Zenedge Lemon Lime Energy Shot Review

Cost: $2.99
Cost Per Ounce:$1.50
Active Ingredients:Caffeine, Taurine, B-Vitamins
Taste Rating:8.8
Kick Rating:8.5
Final Judgment Rating:8.6
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Zenedge Lemon Lime Energy Shot Review:
I previously reviewed the original Zenedge Energy Drink and I have to say I was quite pleased and really looked forward to trying out the Zenedge Shooters (shots). The shots come in two flavors berry and lemon lime which I will be reviewing today. The 2 ounce shot's package is really quite unique and dresses up the product quite well. Other than that I don't know too much about the company besides that I enjoyed their first Energy Drink. So let's see if they can go two for two!
Buy Zenedge Shooters Here!
Zenedge Lemon Lime Energy Shot Review: Taste
Well the 2 ounce lemon lime shooter from Zenedge is sugar free and only has 15 calories. If you have read any of my other energy shot reviews you may have heard me gripe about the flavor of some of them. The reason being is that they make the shots super powerful, yet forget about the taste quality. Sure, they are usually only 2 ounces or less, but taste still matters. Which is why I was quite pleased with the lemon lime shot from Zenedge. No medicinal aftertaste - HUGE Quality - in an energy shot. Other than that it has a initial lemon taste followed up by a nice lime flavor. Says that right on the bottle. I liked it. Nuff said. Taste Rating - 8.8
Zenedge Lemon Lime Energy Shot Review: Kick
Well the taste was pleasing, but did they Zenedge sacrifice the kick in order to get a good taste? Well with energy ingredients like 80 milligrams of caffeine, taurine and a ton, I mean ton of b-vitamins you can bet you will get a good kick from this shot. The best part?? No sugar so no crash. All that energy packed into a tiny 2 ounce bottle, not too shabby. Kick Rating 8.5
Zenedge Lemon Lime Energy Shot Review: Final Judgment
Cool packaging, great taste, good kick, only 15 calories and it's sugar free! What's not too like about the Zenedge lemon lime shooter? The best part is probably not having to choke down 2 ounces of medicine. When they say lemon lime on the bottle, that is the flavor you get! So if you see this at your local C-Store pick one up and give it a try. Final Judgment - 8.6
Buy Zenedge Shooters Here!
I personally like the Berry better. I actually have a bunch stored in my fridge like eggs in an egg carton. I'm extremely happy about this shooter being sugar-free.
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