Energy Drink Advertising Opportunities
Energy Drink Ratings & Reviews Blog
Contact Me Here
Looking to promote your new Energy Drink? Why not promote it on a highly targeted site devoted to Energy Drinks where the users have one thing in common. They are looking for information on, or are looking to buy energy drinks! Give them the chance to buy or find out more information about your energy drink today with either Text, Banner, or Press Release advertising opportunities.
Users react different to advertising. Some are stimulated by images while others react better to text links. Doing both text and banner advertising on the Energy Drink Ratings Blog will help you reach a lot of the 45,000 + monthly visitors (120,000 + page views and growing). That's 1500 unique visitors per day that you can introduce your Energy Drink Line Up to!
Read on for further information!
Site Stats Monthly Average
1000 + Unique Daily Visitors
45,000 + Unique Monthly Visitors
500,000 + Unique Yearly Visitors
120,000 + Page Views Per Month
1.4 Million + Page Views a Year
And Still Growing!!!
Advertising Opportunities Available
Banner Advertising
Looking to gain more traffic and spread the word about your new energy drink? Banner advertising offers the greatest visibility on the Energy Drink Ratings Blog.
There are Currently 2 Banner Options to Choose From. The banner advertising options are in order of greatest visibility on the site:
1) Become a Site Sponsor – Advertise on the Top Right Hand Navigation with a 125(h) x 175(w) banner.
Example Ad:

2) Left Hand Placement – According to Eye Tracking Studies the left hand placement is the optimal place to advertise. Internet users read a Web Page from left to right just like they would read a book! Advertise with a 125(h) x 200(w) banner
Example Ad:

Text Links
1) Purchase a direct link to your site after your company's energy drink review for a one time fee of $40.00, it will not expire!. This link can be directed to your site or where you actually sell the product. So after a potential customer has read the review of your product give them a chance to either buy or find out more information directly from you! If your product has already been reviewed contact me for a link to your site! An example is listed below.
Check out the
On Page Example
Actual listing from above on page example:
Check them out at the Chaser Energy Drink Web Site, you won't be disappointed!
2) Multiple Text Links ($80.00) – Do you have more than one product? Add links to all the reviews of your products for an additional $80.00. Let potential customers know where to buy your product or direct them to your site for additional information!
3) Advertise on the Left Hand Navigation. Purchase a direct link to your site, or to a web page that sells your product. This link would be displayed on every page of the site (250 + pages). Links would be displayed on the left hand side navigation under the "Purchase Energy Drink" heading on the home page and all others. Character limit is roughly 40. Direct link price is a yearly fee of $150.00 and would promote your drink in front of the 600,000 plus page views a year!
Current Advertisers on the Left Hand Navigation:
Actual Example: Buy 5-Hour Energy
Actual Example: Distribute Phat Phruit!
Actual Example: Buy Hydrive Energy Drinks
Actual Example: Buy Roaring Lion Energy Drinks
Actual Example: Get Your Fixx Here
* If you purchase a text link it might be good idea to send them to a page on your site where they can actually buy the product.
** The left hand navigation text link will gain Your Site the Best visibility of the 3 text link advertising options**
Contact Me Here
Please contact me for any questions, clarifications or other advertising suggestions.
***Advertising or not advertising will not affect the review of your product. No special treatment is rewarded to those who advertise***