA Monster is the very very best. I love the LOCA MOCO!!!! 2 a day. Not for the energy kick but the flavor. You guys beat out Starbucks for the low sugar flavor. Could use more energy kick but you have my vote. Thanks for making it. Keep up the good work.
OMG Lo- Carb Monster is da best!, Never get enough ^^
I love them,I drink about 3 a week, they are the best, the green one is my favorite!
I am going to put in a formal complaint to the Monster Company!! I believe if adults want to buy and drink it thats there choice. But I do not believe that a 10yr old can walk into a store and buy one. It says right on the can no one under age 18yrs should drink this. So I think that the stores need to do something about young children purchasing this crap...By the way look up the ingrediants. Nasty shit...
Is there a generic version of Monster that tastes similar but is cheaper??
where i live, it's $US 3.00 for one Monster can. ok people. so take advantage of your $US 2.00 ok... mein!! it's caz it's imported here. ;-) whatever. but it's the best. It's completely bring down redbull!!! heeey;-)
I tried Rockstar(double size)its pretty amazing :)I just bought a Monster n it cost me $3.75...But I guess that's because I bought it @ Shopper's Drugmart...they are so effing expensive!!!!
ugh people shouldn't drink energy drinks. they're horrible for your body.
If you need energy, try getting exercise, enough sleep and a healthy diet that has real fruits, vegetables, whole grains and plenty of pure water. Drinks like this one are basically a drug. Drink it often enough and you will become dependent on it for feeling good. That's sad.
Full Throttle blows!!! And for you toddlers out there who cant spell, you shouldn't even be on the internet yet! I hope you O.D. on monsters and go into cardiac arrest!
i will say i love the green monster energy drinks. I have a case of the low carb(blue) and a case of the green kind. I like both, but prefer the green. Never had the other kinds. And i will say, i think the blue agave full throttle is better in taste in my opinion. And a few other ones taste better. Koolah in my opinion is the best tasting energy drink ever. But monster still owns.
Energy drinks are horrible for the body. It contains outragous amounts of caffeine that can later cause serious health problems for any individual.
Have you tried the new coffee flavored monsters? I've only tried one so far, but it was pretty damn good.
Does anyone know if Monster drink is kosher? I know that Full Throttle is kosher, and I've her mixed reports on whether Red Bull is kosher. But I want to know about Monster...
monster is my favorite
all i heard is dat you can get a heat attack if you drink to many
hahah to bad i keep drinkin dem
and i wont quit:)
Monster are awesome i guess
You can get a 24 pack for around $27 at sams club but you will need membership.
Also, though it does not mix well with alcohol, it is kick A$$ with food. I cannot have dinner or lunch without a monster, it makes me more content than without. Try it.
And about the health, I have had around 350 cans in the past 2 1/2 years and i have not had any negative effects from monster. Just drink plenty of water (to prevent kidneystones), dont drink more than 3 a day (may have heart palpations and youll start to freak out and all that caffiene will give you moodswings) and you should be fine. -William
your all a bunch of can drink the 16 and i drink it...god live a lil
dude, do you know what your saying? im sorry but i still think that monster is the best energy drink there is! it was my first energydrink, and so far i dont think anything has beat it.
im 13 is it bad to drink it???? know im young but we need to now because my doctor wants me to drink is it bad????? HELP!!!!
I am not a doctor so this is only my opinion but I highly doubt drinking ED's at age 13 is good for you as caffeine inhibits calcium intake which is essential to your growth.
i think the green kind tastes like you are drinking smarties!!!thats not real good if you ask me. i like the low carb one the BEST!!
Wow, Monster Tastes like CRAP.
I hate it with the passion of one million and four burning fires.
the green monster is the shit, the best energy drink hands down, the taste is at a point to where id pick it over a rootbeer float anyday of the fuckin week.
i drink 4 to 5 within a 12 hour period for 3 days straight every other 3 days, so its 3 days no monsters and 3 days on monsters, i prolly spend $20 a day on these fuckers when im drinking them, they keep me awake and ready to do my fucking boring shit ass of a suicide motivation tool called sometimes by stupid fucks, a job.
mosters' made a name for itself, theyre rich, now plz lower the price, you could raise the price and id still buy them but as a stupid loyal customer, do me a favor and save me atleast 25cents a can.
