Spike Energy Drink Review

Cost: $2.00
Cost Per Ounce:$0.24
Active Ingredients:Caffeine, B-Vitamins, Proprietary Blend
Taste Rating:9
Kick Rating:10
Final Judgment Rating:9.5
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Spike Energy Drink Review
To tell you the truth I have been waiting to review the Spike Energy Drink for quite awhile now. Basically ever since I did the article on the Spike Energy Drink I have been waiting to try it. It just was not available in my area at the time. This drink really seemed to push the envelope by putting 300 milligrams of caffeine into a little 8.4 ounce can. There was a lot of hoopla about who should or should not drink this beverage. Well if you want to hear more about that stuff read the article. Because today I plan on just giving you a straight up review of the Spike Energy Drink based on price, taste and kick.
Buy Spike Shooter Here
Spike Energy Drink Review: Taste
Well first off I was not expecting a very good taste. Why was I not expecting a very good taste? Well if you cram 300 milligrams of caffeine and energy ingredients into a tiny 8.4 ounce can the results are usually not too pleasing. That is why I was so surprised. Even with all those ingredients Spike Shooter still had a really pleasing fruit punch flavor. To top it all off they made this fruit punch flavored drink with zero calories and zero carbohydrates. Add the fact that even with 300 milligrams of caffeine there was still no medicinal after taste and we have ourselves a tasty beverage! Taste Rating - 9.0
Spike Energy Drink Review: Kick
If you have not picked up that the Spike Energy Drink has 300 milligrams of caffeine in it than you haven't been paying attention. So what's the deal with 300 milligrams of caffeine? To put it in prospective a Red Bull has 80 milligrams of caffeine. So is Spike the strongest energy drink I have had? No. There are a few others out there with more caffeine but Spike has the most caffeine per ounce. And how was the kick? Pretty intense actually. It gave me a huge boost of energy that lasted several hours. Best part is that I had no crash after consuming which probably has to do with the blend of B-Vitamins and proprietary energy blend. But I have tried well over 100 energy drinks so I recommend that you follow the directions and pay attention to the warnings on the can before you consume Spike. Specifically don't drink this if you are under 16, pregnant or have allergic reactions to caffeine. There are more warnings on the can so just read them before consuming. They also recommend that you start off by trying a half a can to determine tolerance and do not have more than one can a day. If you use this before or during a workout like I did make sure you drink a lot of water to keep hydrated. Kick Rating - 10
Spike Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
Super strong kick in a small can with a great fruit punch taste. This is not the strongest energy drink I have tried, but it is definitely the strongest best tasting one that I have tried. Combine that with the fact that you can get these for right around $2.00 a can or you can save money by ordering them in bulk. Final Judgment 9.5
Labels: Diet Energy Drinks
Spike is blowing up in San Diego--and with good reason. This drink rocks!
It tastes better than any energy drink on the market and the kick is second to none.
Yeah the kick rocks! I got to try one on vacation. Wish it were available in my area. Any one know where to get one of these online?
GNC stocks them and I'm not sure where you live, but GNC's are everywhere.
so pretty much i LOVE spike
im only 13 years old but ive been drinking energy drinks for a while.
i has an intense kick. its pretty much the only energy drink that gives me a kick now besides redline because i got so used to drinking 24 oz rockstar zero carbs
so yeah
its pretty much great.
there is a lemon-lime version too!
its so good
i just chugged a spiked during lunch today. it was amazing. the taste was great.
the only downside is that i am coming down really hard now. and i feel really sick. probably because i drank it on an empty stomach.
I've been drinking Spike Shooters for a solid 6 months. Nothing compares. The taste is best on the market in my opinion. I agree that there is no "crash" afterwards and if you are into lifting or working out. I take a Spike about an hour before hitting the gym - it is a surge of energy. You feel like you just want to bite into a baseball!
My opinion - seek out this beverage if you haven't had it. Give it a shot, follow the label though... stay hydrated at all times - water water water.
...This drink should be called Saturn 5 Rocket Fuel; because that's just what it is! It's so potent that at 57 I'm half assed afraid of it.
And, and it really ROCKS! Did I say that?!
And, of course I don't work for the company! And, of course I'm not just spamming b.s. comments here to market to *really specific* demographics (read: teens and those over 50)! Would I do that? C'mon, you know me, right? Oh, that's right, these are all "anonymous" comments. Duh.
Do yourself a favor: drink a coffee. Easier, usually cheaper, and you may actually know the person you're buying from is not some band-wagon jumping, huckster.
