Sparks Energy Drink Review

Cost: $2.29 – alcohol included
Cost Per Ounce: $0.14
Active Ingredients: Caffeine, Ginseng, Guarana
Taste Rating: 8.5 – tastes better on the rocks
Kick Rating: 7
Final Judgment Rating: 9 – innovative by adding alcohol!
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Sparks Energy Drink Review
Finally a drink that has the best of both worlds! Sparks energy drink combines alcohol and energy into one can. This means that you know longer have to mix the concoction yourself. Sparks energy drink comes in three varieties, the regular with 350 calories and 6% alcohol. The lite version comes with 6% alcohol and only has 130 calories. There is also a plus version which contains 7% alcohol. I am excited about trying this, so enough B.S so I can review the original sparks energy drink in the orange can!
Sparks Energy Drink Review: Taste
My first impression was wow, this tastes like an orange crush, are you sure there is any alcohol in here? Well there is 6% alcohol by volume and the drink tastes very much like an orange soda. How many orange soda's can you drink in one night? Well I can't drink a ton, but if you put Sparks on the rocks it makes for a great drink that you can enjoy all night long. This is not an every day drink, you have to be 21 to buy it but I guess I would definitely recommend it after having a long day at work. I will give the Sparks energy beverage review for taste a high 8.5 because it tastes really good on ice, but it is a little overwhelming by itself.
Sparks Energy Drink Review: Kick
Well the atmosphere I was in did not allow me to be the best judge when it came to testing the kick of this drink. After one of these in the bar I was ready for another one, and then another, but after that I had to stop. Even on ice this drink has a strong orange taste. But after 32 ounces of sparks I was ready to make it the rest of the night. Overall I will give this drink a satisfying 7 on the kick scale.
Sparks Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
It’s cheap, it’s got alcohol and it taste pretty good as long as you have it on the rocks. It does not give the best kick but what it lacks in energy kick it should give you in alcohol kick! I was extremely satisfied and in my opinion this is a great alcoholic drink. Before you had to mix your energy beverages with alcohol,
but not anymore. I will give this drink a final judgment of 9 out of 10 for being cheap and innovative!
Previous Energy Drink Reviews
Labels: Alcohol
They might not taste bad, but even if a take a few drinks it gives me the worst hang over...
Yea, it might seem good at first glance but you are really mixing an upper and a downer... thats why some people get bad hangovers from this. Its like drinkin Jager bombs (not reccomended for people with heart conditions)
NEVER drink more than one a night..and drink that one over a long period of time. I played pong last night with Sparks after drinking a full one before that and I felt like I was going to have a heart attack, twitching and sweating. Never again.
I love this stuff. I drink the diet one whenever I am feeling a bit hungover. I suppose it just makes me feel better about drinking in the morning, but I much prefer this over red bull. It gives me a lot of that speedy type energy, and the alcohol is always welcome in my system. I don't drink more than a couple in a night. Usually after stumbling from one bar to the next, I will grab one of these and chug it, making me more capable of staying out later. By far my favorite energy drink.
I love this stuff...but I'll definitely agree on only one a night.
I've been searching high and low, does anyone know what the nutritional content is on this stuff???
I know the maker of Sparks will not reveal all the ingredients, but besides the number of calories I was wondering exactly how much sugar is in this stuff.
I can't remember how much sugar is in this one, but if that is a concern then just pick up the lite version of Sparks.
I drink 3 or 4 of them a day( the black ones) is that bad. oh and it doesn't give me energy.
I am pretty immune to caffeine, I can drink three or more of those 3 times the serving size Rockstars and be fine, and I can handle a lot of alcohol, I've drank six in a night and not had a hangover, but I rarely get them anyway. Three Sparks is usually enough to get me very drunk, but all the other comments just said one, so this is for the other people like me who can handle a lot, I guess. I'm a petite girl, too.
according to their website, the whole can has only around 87 mgs. of caffeine, so it is like drinking a strong shot of espresso. They now list all the rest of their ingredients online. What I wonder is if anyone can taste the difference between their 3 brands, regular, diet and extra.
Sparks is very affordable and gives a decent buzz.