and heres you a new slogan for the drink. MONSTER if this shit wasnt legal id be broke in a week and skinny as fuck
I have tried all energy drinks that I could get my hands on and Monster is by far the best tasting energy drink that I ever tried I just got 4 cases I hope all u negative people give it another chance
I fail to understand the hype surrounding this drink! This site and others laud Monster as a great energy drink; however, this is far and away the absolute worst drink on the planet of any kind, let alone energy. It remindes me of armpit sweat mixed with cat urine. It is truly disgusting and I suspect these reviewers are on the payroll of this company. I have a pretty well refined pallet and I know my energy drinks. This one is terrible! Period
Careful.... I have personal knowledge of a dear friend that admittingly uses monster too often,has acquired a yeast infection.Therefore moderation is suggested.
lmao i drank 20 in a span of about 2 hours and i was barfing all night, dont drink more then 2 a day it can make you sick if you do
^^ wow idiot
Monster BFC is my drink. 32 oz. of nothing but a delicous kick.
Monsters are really really good, me and my friend tried them and we were freakishly hyper. There are side-effects though, after it wore off we had massive headaches and felt like we had hangovers. Also we were really tired and we almost threw up a couple of times. Even though they put me sick, it's not stopping me from drinking them. : p
monster drink put my 15 year old daughter into the hospital for 10 1/2 hours. Her blood pressure and heart rate went sky high. She had the twitches really bad. I do not think young kids should be able to purchase any type of energy drinks. Be very careful if you do or the samething can happen to you or possible death.
when i drank thiss i thought it tasted medicine like. i had the blue i dont know how different that is or if its the same but i didnt like the taste. n it took a while to kick in.
the green monsters are the best. i love monster energy drinks. i went out the other day and bought a sweatshirt a hat and a full case of monsters. it tastes great and the kick is intense.
i love bfc's there great!its so big i dont even eat a meal when i drink it. i just have a bfc and work out
Monsters r so bad for u y do u guys drink them they almost killed me.
Monsters come in all sizes and they r
really bad for u if you drink them u have death wish
i'de rather have a beer
all you guys that drink 2 or 3 energy drinks a day are retard..have fun handling a heartattack!
Let people drink what they want to drink.
this drink is amazing and those who are putting down the drink why are you even on here.......shut up and drink up!!!!!!!!!!!!
monsters great its just hard on your body,so i get about 2 monsters every friday,
I love monster i drink 2 or3 a day im having to slow down its all most worse than a bad habit if they cheeper no telling how many i would drink.
I am 16 and a monster adict. I know its insanely bad for me but I drink it anyways. I have ADHD so the energy drink doesn't effect my body in the way it reacts. I have overdosed on the energy drink before and ended up going crazy and slipped on sheet metal which ended me up in the hospital getting 11 stitches on my knee. I really don't recommend this for anyone younger than 16 because it really will cause you severe pain or death if consume to much but if your 16 then drink it because it really is a tasty drink(for most people). Ya, it does have a unique taste to it but I like it. I also had to by a shirt and a hat because I support and drink it so much. I'm a die hard fan for monster and when I'm 18 I want to get a small monster erergy drink logo tattoo if I'm still into it as I am now. I am going to rate this product a 9.5 only because it makes me burp alot after I drink its a non pleasant smell. You shouldn't hate on monster though because its our choice to drink it. For everyone on this website that wants to hate the product you should just leave now and save 3-5 minutes of your life.
this is the best energy drink i've ever had. i work at a gym and we have a fridge full of energy drinks and before every workout i walk across the street and get myself a MONSTER
I am having one now as I type
Personally I think it is the best energy drink out there. It literly drinks like a soda where as much enrgy drinks taste disgusting
u rtards monster sucks it is the worst drink in the world it should be getting ratings lik 1 or 2 at the best. if you really want an energy drink try red bull or damzil if your a girl.
I love your beverages the energy drinks&javas but i am a diabetic now was wondering when you will come out with sugar free in both java's& energy drink I've been wating other have them but not as good as Monster
No other energy drink compares!
My favorite, by far.