I love this drink. Previously the strongest drink I've had was Sobe's No Fear but this drink tops it. Redbull, Monster, Bawls simply cannot compare to the energy rush you'll get from this drink. They might as well label it Liquid Ephedra because that's what the energy rush feels like in my opinion.
i dont get buzzed much any more. the only time i get buzzed any more is slugging a cople of these with my friends. me and my friends always have contests in witch we make our secrit mix of energy drinks(witch i swore not to give out) and see who can down the most shots before eather falling down or puking.
I'll be honest I drank almost an entire can by myself and I still feel like I have these little shakes and twitches inside my body. I drink energy drinks regularly but these kind of make me feel a touch different. Does taste amazing though!
spike is crazy! i had 3 in like one hour! i feel like shit. i hope i dont get sick. but spike is really good. but i dont think i will drink it again, im to scared.
Spike should now be carried in 7-elevens across the nation. My store got them in today and I had to try one. INSANE. I think I might kick Monster to the curb!
Spike is amazing. The lemon-lime flavor is the best I think
I do not drink energy drinks on a regular basis I have tried red bull and monster both on one occasion. Yesterday a coworker gave me a can after I told her how tired I was after being up all night with my daughter and she told me to drink only half the can. I did feel a little nausea and shaky for about an hour then after that I never felt so energized. The taste was good and the best part is I didn't crash like I thought I would. I recommend energy drinkers try Spike.
I gotta say, i had high expectations for this, i had a lime one today, drank it in about 10 minutes(i was a little scared, not gonna lie)
DIdn't do a THING for me, no kick, not even a raise in energy, im really dissapointed
ill try it again tomorrow and see if anythings different
Ive had well over 200 energy drinks though so idk, ppl say im immune haha
WOW omg are u stupid?!?!?! well u are...
wow... for $2.00 you wanna put yourself in the freakin hospital... do have any idea what this drink can do to you?!?!? some kid who went to my school and he drank like 2 every day and then he had to get sent to the hospital then he never came back to shool so he couldve died but who knows if you wanna die go ahead buy a freakin spike enery drink
OMG Spike is amazing, I have been drinking them for a week now. The quila lime flavor is amazing. i usually drink in the morning and i still have tons of energy at night.
2 everyday and he went to the hospital? hardly! it's b.s. unless he already had a weak disposition or other existing medical condition. 2 cans is only 600mg caffeine. thats 40mg less than drinking 2 16oz starbucks coffee's. seriously, look it up.
spike is amazing. the punch and lime flavors. awesome kick and taste. if you have a weak stomach eat with it at least until you get used to it.
these are good
and have a good kick. the only complaint is the "crash" at the end. i have a really bad sore throat. im sticking to redline. redline actually had me up for the entire day, literally.
i was surprised about how good it was too. i thought the added hype of 'do not have this if you have migranes, do not have this if you are ever sick, do not have this if you ever broke a leg or stubbed your toe... etc.' were a bit over the top. BUT
this stuff tingled a bit as it went down. YES energy. YES, I had it @ 3pm and went to bed @ 3am because i couldn't fall asleep @ 10pm. jeesh. wow.
good stuff though. nuts. now i have a headache (it's the nextg am)
I found the lemon lime version at my local dollar store, $1 a can. Bought just one to check it out but I think I'll go back and stock up.
This drink is pretty intense, a lot of energy with no crash, i'd be careful about drinking one with a hangover though, i did and the combination was a little uncomfortable, otherwise its great
this is indeed an epic drink... don't drink it on an empty stomach unless your experienced with caffeine or you'll be bouncing off walls.... i drank one about 2 hours ago and i still feel the kick... feels like a monsters trying to burst out of me... no after taste either like red bull or monster... its delicious...
IT HAS KICK! i just tried it and i cant stop my leg from shaking! Oh and IF YOU BUY THIS DRINK CHUG IT!
THEN you will know what "kick" is.
You are all going to die. Caffeine is one of the most carcinogenic (cancerous) substances out there. If you want that much caffeine go to Wal-mart and by a bottle of No-Doze for 3.00 you get like 200mg of caffeine per pill and 90-100 pills. Go Figure. You are wasting your money on Energy Drinks. And BTW D.A. All of the deadly ingredients in these drinks. And it could get you hyped up when you drink it but you feel LIKE SH*T after the fact. And If you drink them for extended periods and stop...Can we say ACUTE CAFFEINE WITHDRAWAL! You can be HOSPITALIZED for that!!! GET EDUCATED!! Especially the 13 year old! Your killing yourself!
My guitarist and I both decided not to drink at practice as it makes the 4 hours drag on, so we grabbed a couple of spike's a piece. All I can say is we were focused and energized to the point that we reviewed 3 sets of music. I can ASSURE you that at the gig this 26th, this is ALL I will drink. Bye bye monster.
Tried Spike today as an early morning wakeup.
Empty stomach, right outta' bed... bad move.
