New Liquid Cocaine Energy Drink
It’s all right, It’s all right, cocaine. When Clapton wrote those lyrics I highly doubt he figured that someone would make a liquid cocaine energy drink. Turns out Redux Beverages out of Las Vegas did just that. They made a liquid cocaine energy drink touting 350% more caffeine than Red Bull. With 280 miligrams of caffeine stuffed into 8.4 ounces this thing rivals one of the strongest energy drinks I have ever tried, Wired X-294. Wired has 294 miligrams of caffeine in 16 ounces, but this cocaine energy drink has 280 miligrams in 8.4 ounces. That is unreal and I can’t wait til I get my hands on one. Maybe the fellas at Redux Beverages would be kind enough to send me a sample so I can do a review on it!
Purchase the Cocaine Energy Drink Here
How will this cocaine energy drink taste you might ask? Well I have not tried it yet but it is supposed to taste like a "fruity atomic fireball" whatever that means. You might also be wondering if this cocaine energy drink gives you a throat-nummer? Well there is no real cocaine in there, but there is supposedly a throat numming ingredient. Redux Beverages did not say what this secret ingredient was but I would not be surprised if your throat became numb from the 280 miligrams.
Another plus to this cocaine energy drink is that it is supposed to give you a "High" followed by a state of Euphoria within five minutes of the drink. After the initial high you get a energy buzz that last for 5 to 6 hours. What happens after that you might ask? Is there a hard crash leaving you with a huge longing for more? Redux Beverages states that not only will you get 5-6 hours of extreme energy, you will experience no crash after the energy buzz wears off.
So did they make this drink better than the actual thing? Well I could not tell you but I am sure there will be some comparisons being made between the drink and the nose candy. I will stick to comparing it to the other energy drinks I have reviewed. Hopefully I will be able to review it sooner than later but as of right now this drink is currently only available in Los Angeles and New York. So I have not been able to buy cocaine energy drink yet!
Well check back later for updates and reviews concerning this controversial new cocaine in a can beverage!
The Cocaine Energy Drink Review is finally here!
Purchase the Cocaine Energy Drink Here
Labels: Cocaine Energy Drink