Everyone has the right to put whatever they want into their body, even if it could have long term health's your choice, but I agree with the comment about these energy drinks should not be accessible to young children and even teens. Plus, the effects this stuff has on your body has not been researched enough to be approved by the FDA. My 17 year old son, average size, athelitc build, had 1 Monster Citrus drink last night for the first time and he has been sick all day...chest pains, racing heart and headache this morning and he's had diarrhea at least 20 times today and that's no exaggeration. And, no, he did not mix alcohol with it. It is probably due to his low tolerance for caffeine. He's not a coffee drinker and drinks caffeine free sodas when he drinks them. Most people may be able to endure just 1 can of this monstrous stuff and even withstand an addiction to it, but beware if you're not used to caffeine. From what I've read in the articles, the loads of sugar in this stuff can act as a laxative. The chest pains and racing heart subsided this morning. He will be going to the doctor to be checked out. I've gotten mixed reactions to my theory that the 1 can of the Monster Energy drink caused my son to go through these effects, but he has no health problems, takes no prescription medications and it is my belief that this 1 can has caused these side effects. Like I said, it may not affect everyone this way, but it did him.
don't be a idiot, if you don't drink caffeine then don't drink a drink that is loaded with it. if i didn't drink alcohol then i wouldn't do shots of tequila....unless i wanted to be sick. i'm not saying energy drinks are good or bad i'm just saying. oh and there is a 32oz Monster too
whatever with the haters thanks to monster i finished my 90 days probation at work, i drink a monster in the morning and that kiks the shit out of me at work and do more production that what im supose to do, so F&#@ the haters and keep doing your thing, MONSTER IS THE BEST ENERGY DRINK PERIOD. NO DISCUTION ABOUT IT thats my motto
MONSTER IS GREAT! i tried a new combo of monster m-80 and diet 7 up it was so good.
hehe first time i tried it, i hated it then the second time it was so good! full throttle and no fear is great too but hmm i think monster is by far the best energy drink out there
Green Monster and Absolut vodka. It is sooooo good...
Monster Khaos is now only 50% juice, down from 70%. Boo.
im 13, will it hurt if i drink 1 monster slowly?
after 1 monster wat will the crash be like? thirteen but i love monster.i hav one in the fridge and im just dieing to get it out of i dont care about wtf people say.ill drink it if i want to . i dont even get hyper when i drink it. ive had coffeee and monster in one day and i was still good. but i was acting hyper to freak out my
To whomever has the son with the bad side effects: why in the world would he drink a HIGH ENERGY drink when he never drinks caffeine? Of COURSE his body is going to have a fit and go into a state of shock! It's just not used to that sort of thing. The effects you described would probably have happened to him with a rapid intake of most other caffeinated beverages and should not be attributed only to the wonderful Monster energy drinks.
monster is the shyt mayne.
Stock Price is a bit on the down side!
monster the best drink ever ever and leave it at that talk stuff on this drink and your dealling with the f****** monster crew
these drinks are going to eventually kill you
i love energy drinks woot~! woot~!
P.S i dont have any fuckin health problems.
Monster Energy Drinks are the best Energy drink so far that i have tasted! But me and my sister would like to know what energy drink is the strongest out of monsters,red bull,AMP.....ext...We Need energy alot out of the day! So if anybody could tell me what energy drink is the strongest????? please and Thank you.............
i love monster energy drinks im 11 and my friends are living on energy drinks i hav drank only 3 tho... its sad.
off topic, but anyone know wtf those purple ones are called? i don't think they're on here, but i saw a purple one at the 7-11 near my friend's house.
i didn't get it; but i should've. dammit.
hey i love monster and to fuledbyfunk the purple is called mixxed and that is soooooo gross and to all u haters screw you
this energy drink rocks but monster mixxed is better
listen Katie chick monster mixxed rules you don't know what you are talking about so screw you
the low carb one is pretty good but it kinda taste like med but the assult one is much better
question about the tabs, the mixxd tabs were black ever since they came out but i just saw them w/ purple tabs today. whats up w/ that?... and my friend has a pink monster tab but she dosnt remember where she got it or what kind it was. any ideas?
I'v had monster i think its good but its not what i want in a energy drink. it just dosent have the powerful taste like some of the other energy drink brands.
so when i need a kick in the ass I go and get my rockstar
Okay, so i love monster.
to the person that said that monster is the worst drink on the planet and that it reminds them of armpit sweat mixed with cat urine.
WTF!!!,???... Have you mixed armpit sweat and cat urine together and drank it???
Thats a bunch of bulls**t,!!!, LOL!!!
