Monavie EMV Lite Energy Drink Review

Cost: $MLM
Cost Per Ounce:$MLM
Active Ingredients:Guarana, Yerba, Maco, Ginseng, Green Tea (extracts)
Taste Rating:8.1
Kick Rating:8.5
Final Judgment Rating:8.3
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Monavie EMV Lite Energy Drink Review:
Wow what a crazy summer!!! So as you may have noticed it has been far too long since I have done any sort of Energy Drink or Energy Shot review. What's my excuse? Well it's summer man and you have to get out there and enjoy it as much as possible. And I am thankful I have enough drinks and shots to get me through at full speed. Did my first Triathlon, Training for a Half Marathon, Built a House, did the Warrior Dash and went on a couple mini-vacations... So yeah I have been busy, sorry. Anyways, enough fluff, no one really cares what I am up to so let's move on to the review of Monavie Lite Energy Drink. Some of you may remember from my last review of Monavie Original, I requested a lighter version. Don't get me wrong, the drink was good, I just didn't want all the calories. Well I asked for it and it was delivered. So let's check out it out now.
Monavie EMV Lite Energy Drink Review: Taste
So as I said in my last review, the original Monavie had too many calories for my liking and the fruit juice blend was just a little bit too bitter for me. However, upon cracking the 8.4 ounce lite version with only 75 calories and taking a sip I was very surprised. The lite version still has a rich antioxidant blend of fruit as well as acai berry (20% juice blend). Only this time the acai berry blend had a much lighter and crisper berry taste than the original. Out of the 8-10 MLM drinks I have tried throughout my illustrious reviewing career, the new EMV Lite takes the cake. It has fewer calories than the original and according to their literature, seems to be a healthier alternative to your mainstream over the counter energy drinks (sweetened with stevia). Taste Rating - 8.1
Monavie EMV Lite Energy Drink Review: Kick
Now Monavie Lite does not make any claims that their drink will send you bouncing off the walls... nor does it promise extreme energy. What they are promising is sustained energy which is delivered in the form of natural ingredients like guarana, green tea and yerba mate. Upon drinking first thing in the morning, there was no quick initial kick, or quick wake up, but after an hour I have to say that I felt energized... and the feeling seemed to last the rest of the workday. Again, no bouncing off the wall feelings and no crash (associated from sugar). Palatinose seems to be another sources of energy for Monavie. I won't go in depth about it, but it seems to be a natural sugar replacement that provides an energy benefit in the form of glucose (Check it out at Wikipedia Kick Rating - 8.5
Monavie Light Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
My only complaint last time was the amount of calories in the drink... Since the lite version has trimmed the calories down from 170 to 75 per 8.4 ounce can, I am a much happier camper. The sustained energy was well received and the taste was a somewhat sweet acai berry flavor. If you want to get a hold of one of these to try yourself you will have to find a distributor (MLM) or become one yourself. Final Judgment - 8.3
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