My favorite way to consume this beverage is to have 3/4 sparks,1/4 OJ, on the rocks.
New saying "SPARKS Mouth" because about after the third one or so your mouth turns orange.
Drink Safe!
well i'm not a big drinker to begin with so my friend bought my friend and i a 4 pack. we each had two and i've never felt better in my whole life. We're petite girls so two was good for us each. and i totally recommend you swim after drinking the two. It'll burn off a lot of the energy and some of you said you were sweating? Just go swimming and you'll be fine. I was really buzzed and felt pretty much amazing. We went to bed at 5:30 and i woke up at 7:50..I slept like a baby and no hang over. I felt just fine all day long.
DRINK UP! because its my new favortie.
this blog does not condone swimming after consuming alcoholic beverages...
this blog does not condone swimming after consuming alcoholic beverages...
well thats what we did. i wasnt exactly gearing the comment towards what you'd like to read. i was just mentioning that we had a blast and that maybe it'll help others with the "after math" of it...
Well, if you are going to drink these and swim, or drink these and bike, please make sure you are a designated organ and tissue donor. May as well be compassionate while you are being STUPID.
we werent swimming in an ocean or a lake, it was just a little nothing pool. the deepest was 5 feet. and i made sure that we all stayed in the 1-3 ft area...if you had to know...your only jealous oshkosh.
i love sparks i dirnk a few a day that could make ma an alcoholic but when you work 10 hours the lawn still has to be mowed, on ice no way super cold ok plus u mise well try becuase they are trying to ban them
i drink like 3 or 4 wen i drink them, so i really dont know wut u ppl r talking about lol. i mean i get drunk as hell but still guys make it seem way more serious than it is. & ive drank them a number of times and ive never been hung over.
3 or 4 of these & me & my boyfriend are very drunk. Compared to the numerous beers we need to drink to get that drunk fast.
I like Sparks, it doesn't make me gittery like I get from Rockstar, probably because of the booze haha!!! The bar I work at makes JagerBombs with Sparks for a double kick....
SPARKS ARE AWESOME!!! they taste great. my brothers gf had like three in like two hours, that was fun
I love Sparks!!!
I always loved any kind of energy drink but I never really drank alcohol..
So my boyfriend started buying me sparks....Its my new favorite..
But one can get me night I drank 3 right in a row w/o a break and I didnt take the time to stand up during the yeah when I finally stood up I was bad...
To be honest my boyfriend said he had to carry me to the truck when it was time to leave...
I woke up with a spinning room and hardly any memory of the night before, but no headache...haha! and I managed to hold my alcohol and It was the first time i'd ever been drunk...
You gotta try this....mix 3/4 can of sparks with a glass of champagne. Bam! you gotta sparks-mosa!! They're great...prepared to be shit-faced!!
my girlfriend, lacey and I
we drink around 15 sparks a week
andd we are becoming a little hefty
is there low fat sparks? low carb?
sparks are wonderfulll
they get us drunk easily
but the next day my girlfriend has bowel movements and the smell isnt too lovely, why does this amazing drink do this?
Anyone who can't drink more than one... quit drinking these... you're just wasting them for those of us who can handle them. ^_^
*drinks the black*
i love this drink, the orange is my favorite i dont get bad hangovers however i am small so it only takes two and im drunk lol anyways just had to comment on the best drink ever lol I LOVE THIS STUFF!!!!!!!
omfg, below "I recommend you drink a few and then go swimming" Yea, that's something you should encourage...
psssssh i drink at least 4 when i party good drunk - cheap money - energy to party all night all in all great drink i love them plus if you put in a normal energy drink can you can walk around town with it and if the cops get curious it smells just like monster...... a++++++++++++++++++
first time i ever got drunk was off 3 sparks regulars. i have since managed to consume 7 sparks plus in an 8 hour period. sparks is my favorite thing ever.
one a night if your a pussy and cannot drink damn i can throw back6-7 not a problem
i drink sparks every weekend and get retarted off them i play sparks pong witch is beer pong with the beer replaced with sparks
amazing i could play all night
RIP Sparks Energy Drink! They just started switching over to Sparks Malt Beverage, I went out and bought all the Sparks Energy Alcohol I could find, about 30 cans, and I've been looking everywhere for the real stuff, this new fake stuff doesn't taste as good either. Im in Virginia so if anyone sees this in other states that still have the Energy drink, you might wanna stack up! Easy ways to tell, on the cans it no longer lists the stimulant ingredients, and the + and - battery marks are gone!