Actually,.. i've never actually mixed armpit sweat with cat urine because thats just completely fu***d and i wud like to know from some one who does mix that stuff and drinks monster energy drinks,... DOES CAT PISS AND SWEAT TASTE LIKE MONSTER????
alright, as far as taste goes, i love this drink. but i have anxiety and panic disorder, and i once drank it and it made my panic attacks 10x worse. not only that, it makes me so shakey. but after starting medication for my anxiety and whatnot, i was fine when drinking them. until...
last saturday night, i bought a 'BFC' of monster. i drank the entire thing in under 4 hours with almost no food, only a few chips. i didn't go to sleep until 12AM! when i woke up, my head was pounding. scary thing is, it's monday and my head is STILL pounding. i couldn't even make it to school. even though i love this drink, i will never, EVER drink it again! if this headache doesn't go away by tomorrow, i'm going to have to go to the doctor -_-
This Drink has become a very popular drink.. When I drank one for the first time a Long time ago, I thought it was the most discusting drink ive ever drank in my life.. But then for some reason I had the erge to buy it again one day.. Then from that day on.. Monster Energy was my Drink Of Choice, Me and my cousin and friends would always drink this and have good times... Years later I'm still drinking it and the second it touches my lips I get a flashback of all the good times ive had all those years.. Gives me a warm feeling inside and I love to introduce this drink to MonsterVirgins Its like telling someone the meaning of life.. It is in fact a very sugary drink but very tasty till the very last drop and the aftertaste of every gulp.. All the other types of Monster are just.. Meh but its worth trying them once, cause hidden inside is the same great taste you find inside the original.. 10/10 Not soo much a Blast of Caffiene but a nice buzz for in the mornings at school, and at night chillin to some easy tunes.. Now If you want a Quick Jolt I'd Recommend RedBull, but if thats too CAtpissy for you then jsut drink a Full Throttle or ... I wrote a review on my Experience with this already but If you want a Cocaine/Shroom feeling then a Bottle of Redline Energy Drink will do the Trick.. but be carefull..
i have at least one a day
you are all idiot falling into a trap of energy drinks. you guys need better educations. Energy drinks is not good for your body.
I am pretty sure most people who drink energy drinks are quite aware of the effects of them towards the body.
Energy drinks are not proven to be unsafe, but they can affect your body if you don't drink them responsibly.
So basically,... stop haten!!!
Monster can't compare to Rockstar and others that REALLY give you the energy boost loaded with caffeine.
this drink is pretty tasty the rating should increase
Ok. Everybody who posted a comment on this website saying oh they hate monster blah....blah....blah...
Red bull blows
Full throttle blows
Amp blows
Every energy drink dose not compare to MONSTER.
I drink like a total of 14 a week. Yeah, its true i actually am addicted to it and everybody just likes it. I love it.
Too Expensive Dudes U Can Buy a 24/16 oz for 32 bucks in mexico haha luck 2 live near
I'm addicted to monster energy drink! I need to stop I heard people can get a heart attacked!
as with other energy drinks, i get no kick from this one but i love the taste of the monster energy drink so its by far my fav energy drink. (cocaine energy drink comes in a close second and would be tied for first if i could find it locally instead of having to order online).
i usually drink one monster 23.5 ounce and a 12 oz daily. the taste is highly addictive lol.
I'm drinking it now... and it tastes good, but I'm not even hyper. I'm only 10
I can honestly say that I would not be able to get through my day without Monster. As an "overrextended" high school student, I'm lucky to get 4 hours of sleep. Young for my grade, (a 15 year old Junior in high school) I depend on feet to get me where I need to go, since my mother works. Constantly in motion, or doing homework, or just being stressed out, and not eating simply because I lack the time, I think that my personal benifits from this drink outway the potential risks.
However, I advise everyone -especially junior high and high schoolers- to only drink energy drinks when you absolutely need them. Although not many studies have yet been conducted, they're most likely bad for your health. I however, have been addicted sense the seventh grade, and my +4.0 gpa and high standing in extra curriculars is dependant upon my constant -as well as consistent- energy.
Pax =]
i dont care wat anyone says monster is by far the best!!!!!
i am 16 and i drink 2 monsters a day and it is the greatest decisiom i have ever made
i might die early but ill be awake the whole time so i would have already lived my marvelous monster filled life
i love this s4it drink like 5 a day mmmm yummy
Energy Drinks are apparentyl really bad for you...but i still drink them..i ride motocross..and they help me a lot..keeping up with all my races and keeping me jumping higher than ever!!! Nice Write up!
my mommy said that it can kill you and that chucky lives in those cans
I love the taste of monster, but as with everything I do it in moderation and urge all to do so. I do one or two every couple of weeks. One day I had a five our energy drink two monsters and a cocaine energy drink and was still exhausted, they just don't seem to work for me. my drinks of choice are definetly water and unsweet tea. Cocaine energy drink was not good and It kind of burned going down. I will not hate on anyone for what they like to drink but go easy on anything not natural. Rock on with the monster guys.
