VIV Energy Drink Review

Cost: Free Trial - $5.95 shipping
Cost Per Ounce:NA
Active Ingredients:Schizandra,
Taste Rating:8.3
Kick Rating:8.0
Final Judgment Rating:8.2
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
VIV Energy Drink Review:
Alright, so there are more and more types of Energy Drinks and Shots entering the market every day. Personally, I am a fan of the hardcore sugar free energy drinks and shots like 5-Hour Energy and Diet Turbo Tea. However, there are a growing number of people not only avoiding energy drinks, but caffeine in general. So every now and again I like to review caffeine free alternative energy boosters. For example, VIV Energy Drink is all natural and caffeine free and it contains anti-oxidants. Viv Energy drink, according to the company web Site, is also supposed to help increase metabolism, improve mental focus and help the body feel more refreshed. Well, I really have no need to increase my metabolism as I am fortunate enough to burn calories pretty quick, so I am just going to stick to reviewing the kick and taste of the Viv Energy Drink.
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VIV Energy Drink Review: Taste
First off, VIV comes in a nice handy ready to mix packet. So just add water. Personally, I have been seeing more and more of these ready to mix packets entering the market, and to me they are kind of handy. However, with VIV, I was a little apprehensive at first about the combination of being all natural, sugar free and coming in a packet as with my experience the taste is usually not the greatest. However, with VIV, it was actually very well received by this reviewer. The powder blended nicely and the distinct berry taste was pretty good. Since this is all natural and no artificial sweetners, I believe the berry taste was contrived from one of the main ingredients... the Goji berry, which is supposed to promote kidney and liver functions and plays a large part in the energy ingredients. Overall, very well received by this reviewer in the taste category for an all natural sugar free energy drink. Taste Rating - 8.3
VIV Energy Drink Review: Kick
So Viv was able to pull off a pretty good taste even with an all natural energy drink. But will they be able to provide this reviewer a good kick without the caffeine? Well, I was less than optimistic, as I have tried over 400 energy drinks to date, most of which have had caffeine (Some as much as 500 milligrams of caffeine) and caffeine is usually what gets me going. However, I was thoroughly surprised by the Viv energy drink. Now, it did not send me bouncing off the walls as if I had consumed a bunch of coffee or caffeine, but I did feel a nice boost in energy after leaving the gym. I would say it took about 30 minutes to kick in, but after that I was full of energy for several hours... and since it is sugar free, NO CRASH!! So I was a little confused as to how I could get a bunch of energy with out using caffeine, so upon further research it looks like Viv provides energy from the following forms: Schizandra, Rhodiola and Goji. So even after years of consuming normal and hardcore energy drinks, I still got a decent kick! Kick Rating - 8.0
VIV Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
A good taste and a nice all natural kick. Now, Viv may not be for me as I prefer a caffeine kick (even though it's probably not as healthy) but for those looking for an all natural, caffeine free kick at a pretty decent price than give it a try. I know that Viv is currently offering a 28 day free trial where all you have to pay is shipping and handling which equates to $5.95. So a month's enegy for $5.95 seems like a pretty decent deal.