Purple Drank Energy Drink Review

Cost: $6.00 (bought on ebay)
Cost Per Ounce:16 Ounces
Active Ingredients:Melatonin, Rose Hips, & Valerian Roo
Taste Rating:8.4
Kick Rating:0
Final Judgment Rating:NA
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Purple Drank Energy Drink Review:
I know what some of you are thinking... How is the Purple Drank Energy Drink even making it into a review on this site? It's basically the Anti-Energy Drink? Well we will just have to say curiosity got the best of this reviewer, so I had to try the Purple Drank Energy Drink (or should I say anti ED?) which I picked up on Ebay. For those of you not quite up on your slang, Purple Drank is a slang term for a drug popularized in the rap world with the main ingredient being prescription cough syrup (codeine). With a tagline like "slow your roll" Purple Drank seems to be going for the same effects, albeit it from a can and not containing any prescription based cough syrup ingredients. So it has been a busy Friday and a busy week, so let's see if this new Drank can help me relax.
Purple Drank Energy Drink Review: Taste
What does it the 16 ounce anti-energy drink taste like? Well the purple can pretty much gives away the flavoring. That's right, it is pretty much grape flavored with a hint of carbonation. Do you think the grape taste was inspired by the rap community as well? Either way the taste was a little bland, but overall it seems to have a relaxing quality to it and I haven't even finished it yet. Taste Rating - 8.4
Purple Drank Energy Drink Review: (ANTI) Kick
So obviously this section is going to be slightly different than the normal section... I.E. no kick factor here. Sop did Purple Drank slow my roll? Well the all natural herbs Melatonin, Rose Hips, & Valerian Root (which are supposed to mimic the effects of codeine & promethazine) did something to me. Kind of hard to describe since I never tried the real thing, but it did make me really, really relaxed. I don't know if all the the effects came from this drank or if some where from the long week or if I was having caffeine withdrawals from the absence of my normal energy drink. Not really 100% sure but it definitely did what it was supposed to.... Kick Rating - 0
Purple Drank Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
SO I would definitely have to say that this is an anti ED. It slowed me down quite a bit and was overall quite a unique review. I don't know if this is for me really as I liked to be wired. But hey it seems to be popular in larger markets which means it should be hitting suburbia within the next couple years :). Anyways the only place I found these online were on Ebay. So unless you live in a larger market like Houston, good luck finding one. Final Judgment - Not really sure how I would apply this...