Whey Up Tropical Citrus Protein Energy Drink Review

Cost: $2.99
Cost Per Ounce:$0.19
Active Ingredients:Caffeine, Taurine, B-Vitamins, Whey Protein (20 grams)
Taste Rating:9.0
Kick Rating:9.0
Final Judgment Rating:9.2
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Whey Up Tropical Citrus Protein Energy Drink Review
Well I reviewed the original Whey Up Energy Drink back in April 2007. I have to tell you I was pumped up when I originally heard about the concept of an energy drink with protein back then and to tell you the truth I still am. If you have not read past reviews and figured out that I enjoy going to the gym than I might as well tell you again - I am a borderline gym rat and the Whey Up Protein Energy Drink is just what I need. I want the added protein and the extra energy right before I hit the gym. Why? Two reasons. 1) If I get up at the crack of dawn I need energy before I lift. Since I usually don't eat before I lift in the morning this would be a perfect supplement for me, especially the added protein. 2) If I go after an 8-12 hour day of work, I need energy and the protein with naturally occurring amino acids helps. Alright, I will quit babbling on about the Whey UP Energy Drink and just get to the review.
Official Site: Whey Up Protein Energy Drink
Whey Up Tropical Citrus Protein Energy Drink Review: Taste
As I said above, the first Whey UP I reviewed back in April. This one was berry flavored. The taste was good but their was slight room for improvement (which I found out has been done, so check back for an updated review). The tropical citrus flavor however leaves little room for improvement in the taste category. Even with 20 grams of protein, the Tropical Citrus flavor is very well blended. There is no medicinal or protein aftertaste at all. I don't know if you have ever had a powdered protein shake, but you can really get a protein aftertaste from them. Again not the case with Tropical Citrus Whey Up. Besides the great taste, you get a 16 ounce drink with only 90 calories. This means that there is only 10 calories in the drink that do not directly come from protein. To sum up, few calories and no protein or medicinal aftertaste. I like it alot and want more. Taste Rating - 9.0
Whey Up Tropical Citrus Protein Energy Drink Review: Kick
The taste and calorie factors are great (so is the 20 grams of protein), but how does the kick factor hold up? Is it enough to get me through a grueling workout after 10 hours of work? Well the energy blend contains taurine, a bunch of b-vitamins and 150 milligrams of caffeine. So no, the drink is not over the top in the caffeine category like some, but in my opinion, it is just the right amount of energy blend and caffeine to get me through a grueling workout without the jitters or without cramping up. Remember, too much caffeine before or during a workout can lead to cramps and dehydration. So after 10 hours of work, I had more than a satisfactory workout thanks to Whey Up. Kick Rating - 9.0
Whey Up Tropical Citrus Protein Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
Summing up this beverage will be kind of tough since it has so much going for it, but I will give it a shot. It has a good taste, plenty of kick to get you through a grueling workout without cramps or worrying about dehydration, it has 20 grams of protein and there is only 90 calories in the entire 16 ounce bottle. Not only did it do the trick in the energy category, but it also seemed to curb my appetite before I worked out. Let me explain. Usually I have a protein shake and/or energy drink about an hour before I workout. The protein shake is usually 300 calories and the energy drink can run anywhere from 10 calories to 300 calories as well. So you are talking 310 to 600 calories consumed an hour before lifting. Kind of makes going to the gym almost pointless? So in case you can't tell by now, I am a pretty big fan of Whey Up. The functionality of combining protein and energy is great as are the results. Final Judgment - 9.2
Official Site: Whey Up Protein Energy Drink
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