Pit Bull Energy Drink Review

Cost: $1.79
Cost Per Ounce: $0.21
Active Ingredients: Caffeine, Guarana extract, Ginseng extract, B-Vitamins
Taste Rating: 7.9
Kick Rating: 8.2
Final Judgment Rating: 8.1
Energy Drink Ratings Explained
Pit Bull Energy Drink Review:
Although it seems that Pit Bull has been around for awhile I only recently heard about it. To me it sounded like a knock off of Red Bull, but then most energy drinks tend to be. The only way to see is to put this dog to the test. I am going to review the 8.4 ounce regular Pit Bull. This also comes in sugar free and in a 16 ounce version.
Pit Bull Energy Drink Review: Taste
At first I was expecting this to taste like Red Bull with a substantial medicinal aftertaste from all the energy ingredients. I was actually expecting even more of a medicinal aftertaste than Red Bull because there are even more energy ingredients in Pit Bull than Red Bull. Turns out I was quite wrong! This has a refreshing lemon lime flavor that tastes similar to Mountain Dew MDX. Combine this with the almost non existent medicinal aftertaste and Pit Bull gets a nice 7.9 for a taste rating.
Pit Bull Energy Drink Review: Kick
Tastes slightly better than Red Bull but does it have a good kick. Surprisingly again this drink tops industry leader Red Bull. I don’t know if it is the additional Guarana and Ginseng extract in here or what but this drink does give you a surprising kick! I would say the effects lasted a good three to four hours so this beverage will get a decent kick rating of 8.2, slightly better than Red Bull.
Pit Bull Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
It tastes slightly better than Red Bull, provides more of a kick and is cheaper. The only downfall to this product is that it is a little harder to come by. If it is in your area, I would consider it a nice alternative to Red Bull and I will give a final judgment of 8.1.
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