Spike Shooter - An Energy Drink Gone too Far?

The Spike Shooter energy drink, made by Biotest Laboratories, has been banned from a local school in Colorado when several students got sick after drinking it. One was even diagnosed with a caffeine overdoes. Even 7-11 stores have pulled the Spike Shooter Energy drink off of shelves. Now was Spike Shooter banned (pulled) for a good reason? Are energy drinks going to far by putting in too much caffeine?
I finally got around to the Spike Shooter Review
Too Much Caffeine?
You might have heard of the Cocaine Energy Drink containing a lot of caffeine but Spike Shooter contains even more caffeine. Well the Cocaine Energy Drink has 280 milligrams of caffeine in 8.4 ounces, whereas the Spike Shooter Energy drink has 300 mgs in the same 8.4 ounces. Well 300 milligrams of caffeine is roughly equivalent to 3 cups of coffee in one 8.4 ounce can - so is that too much? If not where do we draw the line?
Well being a energy drink fanatic I love my caffeine and regularly consume energy drinks! However, I don't think adding more and more and even more caffeine is the best idea. I usually like strong energy drinks, but the more energy ingredients you add to the equation, usually the worse the drink tastes. I think there comes a time when enough is enough. I tried the Cocaine Energy Drink and I definitely noticed the overwhelming caffeine aftertaste. I have yet to try Spike Shooter, so I can not say if the caffeine will be too much, but with 20 mg more than the Cocaine Energy drink it just might be.
Buy Spike Shooter Here
Ban Spike Shooter or Put Age Limit on Purchasing Energy Drinks?
Basically it comes down to whether or not there should be an age limit when purchasing energy drinks. Personally I don't think Spike Shooter should be banned, but it might not be a bad idea to have an age limit on
Energy Drinks over a certain dose of caffeine. I am not a parent yet, but I definitely would not want to come home after a long day of work to have my 12 year old wired to the gills on 300 milligrams of caffeine. But then, would this ban then also apply to coffee places like Starbucks? Some Starbucks drinks have more caffeine than energy drinks? This could be a touchy subject, so what does everybody else think? I know I will eventually try and write up a review on it.
Buy Spike Shooter Here
Labels: Energy Drink News