I was sweating profusely, dizzy, verge of vomiting, and one of the worst feelings ever, although it only lasted 2 hours cause I drank ginger ale and ate food extremely fast to balance my Ph before vomiting on everyone in the car with me.
Then again, this was on horrible conditions.
If you're gonna' drink Spike, definitley read the warnings and try the half can to determine tolerance... I wish I had.
Oh yea, 'Quila Lime sucks balls for taste.
u drak a spike shooter energy drink and to tell you the truth it did nothing for me... i felt fine after i drank it... and my friend chuged down 2 and was going crazy off them but idk maybe its just me but spike was not as bad as people are making it.
I tried (orange flavor)Spike yesterday afternoon before heading to the gym. I read the very detailed label and after being a bit taken back, drank half the can as instructed. I had the best workout ever! I felt great and still had energy for 7 hours later when I tried to lay down and go to sleep. I didn't take it on an empty stomach or 1st thing in the morning and it was great!
Okay, Spike isn't that great.. it probly has the best kick of any ive had, but i still havent found wired and havent tried redline(but i will tomorrow)
One of these drinks does nothing for me..but the other day i full on chugged 3 in 10 min. OMG!!!! i literally couldn't draw a straight line after, i was shaking ridiculously and thought i was gonna die. lol i felt really sick, but that might be cuz i was hungry...anyway, this stuff is nasty warm, and doesn't do anything by itself. I have never, and will never drink 3 in 10 min again though
didn't have the fruit punch one - i had two of the quila-lime ones. in the space of an hour. on an empty stomach.
bad idea, kids.
i would take maybe one of these in the future for the kick, but holyfuck, i was sick, twitching, had a headache... i had legit mood swings from it. and now i'm crashing. not bad, but normally i don't crash, so it sucks. overall i approve, i only feel shitty because of my own stupidity.
Ive tried this energy drink twice and i have had a fair bit of energy drinks....
This drink will kick you in the ass!!!! and i mean hard. it gave me such an energy boost that it is unbelievable. the only way you can understand is by trying it. but pay attention to the labels.
Ive tried it once in the afternoon after lunch and loved it had no problems at all. and i have also tried it right out of bed in the morning without eating and dont recommend that. If you eat and drink this drink the right way youll get the full effects with no crash and no problems (for most people if you can handle caffine)
To me so far no other energy drink compares.
Taste - 9.5
Kick - 10
Overall - 10
lmfaooo i love spike but it gave me a HUGE rush...
and my mom thought i was on aderol..
but yeah even right now as we speak im still on the spike boost.
THIS ENERGY DRINK IS INTENSE!!! honestly do not drink the whole can in less than a minute. I thought i was going to have a heart attack. i was not expecting such a huge effect. I can handle almost any other energy drink...but this one is really something. i was jittering for almost 4 hours. It was ridiculous!!!!!!! but it does taste good =]
3 hours of dancing non stop, lots of fun, I without a doubt give this drink a 10/10!
WOW, spike is like liquid crack!!!!!!!!!! I don't recommend drinking it on an empty stomach or at 9 at night. wow. I felt like I was on something it was crazy, I thought my friends were kidding about the effects but they weren't and I couldn't stop shaking.
Spike Energy Drink is one of the very best ever -take it from one who has tasted dozens of them over the years.
The taste is sublime & the energy real -not wimpy like Red Bull and some of the "health" drinks. Comes in two flavors - orange & the original flavor which is basically lemon. Orange beats all.
Whatever you do, don't confuse Spike Energy with its midget little brother- Spike Shooter -which has wannabe ephedra -namely that awful yohimbe-as its main ingredient. Stick with the large can -Spike Energy, and you'll be fine.
its also huge in annapolis, its funny cause i seemed to be the first one to notice the drink in my area. Then after that i started to see it spread across my county. I think its because the first time i ever had it, i saw the warning lable and had to drink two, one right after the other. And let me tell you "holy s&%t", during dinner my heart was racing intensely and at one time i had almost fanted. That night i had actually thrown up, but i think thats the reason why when ever i drink it i cant stand the taste ne more.
I love spike like mad and i thought it would be a laugh to inject it so i hooked up a bit of a random contraption which involved a free needle i managed to pick up from boots
PLEASE DO NOT TRY DOING THIS, i accidentily injected air into my blood and gave myself the bends i was in hospital for 8 months and almost died,
But i got a momentary kick from the spike shooter so i would rate it fairly highly.
But please do not inject energy drinks the doctor said it was one of the most ridiculous things he's ever seen a person do.