Great taste but the price sucks in my area. About $3 a can. Lo-Carb * or Blue as I call it * is my personal favorite, gotta love the original green too. It's got nice kick but not an overhaul. Just wish there was a sams club closer then 2 hours away :S Not worth membership if its that far away or i'd stock up.
most of the people who have posted on this have far worse issues than the potential lasting effects of energy drinks..
Well my daughter just told me it's made out of bull sperm?!! Is this true?? YUCK!!! I think I'll stick to coffee.
I'm drinking a monster mega right now. I can't say I love it bc it's an energy drink....
I could never get through my day without it. It taste better than most. I'm so so sick of coffee. Packs the same punch but taste ten times better ....Mmmm.
....And it may not be good for the body, but nothing is anymore. Honestly!
Ok MONSTER is by far the best energy drink in the whole world. It is GREAT!!! I love the Green Monster!!
I just had my first ever energy drink, and it just happened to be a 16 ounce green monster! The taste was okay, and at first I was disappointed with the kick, but I started to feel energized, and after 4 hours in the sun doing yard work,i still feel energized! I love monster!
monster is awesome!!!! i have about 1 everyday and sometimes more and every one is just flat out AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!
monster if friggin awsome XXDDD
its a drink....drink it enough said...
monster is awesome!! it gives you a good kick
monster is awful, all flavors, do not waste your money. Redbull is by far the best, lightly carbonated not too sweet.
hey all people it isnt bad if you only drink like 1 or maybe 2 a day i mean alot of people say energy drinks are bad well beer is also harmful and people still drink it I do not suggest that little kids should drink eather 1. energy drinks can take away calcium out of your body which can stunt growth and well beer is bad if you get caught by the pigs(thats what I call cops.)^^
Monster incorperation if you get this messge email me at
I;m collecting all the cans/brands of monster you guys have come out with ,so i was wondering if you email a list of all the monters you have
Thank You Jeremy p
the worst tasting thing i have ever had in my life, never try with jager or R&R. absolutely horrible.
I just discovered a controversy involving Monster drinks insisting that a brewery stop making/marketing their local brew that they have been doing well before Monster came into the scene because the beer is named 'Vermonster'. Total BS. Until the issue is resolved, will be switching my energy drink
More details at:
Boycott Monster. They're sueing a small vermont brewery just for calling their beer the Vermonster (which they have trademarked legally) Check it out at com/watch? v=kbG_woqXTeg
this drink is awesome! i give the original green monster a 5 star review! and im 13 and ive been drinking these for a while and im still alive. monster does not give you cancer! jesus christ--- i got a sip of wine and beer when i was 8! they say you can't drink it... but it doesn't say you can't SIP it
MONSTER is amazing. By far my favorite energy drink out there. i have at least one a day, love the taste. Dont think there is a better tasting evergy drink out there. I love all the different flavores that they have. My best friend and I fight about energy drinks all the time he loves Red Bulls but theres no way they are better then a MONSTER I would never pick Red Bull (or anything else) over a MONSTER!!!! Hella Good Stuff!! DRINK IT!!!!
Monster, despite the marketing, isn't quite as 'monstrous' as one might think. Eight ounces of drip coffee has approx. 145 mg of caffeine. 16 oz. of Monster has only 160 mg. After a lot of research, I recently began giving Monster to my ADHD 8-yr-old son because he doesn't care for coffee, but caffeine (a stimulant that's safely been in use for just about forever) helps him function better with fewer side effects than ADHD medications (amphetamines). There are several encouraging studies examining the effect of caffeine on ADHD. Several of the other ingredients -- B vitamins, taurine, L-Carnitine, Guarana, and Inisitol -- have also been positively associated with reduction of ADHD symptoms. Although I would not regularly allow a 'normal' child access to energy drinks, it can be a good option for parents of ADHD kids who would like to experiment with caffeine therapy but whose children don't care for coffee.
^^^ The above comment is not from the site owners and should not be taken as medical advice. Please do your own research...
i love this stuff its so good
i have a monster every single day b4 i go to school.. really works and love this shit
deffinit favorite. i got the tattoo of it on my arm a year ago. sh*ts good
i love monster i drink it all the time it is my fave drink and it tastes good and it gets u buzzed
k u no wat u people dont no anythin k so stop goin every where and sayin that suff k I may be 12 but it dosent mean u can stop me 4rm saying bad thigs that r goin 2 stay in my head!
we need a monster as strong as red line and 6.0 energy blend monster 2.5 energy blend or least as strong as full trotal of 3.0
wow. love the debate.