I have drinked 6 of these in a couple of hours.. on several occasions. I cannot feel the energy in them for sure but they do give me a buzz.
sparks by far has bean the best drunk i have ever had. and my nights are always GREAT whenever i only drink them. plus it really gives me a boost. there has not been one time when i haveleft a place before closing while drinking these.
i live in brazil and we don't have sparks here...i lived in us 3 months ago and i used to drink sparks every day off i had!!!this is the best drink ever!!!hahaha
lol one night we went to a party and i had 13 sparks.. people who say limit yourself to 1? just dont drink period. i agree with whoever said that they dont need to drink and let us have them... sparks are my choice of drink
So I'm a chick and im not two pounds but im not huge either. I have a two year old and chastise me all you want but they help me keep up with him and chill my nerves when he starts pushing my buttons. I don't understand how people are getting drunk off two though...they must be playing up the drunkeness a bit cause i can easily drink 3 or 4 a night!
I love the black sparks although 2 in a night is my limit. Just tried the new red one..disgusting! Poured it out after the first sip, it's like a mix between nyquil & robitussin but worse.
I live in Fresno Cali, and I found a place where the sell the 16oz cans for 79cents! So every time I go party, I buy 3 or 4 of these and down the all. I always get a good buzz off of 1 or 2. Havent really got shit faced by them yet. But I never feel twitchy from the caffeine or get a horrible hang over. I hate beer with a passion, so Sparks are the way to go, hands down.
i lov tha sparks. i drink several before i start drinking beer. its basicly the only thing my girl will drink. sparks plus yager equals kikk ass. dont really know whats up with the sparks and swimming though. if you cant drink a sparks and then swim you probly shouldnt do either
Sparks might be a "cheap" and "easy" way to get drunk but every single time, it never fails that i black out by this drink. Even if i have one or a half of one ill wake up in the morning asking myself what in the hell did i do last night because of this drink. Never will i drink these again, or any other caffiene + alcohol drink there is!
I love Sparks. The black ones were my favorite until I tried the new RED ones. Oh yeah, and it has 8% alcohol.
Sparks never makes me feel even hyper. I drank two last night too. It just gets you buzzed faster since it has more percentage of alcohol. I think it just affects some people differently because to me I don't feel a thing and I slept not too hard or not too easy : )
i like how i read these and people are like i drink 2-4 or 6-8 of these at a time I'm like wtf hell you can buy them in like 24 per case and i usually drink them all that night im drinking i don't care if im already drunk hell keep on drinking its the best thing we do up here where i live.
"Y'all Drink Up Meow"
The above information is no longer true and this posting only serves to confuse those looking for the real content of "Sparks alcoholic beverages"
In September 2008, the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit watchdog and consumer advocacy group, sued MillerCoors, claiming that its Sparks alcoholic beverages that include caffeine are a health hazard. Three months later, at the behest of San Francisco and 13 states, distributor MillerCoors LLC announced it would remove the caffeine from its Sparks line of energy drinks, and would change its marketing campaign "We're doing it to protect the public health of our young people and to reform business practices," said S.F. City Attorney Dennis Herrera.
Sparks' current formulation does not contain caffeine or taurine. It is packaged in 16oz silver cans with bright orange tops, with a "+" printed near the top and a "-" printed near the bottom, intended to be reminiscent of a battery. Other varieties include a sugar-free "Sparks Light" version with a bright blue top. Higher alcohol versions, named "Sparks Plus" (black top, 7% alcohol) and "Sparks Red" (red top, 8% alcohol)" are packaged in both 16oz and 24oz cans.
I used to drink this all last summer with my sis. I like it, its cheap and helps you party hard =]
im a petite girl so about 3-4 gets me drunk and happy. <3 sparks
i want to know where the original black spark drink go i can never find them anymore now they came out with this nasty flavor stuff gross....
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