SK Energy Shot Review

So this new"ish" energy shot... ok not really new at all as it was introduced over a year ago in 2011. I have actually been meaning to review this ever since I heard that SK, formerly known as "Street King" energy shot was being pushed by none other than 50 Cent. Sounded logical, I mean 50 cent has had pretty good success with Vitamin Water so why not dive head first into the energy shot market??? But then how do you take on the market leader, 5-hour Energy? Well it seems that SK's approach was find a celebrity, add a touch of charity (1 energy shot = 1 meal for a hungry child) and then claim one more hour of energy (6 vs. 5). So how well has it done? To date it looks like they have given away 3.5 million meals through the The World Food Programme. It also looks like they are softening the name as well. SK sounds much better than Street King when you have a philanthropic note right on the top of your energy shot... Anyways, I am not really here to judge how their marketing or sales are going, really just here two give my 2 cents on Taste and Kick.
SK Energy Shot Review: TasteFirst off SK comes in two flavors Grape and Orange Mango, both of which come in a larger than industry average (2 ounce) 2.5 ounce a. Maybe that's where they get the extra hour of claimed energy??? Instead of doing two separate flavor/taste reviews like I have done in the past on the over 450 + reviews... I am just going to lump the two together in this one review. Grape... well, guess what it tastes like grape; albeit a watered down slightly powdery grape. You know sort of like when you drink a Gatorade, then you go to a race (e.g. 5k, 10k, marathon) and they give you that ready mix version. Sure it tastes like Gatorade, but it's watered down and has a slightly odd taste that is hard to describe. Anyways, SK Energy does a much better job on the Orange Mango flavor. Much more of a tropical blend that is less watered down medicinal tasting. So if you are going to give SK a try, I personally recommend the Orange Mango, but that's just my two cents. Taste Rating (combined Grape and Orange Mango) - 8.6
SK Energy Shot Review: KickSo almost 25% more shot than the Market Leader and you get one extra hour of claimed energy... not too bad considering they are roughly the same MSRP. But does it actually deliver... extra 0.5 ounces or not? Well the energy drink ingredients include the following; Malic Acid, Caffeine, Sodium Citrate and Citicoline for a total "Rebel Energy Blend" of 464 milligrams. Compare that to the market leaders non "rebel" energy blend of 1870 milligrams and you get... pretty much absolutely nothing as the energy blends are nothing alike. What is alike is that SK Energy seems to have taken the same stance as the market leader and states that the caffeine is comparable to a cup of premium coffee. So, how's the damn kick already??? Well to be honest I wasn't floored. It is not the strongest energy drink I have ever tried, nor is it the strongest energy shot. It does the job, but is pretty standard when it comes to energy shots. Kick Rating - 8.8
SK Energy Shot Review: Final JudgmentDecent taste, decent price and kick is decent. All in all a decent product. The 1 energy shot = 1 meal for a hungry child is a nice philanthropic touch too. It also doesn't seem readily available. I have been all over the Midwest and Nortwest US recently and have yet to bump into one. SK will definitely carve itself a nice little niche in the market, but I don't think it is superior to the current market leader. But that's just my two cents. Final Judgment - 8.7