I've been working for SPIKE for 2 months now and I know it's the #1 Hardcore Energy Drink, it lives up to it's mottos "6 Times the Kick, 6 Times the Flavor!" and "Once You Take a Sip You'll Never Go Back!" It really sets the standard for other so called Hardcore Energy Drinks out there. We did a promotional sponsorship with Joe Gibbs NASCAR and Motocross teams in May, so you will be seeing a SPIKE Hardcore Energy car racing around the track as well as a fleet of Motocross bikes. Good stuff!! To the ones who want to get it online go straight to the source Biotest Laboratories that's the name of the company that makes SPIKE, as well as other fine training supplements.
I had one of these and it didnt do anything for me.. so a couple days later i bought 3 and downed em all in about 10 minutes.. I really do not reccomend this. I was shaking like crazy and i honestly couldn't draw a straight line. Ridiculous raise in energy and i never get a crash so i didnt have to worry about that. It lasted about 8-10 hours before i could tell it was gone though
spike is good
Spike is the best energy drink I have had,, tried many of them,, my workout increases tremendously..keep hydrated with water also but not waterlogged..no crash for me either..definatley a winner
spike is an amazing drink. my absolute favorite. I drink energy drinks all the time so I can handle the energy fine unlike some people who only drink them once in a while.
definetelly try it u'll love the taste just don't be stupid an have it on an empty stomach. Or try spike shotgun it's 16oz. of the same flavor just 350mg of caffeine.
Am I the only one who found the taste disgusting? I love diet drinks and all other energy drinks, but Spike made me gag even though I chugged it. I have a fairly high caffeine tolerance and one can of this made me dizzy, nauseous, and twitchy for like an hour. No one needs 300mg of caffeine in one sitting, and if you do then you should probably lay off energy drinks for a while.
I'm a monster drinker that got handed a spike today...compared to monster this is like liquid crack- i love it. lol
i drink a can almost every day. the lemon flavor is #1, orange #2, the original flavor i dont care for. that one seems to give me a head ache at the end of the day.
have 2 cups of coffee and one of these and im ready for the work day.
so i plow and shovel snow for work in the winter. i worked for a good 36 hours straight on this last storm. i didnt use the drink during the storm because i had not found this amazing drink unfortunately. but afterwards i slept for 12 hours and i was still exhausted so i drank a can and i felt so filled with energy. i think i may have a second one!! spike rocks!
let me tell you how amazing spike is! me and my friends take turns buys cases of this stuff! its by far the most effective and best tasting energy drink ive ever had! Spike blows every other energy drink outta the water hands down!
Yeah, probably not the best option for an energy drink. This stuff is unhealthy, and really? 25,000% of B-Vatimins? I doubt our body can take this large amount. Plus the 300mg of caffiene!? I prefer sticking to three cups of coffee for that amount of caffiene, plus its more organic...this stuff is nothing but artificial. The only time I see myself consuming this stuff, would probably be at a rave! since I had a bad experience with E at one point, this would be my other option ; p
OMFG! All you are right, but you don't even know the half of what makes this drink OVER THE F'N TOP. How many of you have read the ingredients and seen the last one listed under RDA section, Yohimbe HCL?
Do you know what yohimbe is? It's a herb, a very potent one at that! Great for MEN. How many of you guys drinking this are feeling more frisky, and able to go extra innings?
Yohimbe works like Viagra, but different, it increases sex drive and arousal. Personally, I can go once or twice a day, w/ Spike I'm hitting it 6-7 times a day and still feeling bulges coming on...
OMG! Spike, I love this stuff!
wtf is up with Anonymous postings?! Are you really that much of a coward that you just want to hate and not have someone call you out on your BS?! Listen, there is a WARNING on the can! No kidding you shouldn't drink too much of this, but realistically, I love this drink. It has energy and an enhanced benefit of increasing sex drive with yohimbe.
Next time you drink one, if you're a guy, go fire one off, and see how long it takes you to be able to chub up again...
As for the 12 y.o., that's a bs story. This will doubtful end you up in a hospital. Like Ecstasy, there should be no severe health reactions to this. IF you have PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS (LIKE E) you could end up in the hospital.
NOONE has ever died of MDMA (E), they've died of pre-existing conditions that they ignored. So, they've died of stupidity, and deserved the Darwin award!
If you like Spike, like I do, don't abuse it and be the next candidate for the Darwin Award!
HOLY SHIT, my buddy showed me one of these today and i chugged it and was up all night 10/10
My husband and I split a can of Spike today for the first time, we both drink Red Bulls a lot, and it is by far the best kick of an energy drink we have tasted and felt in a long time.
just drank one, and im freakin out. i drink redbull on a weekly basis, but this doesnt compare. im twitchy, its like 20 aderol, liquid form. pleaseeee drink half the can first.
i just drank one yesterday at like 6:50 and i am still shaky and sick to my stomach. i have to say i am never drinking one again..
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