NOS is better
i love monster all you haters beware UNLEASH THE FREAKIN BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
monster where i live 5/10
monster where it's a reasonable price: 10/10
by far best energy drink, but a can of the regular sized drink is 4.53 where i live.... i know it's sad i bought a flat of em and it came up so about $60, i might have to get my own monster shipped in from USA or somethin the price it stupid... drinkin like 6-8 a day,$30-$50 every day on monster
hey buddy, i wouldnt worry about it not mixing with vodka since jäger-monster is soo good. haha ive lost too many nights to that bad boy :P
I've had the BFC (32 Oz.) which I bought for an outrageous 5 dollars for (but it was at a gas station so I can't really say anything) among other Monster drinks such as Green and Lo-Carb. I've yet to try the Imports. The BFC and it's brother 32 oz. both already taste like beer with a buzz but without the hangover. The Lo-Carb was great tasting and seemed to last forever though it was a 16 oz. But my absolute favorite had to have been the Monster Assualt. This Camo Can is in 16 Ounce form and is the best tasting energy drink I've tasted to date. Not only is it refreshingly sweet compared to the other Monsters, but It even has a great description on the back! All in all, Monster is an amazing brand and never ceases to wow me with new flavors. But the one real question is, do energy drinks really give you energy? I could drink 4 or 5 a day and then stop drinking them for a week and all I would feel is a craving for the taste of them again. I'm not dissing the Monster company or any other energy drink manufacturer but Really, do they work or is it just the placebo effect that is written on the front in big letters stating "ENERGY SUPPLEMENT"
Original Monsters are the BEST energy drinks out there! During the summer could drink one without worrying about blowing up my heart. And they taste awesome!
i had my first and last yesterday it was soooo nasty everytime i would have i sip i would cring yuck it taste like a mix of beer,soda,old apple juice,crush,wine,and nastyness
dude you are wrong it tastes good
monster is amazingg.&&my all time fav drinkk.
Monster Import is the best tasting Monster.
I love monster. I get one whenever I can. I think the best one by far is Khaos.
Honestly, I think that the original monster energy drink is the worst one i've tried. I personally like khaos and assualt.
I'm 15 and I drink an occasional Monster because I like the taste and sometimes I need a hit of energy. The most I drink is 4 a week during drama season, when my day is filled with school, homework, and drama practice, with little time for sleep. As far as energy drinks go, Monster is by far the best.
I know energy drinks are not good for you, but neither are soda, chips, candy, cake, cookies, pie, french fries, ice cream, or snack cakes. It's okay to consume these once in a while, but remember: everything in moderation, including moderation. :P
im 14
i did not like this drink made me soo dizzy and sick after just one and it didnt even give me energy just made me sick .rock star is soo much better and it doesnt make me feel sick and it actuslly gives you an energy hit
isaac ,
i personally think monster energy drink is good & bad at the same time. you get the energy you want , but it has a slight crash at the end for me. wouldnt mind spending 3 dollars for 2 monsters. then when i get them . i go back too back on them. & i feel great. try NOS ! its great also.
Monster Energy has changed my life forever. I started drinking it when I was 20 years old. I first started out with Red Bull but I hated the medicine taste and it gave me serious chest pains. I still drink it today if it wasn't for Monster Energy I would have never gotten my ged nor my Masters in College. My sex life has improved dramatically and my wife is happy. Im able to keep up with my kids and stay alert at all times. I drink one can a week. I get regular check ups from my heart doctor and everything is normal. I am a person with sensitivity to caffeine so one 16oz a week is all I need. I was able to keep my weight still for 10 years. Im now 30 years old and I still feel like im 20. Im a responsible drinker when it comes to drinking monster. Its my cup of coffee. I consider it way better than coffee.
One way to tell the best energy drink around - get aboard a military base. I'm sure it's not offical, but the USMC sure endorses Monster in all it's forms. I see more Marines with a Monster in hand than any other beverage - during working hours anyway!
I have drank Monster(green) for over 5 yrs. 2-5 a day. Over the last 2-3 months I've noticed more & more of the cans having more of a brownish color, & the taste is not at all what it used to be. What has changed?
I love this drink! It may not get me very hyped, but it sure does taste good. I don't see why people talk down the drink, if you don't like it then just don't drink it and stop picking fights. Idiots!
Alright well I'm 12 and really want to try monster what kind should I try ?
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